真實恐怖案件(5)—被禁閉在棺材裡七年的奴隸(Colleen Stan)



以下影片介紹《箱中女孩自述:我如何在被擄七年 後生存下來》:

The Girl in the Box Speaks: How I Survived Being Held Captive for 7 Years?



1977年,卡梅倫·胡克(Cameron Hooker)綁架了20歲的科琳·斯坦(Colleen Stan),將她囚禁在北加州的家中長達七年,讓她睡在與妻子珍妮絲.胡克(Janice Hooker)床底下的一個木箱里。起初,卡梅倫只是會短暫辭放科琳,毆打她和強逼她參與親密行為。科琳經歷長期的心理壓迫後,成為這對夫婦的保姆和性奴,直至1984年,科琳在珍妮絲的協助下得以逃脫。科琳回家後,仍非常害怕將她多年受虐和被襲的經歷報告執法部門。







警方中尉傑瑞。布朗(Jerry Brown)在新聞發布會上展示了在卡梅倫。胡克家中發現的頭部裝置。





3. 科琳一天23小時被囚在木箱里





科琳最初被囚禁在這對夫婦位於加州雷德布拉夫(Red Bluff)家中的地下室,在那裡遭受虐待和被逼參與親密行為。被綁架當晚,卡梅倫把她從地窖天花板吊起來,在珍妮絲的面前毆打她。然後,夫婦倆就在科琳被吊起處下方的桌子上發生性行為。





卡梅倫告訴科琳,如果她逃走了,一個名為「公司」的秘密組織會殺死她和她的家人,因此逃跑是毫無意義的。他聲稱「公司」是一國際犯罪組織,而他是成員之一,組織專門奴役女性,就像奴役她一樣;組織就像犯罪集團和老大哥(Big Brother,用語沿於1949年喬治.奧威爾的小說作品《一九八四》)的混合。科琳非常害怕這個虛構的犯罪組織,以致後來,即使她有機會離開這對夫婦的家,也因為太害怕而沒有逃走。











最終,珍妮絲意識到卡梅倫始終無法放棄殘忍和虐待的方式,於是她將事情告訴了她的牧師,牧師鼓勵她聯繫執法部門,事件因而被揭發。 1984年11月18日,即科琳逃走後數月,卡梅倫終於落網。







在1985年的審訊過程中,珍妮絲透露在科琳遭囚的前一年,即1976年1月31日,丈夫綁架了另一名19歲的年輕女子瑪麗·伊麗莎伯·斯潘納克(Marie Elizabeth Spannhake)。

另一可能受害者瑪麗·伊麗莎伯·斯潘納克(Marie Elizabeth Spannhake)。








自始科琳在1984年逃脫以來,多個電視節目、電影和研究討論了她的案例,包括電影《恐怖錄像帶》(Poughkeepsie Tapes,2007年偽紀錄片式恐怖電影)、《法律與秩序》(Law and Order,1990年開播的美國長壽電視劇),以及《心理追兇》(Criminal Minds,2005年開播的美國犯罪電視劇)。

All The Facts About The Girl In The Box, The Terrifying Case Of Colleen Stan

In 1977, Cameron Hooker seized 20-year-old Colleen Stan and held her prisoner in his Northern California home for seven years. He predominantly kept Stan in a wooden box underneath the bed he shared with his wife, Janice Hooker. Initially, Cameron only released Stan from her confinement to beat her and force her to engage in intimate relations. After extended psychological coercion, Stan became a live-in babysitter and sex slave for the couple. Stan was able to survive her horrific ordeal and escape in 1984 with the help of his wife. She returned to her family but was too terrified to report the years of abuse and assault to the police.

She became known as "the girl in the box," and her story shocked people around the world. The true details of what happened to Stan - and the crimes of her captors - appear almost like an urban legend.

1. She Was Kidnapped By A Couple When She Was Hitchhiking

On the morning of May 19, 1977, 20-year-old Colleen Stan decided to hitchhike from her home in Eugene, OR, to Northern California to attend a friends birthday party. She spent most of the day accepting rides from various strangers, slowly making her way to her destination, when a young couple - Cameron, 23, and his 19-year-old, wife, Janice - picked her up.

Stan had turned down a number of rides before getting into the couples blue van, largely because she believed the couple, who were traveling with their 8-month-old daughter, were less dangerous than some of the other people who offered her a lift. Just 30 minutes into the journey, the vehicle stopped in a remote area, and Cameron held a knife to Stans throat. He then forced a contraption on her head that was designed to isolate her from the outside world.

