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需要的,畢竟學術圈也是一個圈子。前兩天偶然獲得數學家 Rota 的兩篇小短文,講述了混跡數學界的一些經驗,並給予了一些忠告。在此發給大家,希望對大家有一定的啟發作用。
義大利裔的美籍數學家 Gian-Carlo Rota(1932 年 4 月 27 日 – 1999 年 4 月 18 日)是一位傑出的組合學家。他曾是研究泛函分析(Functional Analysis)出身,後來由於個人興趣的轉移,成為了一位研究組合數學(Combinatorial Mathematics)的學者。Rota 的職業生涯大部分都在麻省理工學院(MIT)度過,曾擔任 MIT 的數學教授與哲學教授。
從數學家族譜(Mathematics Genealogy Project)上面可以看到:Gian-Carlo Rota 的導師是 Jacob T. Schwartz,Rota 於 1956 年在耶魯大學獲得數學博士學位,其博士論文的題目是 Extension Theory of Differential Operators。
在 1997 年,Rota 發表了兩篇關於人生經驗和忠告的文章,分別是 「Ten Lessons I wish I Had Been Taught」 和 「Ten Lessons for the Survival of a Mathematics Department「。下面就來逐一分享這兩篇文章中的一些觀點。
(a)每次講座都應該只有一個重點。(Every lecture should make only one main point.)
Every lecture should state one main point and repeat it over and over, like a theme with variations. An audience is like a herd of cows, moving slowly in the direction they are being driven towards. If we make one point, we have a good chance that the audience will take the right direction; if we make several points, then the cows will scatter all over the field. The audience will lose interest and everyone will go back to the thoughts they interrupted in order to come to our lecture.
(b)不要超時。(Never run overtime.)
Running overtime is the one unforgivable error a lecturer can make. After fifty minutes (one micro-century as von Neumann used to say) everybody』s attention will turn elsewhere even if we are trying to prove the Riemann hypothesis. One minute overtime can destroy the best of lectures.
(c)提及聽眾的成果。(Relate to your audience.)
As you enter the lecture hall, try to spot someone in the audience with whose work you have some familiarity. Quickly rearrange your presentation so as to manage to mention some of that person』s work. In this way, you will guarantee that at least one person will follow with rapt attention, and you will make a friend to boot.
Everyone in the audience has come to listen to your lecture with the secret hope of hearing their work mentioned.
(d)給聽眾一些值得回憶的東西。(Give them something to take home.)
Most of the time they admit that they have forgotten the subject of the course and all the mathematics I thought I had taught them. However, they will gladly recall some joke, some anecdote, some quirk, some side remark, or some mistake I made.
(a)開講前保持黑板乾淨(Make sure the blackboard is spotless.)
By starting with a spotless blackboard you will subtly convey the impression that the lecture they are about to hear is equally spotless.
(b)從黑板的左上角開始書寫(Start writing on the top left-hand corner.)
What we write on the blackboard should correspond to what we want an attentive listener to take down in his notebook. It is preferable to write slowly and in a large handwriting, with no abbreviations.
When slides are used instead of the blackboard, the speaker should spend some time explaining each slide, preferably by adding sentences that are inessential, repetitive, or superfluous, so as to allow any member of the audience time to copy our slide. We all fall prey to the illusion that a listener will find the time to read the copy of the slides we hand them after the lecture. This is wishful thinking.
多次公布同樣的結果(Publish the Same Result Several Times)
The mathematical community is split into small groups, each one with its own customs, notation, and terminology. It may soon be indispensable to present the same result in several versions, each one accessible to a specific group; the price one might have to pay otherwise is to have our work rediscovered by someone who uses a different language and notation and who will rightly claim it as his own.
When we think of Hilbert, we think of a few of his great theorems, like his basis theorem. But Hilbert』s name is more often remembered for his work in number theory, his Zahlbericht, his book Foundations of Geometry, and for his text on integral equations.
