There he halted his steps, blending his mind into the hazy mist, trying to find out where did the sound came from.Yet he was totally lost, for the source of delusion seemed to avoid his detection dynamically. Now he felt like a newborn baby abandoned on an unknown land, exploring the surroundings just to unveil how he could adapt to the sudden change following certain laws of nature, however unnaturally the revision has taken its place.
He murmured, repeating the last words he have heard from the apocalypse. You never know if you are still wandering in a new or old dream even if you just happen to wake up from the current one, leaving the memory blurred into the past, like how water drops sunk into the depth of flowing sands, silently. Hidden truth does exist somewhere else out of our awareness even though its physical form is temporally concealed from our sight. This is part of his faith, or philosophy learnt from his master, a famous but lonesome hermit living in Eth, an isolated aerial isle far north of the continent.
Shall he just pray so the path of verity would miraculously appear under his sore feet? Nay. The long journey had taught him so very much that he has got used to any failure set during his pilgrimage. You do not welcome the uninvited visit of storm with either unease or anxiety. A veteran usually keeps his mood untouched as still water so he could survive all sorts of trials for even the slightest volume of joy may or might lead him astray from the broad way leading to his destination. Thus temperance is labelled as the superlative essential virtue engraved in his own sutra, above other policies.
He could have waited for another thousand days till he figures out a way to carry on. There is no need to worry about for he does not even HAVE a thing to attach to his negative feelings. Here he shall just take the break, and find a comfortable way to live the novelty.