Macbook 在 Win10 下觸摸板怎麼樣才能更好用一些?除了Boot Camp面板里的設置
最近為了體驗win10。用Boot Camp分70G裝了win10,總體比較流暢。系統對高分屏支持有改善,但是系統內應用比如任務管理器就支持高分屏,但是資源管理器就不支持。
最彆扭的就要數觸摸板了,首先多指手勢一概消失,只有Boot Camp控制面板幾個選項而已,用起來十分不暢快。看到win10發布會上,有surface pro的多指手勢演示,為什麼我就找不到呢!還是別的win10PC都有,只有Mac沒有呀,這麼好用的硬體到了win10下有大把的潛力待發揮。 相信我不是一個人被困擾。\威鋒論壇也發了同樣的求助。目前還沒人回復Macbook 在win10下 觸摸板太難用了!大家有什麼好方法么。\
GitHub上有大神自製的驅動 完美解決win10下mac的觸控板問題 支持win10的高精密觸控板選項 親測有效
? On your Windows 10 install, search for 『cmd』
? Select Run as administrator』 - if you don』t do this (I.e. if you just select 『open』) then it』s going to look like you are getting an error in the next step.
? At the c: promt type in the following "bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON" and press enter (you need to do this to enable the installation of the unsigned drivers. If you dont do this step, even if you install the drivers as per the steps below, Windows 10 will default to the existing signed drivers which are Microsoft approved).? Re-start your computer. You MUST do this! If you try the steps below without restarting, its not going to work for you. Do not skip this step!).
? Download drivers zip file from
? Unzip the drivers and drag folder onto desktop. You must do this! If you try and install drivers from the zip folder it wont work (one of the files will open up as a text file and wont have any option to install it if trying to install from the zip folder without saving it to your computer).
? Install drivers as per this video:
? If the drivers are compatible with your computer, then right away the pinch to zoom gestures, 4 finger swiping between desktops, mission control will all start working straight away without the need to restart your computer. Enjoy!
? * If the install didnt work, then try a different driver release from . Put it this way, the most recent release of drivers (12 July 2018 / 1806 Interim Release / Drivers.2484) didnt work for my mid 2012 retina display macbook pro despite it being one of the supported models. I worked my way through the list of released drivers doing trial and error until i found a release that worked for me. In the end, it was the 28 Feb 2018 / 1802 Interim Release / Drivers.2357 that worked for me.
? Finally, once your drivers are working, search for cmd and at the c: prompt type "bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF" and then restart your computer.
If you have any questions, let me know and ill see if I can help!
※Win8 如何升級至 Win10 正式版?