每個數學家只有少數的招數(Every Mathematician Has Only a Few Tricks)
You admire Erdo?s』s contributions to mathematics as much as I do, and I felt annoyed when the older mathematician flatly and definitively stated that all of Erdo?s』s work could be 「reduced」 to a few tricks which Erdo?s repeatedly relied on in his proofs. What the number theorist did not realize is that other mathematicians, even the very best, also rely on a few tricks which they use over and over. But on reading the proofs of Hilbert』s striking and deep theorems in invariant theory, it was surprising to verify that Hilbert』s proofs relied on the same few tricks. Even Hilbert had only a few tricks!
There are two kinds of mistakes. There are fatal mistakes that destroy a theory, but there are also contingent ones, which are useful in testing the stability of a theory.
使用費曼的方法(Use the Feynman Method)
You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind, although by and large they will lay in a dormant state. Every time you hear or read a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps. Every once in a while there will be a hit, and people will say, 「How did he do it? He must be a genius!」
不要吝嗇你的讚美(Give Lavish Acknowledgments)
I have always felt miffed after reading a paper in which I felt I was not being given proper credit, and it is safe to conjecture that the same happens to everyone else.
If we wish our paper to be read, we had better provide our prospective readers with strong motivation to do so. A lengthy introduction, summarizing the history of the subject, giving everybody his due, and perhaps enticingly outlining the content of the paper in a discursive manner, will go some of the way towards getting us a couple of readers.
You must realize that after reaching a certain age you are no longer viewed as a person. You become an institution, and you are treated the way institutions are treated. You are expected to behave like a piece of period furniture, an architectural landmark, or an incunabulum.
不要在其他系講自己系同事的壞話(Never wash your dirty linen in public)
Departments of a university are like sovereign states: there is no such thing as charity towards one another.
Your letter will be viewed as evidence of disunity in the rank and file of mathematicians. Human nature being what it is, such a dean or provost is likely to remember an unsolicited letter at budget time, and not very kindly at that.
You are not alone in believing that your own field is better and more promising than those of your colleagues. We all believe the same about our own fields. But our beliefs cancel each other out. Better keep your mouth shut rather than make yourself obnoxious. And remember, when talking to outsiders, have nothing but praise for your colleagues in all fields, even for those in combinatorics. All public shows of disunity are ultimately harmful to the well-being of mathematics.
The grocery bill, a computer program, and class field theory are three instances of mathematics. Your opinion that some instances may be better than others is most effectively verbalized when you are asked to vote on a tenure decision. At other times, a careless statement of relative values is more likely to turn potential friends of mathematics into enemies of our field. Believe me, we are going to need all the friends we can get.
Mathematics is the greatest undertaking of mankind. All mathematicians know this. Yet many people do not share this view. Consequently, mathematics is not as self-supporting a profession in our society as the exercise of poetry was in medieval Ireland. Most of our income will have to come from teaching, and the more students we teach, the more of our friends we can appoint to our department. Those few colleagues who are successful at teaching undergraduate courses should earn our thanks as well as our respect. It is counterproductive to turn up our noses at those who bring home the dough.
When I was in graduate school, one of my teachers told me, 「When you write a research paper, you are afraid that your result might already be known; but when you write an expository paper, you discover that nothing is known.」
It is not enough for you (or anyone) to have a good product to sell; you must package it right and advertise it properly. Otherwise you will go out of business.
When an engineer knocks at your door with a mathematical question, you should not try to get rid of him or her as quickly as possible.
What the engineer wants is to be treated with respect and consideration, like the human being he is, and most of all to be listened to with rapt attention. If you do this, he will be likely to hit upon a clever new idea as he explains the problem to you, and you will get some of the credit.
Listening to engineers and other scientists is our duty. You may even learn some interesting new mathematics while doing so.
Grade school teachers, high school teachers, administrators and lobbyists are as much mathematicians as you or Hilbert. It is not up to us to make invidious distinctions. They contribute to the well-being of mathematics as much as or more than you or other mathematicians. They are right in feeling left out by snobbish research mathematicians who do not know on which side their bread is buttered. It is our best interest, as well as the interest of justice, to treat all who deal with mathematics in whatever way as equals. By being united we will increase the probability of our survival.
