首先這三個都屬於Literary Device,專業書籍中對它的解釋是:「Literary Devices refers to the typical structures used by writers in their works to convey his or her messages in a simple manner to the readers. When employed properly, the different literary devices help readers to appreciate, interpret and analyze a literary work.」
簡單來說,就是寫文章的人為了讓讀者能夠更簡單準確地理解他的情感、觀點等信息 而採取的一些寫作手法,類似於中文的「修辭手法」。和中文相比英語中的Literacy Device的範圍比較廣泛,既包括咱們說的修辭手法Literary Techniques(排比、比喻、擬人這種技法型的)也包括Literary Elements,包括寫作結構、元素等(如繼續結構、人物、場景等)。總數有600多種。具體的信息大家可以參考專業網站 https://literarydevices.net。
說完Literary Device這個大概念,咱們再來說說Imagery, Metaphor, Simile 三個。
Metaphor和Simile是一組,他們都是比喻,是作者將為了讓讀者更形象地理解某個陌生概念或事物,就將新概念與一個讀者熟知的概念或事物做比較,強調的是兩個不同事物之前的相同點。Simile是「明喻」,metaphor是「暗喻」。Simile 明喻在表達時會有特別明顯的信號詞,比如「like」「as」。例如:John is as slow as a snail.
When the teacher entered the class, the 6th-grade students were fighting like cats and dogs.
- 文學作品:To the Lighthouse,By Virginia Woolf
「… impressions poured in upon her of those two men, and to follow her thought was like following a voice which speaks too quickly to be taken down by one』s pencil…」
這裡面的 「like following a voice …」 就是simile 明喻。本體是前面的「follow her thought」,喻體是「following a voice」。後半句話直接翻譯就是跟上她的思路就像跟上一個快到無法記錄下來的言談一樣。意思就是這個妹子的思維太敏捷、聽的人跟不上。
2. 議論文:Is Google Making Us Stupid, Nicholas Carr, the Atlantic
My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.
這裡面的「like a guy on a Jet Ski」 就是simile 明喻。本體是前面的「I」,喻體是「a guy on a Jet Ski」。這句話直接翻譯就是作者像一個騎在水上摩托的人那樣快速地在文字的表面上運動。意思就是在谷歌等高科技工具的影響下,他的閱讀行為變得非常淺顯。
例如:The assignment was a breeze. 這裡面的「assignment」作業是本體,」breeze」微風是喻體,微風和作業本來看似沒有關聯的兩個事物,但是他們都具有「輕」的特點。所以這個句子的意思是作業很簡單。
咱們來看一個名家作品中的例子:The Storm (By Kate Chopin)
「Her mouth was a fountain of delight. And when he possessed her, they seemed to swoon together at the very borderland of life』s mystery.」
這裡面的第一句就是一個metaphor,本體是mouth,喻體是」fountain of delight」。用來形容那種強烈的愉悅感。
例如:It was dark and dim in the forest.
「dark」 和「dim」雖然只是形容詞,但是卻在我們腦中塑造了一種黑暗、模糊不清的畫面。
咱們來看一個名家作品中的例子:Great Expectations (By Charles Dickens)
「It was a rimy morning, and very damp. I had seen the damp lying on the outside of my little window… Now, I saw the damp lying on the bare hedges and spare grass, …」
第一句中的「damp」 一詞生動地傳遞出了潮濕、黏膩的感覺。後一句的「the damp lying on …」則採用了擬人的手法,寫出潮濕得難以驅趕。這兩句通過誘發讀者觸覺來傳遞 喪的感受。
題主的問題涉及到了英語修辭的問題。(figures of speech)。
這兩個詞都是講比喻。一個是「暗喻」metaphor,另一個是「明喻」simile 。
所謂明喻,顧名思義,可以找到「比喻詞」的句子。如 as, as though, as if ,like 等等。
比如: Blood is thicker than water. 血濃於水。將「血」比作「水」,沒有用as ... as, as if 這樣表示比喻的詞,就是暗喻。
反之,就是明喻。 如: He speaks English as if he was a native speaker.
as bright as day 亮如白晝
as dark as 漆黑一片(黑德像瀝青)