前幾天在油管上認識了一個rapper. 人長這樣: 過了幾天聽了他的歌: 歌詞這樣: Nothing matters if you dont have your health 如果沒了健康什麼都不重要 All the money in the world doesnt help 世上所有的金錢也不容重要 The good might go to Heaven and the bad might go to Hell 好的人可能會去天堂, 壞的人可能會去地獄 But no one wants to leave here, you can tell 可沒人想離開這裡, 這你知道 And cancer touches everyone, its in our genetics 癌症存在於我們的基因中會觸及你與我 And our worlds become so toxic, its all carcinogenic 到處都是致癌物, 我們的世界如此醜惡 Weve polluted the water, the air; the food were ingesting 我們的水, 空氣, 和所吃的食物 Is full of hormones and poison, our populations infected 無一不充斥著毒藥與荷爾蒙, They sell us cigarettes and liquor, built a business on addictions 他們將煙, 將酒賣給我們, 將上癮變成了一門生意 Weve been paying them to kill ourselves, were dying to keep living 我們想活著卻傻傻的付著錢讓他們殺死我們 Its the system, its a prison, we keep trying to beat it 我們想打敗它, 可它已經侵蝕這個監獄般的系統中 We get cancer from keeping all of our demons a secret 我們的醜陋的惡習終究會使我們患染癌症 And our insurance dont cover the things we need to defeat it 而在那一刻我們的保險也幫不了我們什麼 And even if it does, then we might die from the treatment 就算它可以, 我們也可能因治療而死去 Our best defence is living like we do not know what cancer is 所以活著, 像我們從不知癌症為何 Fight it if you have it and pray that theres something after this 所以去搏鬥吧, 所以去祈禱吧, 但願人有來生 [Chorus]Dont give up, I know youre strong, show them all your fire 不要放棄, 我知道你堅強, 向它們綻放著你的生命之火 The days are hard, the nights are long 來日很難, 入夜很長 But you are a fighter, when its dire, you burn brighter in the dark 可你是個戰士, 他雖可怕可你卻會在黑暗中燃燒得更亮 Youre a survivor, when youre tired, you hold tighter, you have heart 你是個倖存者,當你疲倦時,你會更加堅強, 你知道你有一顆跳動的心臟 [Bridge]You wont know how to be brave 你不會永遠不知道何為勇氣 Till you choose to fight when youre afraid 除非你去放手一搏 And you cant experience strength 你永遠體驗不了力量 Till you struggle to carry the weight 除非你親自去承受 And you wont know why you have faith 你永遠不知為何你相信 Till you look the Devil in his face 除非你親眼看到惡魔 And you dont know what you can take 你永遠不知道你能承受什麼 Till you realize you didnt break 除非你意識到你不會碎 這個男的的頭髮染的五顏六色, 這個男的全身上下都是紋身, 他非主流, 他很醜, 可他卻不吸毒,不抽煙, 不喝酒, 他的歌詞里沒有宣傳吃喝嫖賭抽有的只是激勵你, 鼓勵你活下去. 有的只是激勵你, 鼓勵你活下去. Cancer?music.163.com 任何時候都不該以貌取人。我覺得每個人都有自己的優點,你要善於發現別人的優點去學習。容貌是父母給的,是天生的,會隨著時間消逝;而內在的東西是靠自己積累的,是後天的,會隨著時間歷久彌新。好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的靈魂萬一挑一。與其去看外在以貌取人,不如深入了解感受其內在。 在被征地的村莊里 任何時候都不能以貌取人。 只有狗眼才會看人低,我反正是人眼,也希望每個人都是人眼。 不好回答,那我就將就你問的這個問題來回答吧,當你覺得他對你有利益的時候,你還會對他的醜樣介意貌嗎? 以貌取人沒有意義。除非他是你想要交的朋友,那得要從他的言行舉止去觀察它的品質。 推薦閱讀:
Nothing matters if you dont have your health
All the money in the world doesnt help
The good might go to Heaven and the bad might go to Hell
好的人可能會去天堂, 壞的人可能會去地獄
But no one wants to leave here, you can tell
可沒人想離開這裡, 這你知道
And cancer touches everyone, its in our genetics
And our worlds become so toxic, its all carcinogenic
到處都是致癌物, 我們的世界如此醜惡
Weve polluted the water, the air; the food were ingesting
我們的水, 空氣, 和所吃的食物
Is full of hormones and poison, our populations infected
They sell us cigarettes and liquor, built a business on addictions
他們將煙, 將酒賣給我們, 將上癮變成了一門生意
Weve been paying them to kill ourselves, were dying to keep living
Its the system, its a prison, we keep trying to beat it
我們想打敗它, 可它已經侵蝕這個監獄般的系統中
We get cancer from keeping all of our demons a secret
And our insurance dont cover the things we need to defeat it
And even if it does, then we might die from the treatment
就算它可以, 我們也可能因治療而死去
Our best defence is living like we do not know what cancer is
所以活著, 像我們從不知癌症為何
Fight it if you have it and pray that theres something after this
所以去搏鬥吧, 所以去祈禱吧, 但願人有來生
[Chorus]Dont give up, I know youre strong, show them all your fire
不要放棄, 我知道你堅強, 向它們綻放著你的生命之火
The days are hard, the nights are long
來日很難, 入夜很長
But you are a fighter, when its dire, you burn brighter in the dark
可你是個戰士, 他雖可怕可你卻會在黑暗中燃燒得更亮
Youre a survivor, when youre tired, you hold tighter, you have heart
你是個倖存者,當你疲倦時,你會更加堅強, 你知道你有一顆跳動的心臟
[Bridge]You wont know how to be brave
Till you choose to fight when youre afraid
And you cant experience strength
Till you struggle to carry the weight
And you wont know why you have faith
Till you look the Devil in his face
And you dont know what you can take
Till you realize you didnt break
這個男的的頭髮染的五顏六色, 這個男的全身上下都是紋身, 他非主流, 他很醜,
可他卻不吸毒,不抽煙, 不喝酒,
有的只是激勵你, 鼓勵你活下去. 有的只是激勵你, 鼓勵你活下去.
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