Flakiness is nowadays creeping into the sciences like a virus through a computer, and it may be the present threat to our civilization. Mathematics can save the world from the invasion of the flakes by unmasking them and by contributing some hard thinking. You and I know that mathematics is not and will never be flaky, by definition.
This is the biggest chance we have had in a long while to make a lasting contribution to the well-being of Science. Let us not botch it as we did with the few other chances we have had in the past.
Let me confess to you something I have told very few others (after all, this message will not get around much): I have written some of the papers I like the most while hiding in a closet. When the going gets rough, we have recourse to a way of salvation that is not available to ordinary mortals: we have that Mighty Fortress that is our Mathematics. This is what makes us mathematicians into very special people. The danger is envy from the rest of the world.
When you meet someone who does not know how to differentiate and integrate, be kind, gentle, understanding. Remember, there are lots of people like that out there, and if we are not careful, they will do away with us, as has happened many times before in history to other Very Special People.
By the way, 前任導師為了省錢從來不讓我們去開會。
第二,我想說的是做研究和社交不是一個先後關係。就跟事業和戀愛一樣,不必非事業有成了再去找對象,這本身是可以雙管齊下的,相互促進的關係。caltech經常會有social hour,下午四點大家科研累了就出來吐槽,交友。和系裡不同老師的學生、不同系的學生、以及部分年輕老師,都可以交流。這個過程也可能會產生新的idea,新的合作關係。
基於基本盤向外擴展,參加會議,尤其是國際會議是最主要的。我的體會是,What you present, no one cares,大家如果對你感興趣會去看你的文章。大部分的時間就是在嘮嗑或者找人嘮嗑的路上。嘮嗑的內容呢無非就是,充分表達對大牛工作的欣賞,了解行業內的動態,和同齡人建立聯繫和尋找可能的合作。
《生活大爆炸》劇照。圖源:Chad Orzel
英國牛津大學的人類學家與進化心理學家羅賓?鄧巴(Robin Dunbar,1947-)在1992年發表的一篇文章中曾提出一個著名論斷:人與人之間所能維持的穩定互動關係的規模是150人左右,這個數字被稱作鄧巴數(Dunbars number)。這個結論是鄧巴根據靈長類動物腦的大小與平均社會群體大小之間存在相關性推出來的,後來他從人類社會中的各種現存組織結構入手,證明這個數量規模在社會中具有普遍性。
燈塔模型圖中符號的意義分別是:ABC的面積就是一個人所積攢的社會資本總量,t線就是影響力線,當個人能力提升的時候,影響力線從t1向 t2上移,覆蓋的面積增大,意味著積攢的社會資本也越多。這張圖很好地揭示了提升個人成就對於影響力提升和社會資本積累的重要意義。另外,區域的社會平均水平線ST0也會影響個體積攢社會資本難易程度。在水平高的地方混出名堂不容易,原因就在於社會平均水平較高的緣故。
版權聲明:本文由科技工作者之家—科界App子欄目《返樸》原創,投稿/授權/合作,請聯繫 fanpu2019@outlook.com
現在公司的offer。在博三開會時,經老闆介紹認識了現在公司的CTO。後來多次開會遇見,都會閑聊幾句。在博後離職之前聯繫CTO,表達了想進工業界的意願。當時公司要招的是sales manager。和他還有老闆聊過之後,互換好感,然後拿到scientist的offer。
這三件事裡面,沒人問我爸是誰,家裡有沒有礦,是更純粹的關係更簡單的人脈。有備而來,多和人接觸,表達誠意,再加上一點點實力,至少在歐洲學術圈發展人脈並不難。博士相對閉塞,最重要的發展人脈的途徑就是參加會議,尤其是國際會議。自己的或者別人的presentation並沒那麼重要,有的人把這個看得太重,忽視了社交這一開會最有利的屬性。原來開導所里的智利同事,他一演講就緊張: What you present, no one cares。他後來果然就不緊張了。適當的respect開會學術上的內容,其他的時間就去找人嘮嗑吧!
※如何用 R 快速了解科研領域?※產業化系列F之卅一:再這麼玩下去,中國的科研就真沒戲了※郝春文:35年,將敦煌文書推向整個學術界
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