Cameron, who was a skilled carpenter, constructed the 20-pound wooden box so that it would fit snuggly on the head of the wearer. He also lined the contraption with soundproofing material, making it impossible for Stan to see and difficult for her to hear.

2. She Was Forced To Sleep In A Coffin-Like Box

The first night he held Stan, Cameron forced her to sleep in a wooden box he constructed to keep the young woman from escaping. The box had the dimensions of a crate, so Stan was unable to lie down. Instead, she involuntarily had to sleep sitting up inside the box, bound by chains.

Eventually, the couple moved from their house to a mobile home, so they didnt have a basement to keep their prisoner. Cameron constructed another box. Approximately the same size as a coffin, the new box allowed Stan to sleep lying down, and the couple placed this box underneath their waterbed. Despite the air holes in the boxs lid, it routinely reached over 100 degrees during the summer months inside the box.

3. She Was Confined To The Box For 23 Hours A Day

For the first few years of captivity, the Cameron and Janice only allowed Stan an hour or two each day outside the box, often just to clean the house or babysit their children. The couple had two young daughters, and neither of the girls realized their parents held Stan against her will. In fact, the couples daughters didnt even know Stan lived at their house, much less underneath their parents bed in a wooden box, because Cameron and Janice told them Stan went to her own home every night.

Stans extended confinement, coupled with the physical suffering her captor inflicted, left her with chronic medical problems, including severe back and shoulder damage.

4. She Was Repeatedly Assaulted

When Stan arrived at the Cameron and Janices home in Red Bluff, CA, they kept her in the basement where they physically harmed her and forced her to engage in intimate relations. On the night they kidnapped her, Cameron suspended Stan from the cellars ceiling and beat her while his wife, Janice, watched. Then, the couple had sex on a table underneath Stan, who was still hanging from the ceiling by her wrists.

During the time they held Stan captive in the Red Bluff house, the couple regularly whipped, beat, burned, and electrocuted her. They also stretched her on a rack. In addition to her making her suffer physically, the couple deprived Stan of food and engaged in ritualistic rape.

5. She Was Forced To Sign A Slave Contract

After Cameron held Stan captive for several months, he coerced her into signing a slave contract, which effectively forced Stan to give up her own free will and allow herself to be treated as the couples personal property.

Cameron also decreed that Stans new name was "Kay," not Colleen, and commanded she call him "Master" and Janice "Maam", as a subordinate to "The Company". This was an exercise that helped the couple dehumanize their captive even further.

She couldnt talk or move without permission, and she was expected to conform to Camerons graphic, erotic fantasies. "Kay" earned the ability to go upstairs after she signed the contract.

6. She Was Told A Secret Organization Was Watching Her

Cameron convinced Stan it would be pointless for her to try to escape because if she ever managed to break out of captivity, a secret organization called "The Company" would find her and kill her and her family. He also told Stan that he was a member of "The Company," an international criminal organization that enslaved women like herself.

Stan was so fearful of this fictional organization that even when she had the opportunity to escape from the couples home, she was too afraid to leave. "The Company" was a fictional organization somewhat like a cross between crime-mob slavery and Big Brother.

When Janice eventually revealed to Stan that "The Company" was not real, it was a mental breakthrough for the seven-year victim.

7. She Was Allowed To Visit Her Family - But Was So Brainwashed She Told Them She Was Fine

In March 1981, after more than three years of captivity, Cameron took Stan to Oregon to visit her parents. His threats of "The Company" frightened Stan to the extent she didnt tell her mother and father that she had been held captive and forced to sign a slave contract.

Instead, Stan introduced Cameron as her fiancé, never letting her family know he was holding her against her will. Her parents even took a picture of the "happy couple" to document being reunited with their daughter and meeting the man they thought she intended to marry.

Stans parents were concerned for their daughter, mainly because they thought she had joined a cult, but they werent aware of the years of abuse she had suffered.

8. She Escaped After 7 Years In Captivity

After being held captive for seven years, Stan finally felt it was safe for her to flee the couples home. Janice helped, in part, after she realized her husband was probably going to leave her for Stan. Janice revealed to Stan that Cameron wasnt a member of "The Company," the faux criminal slave organization he said was real. When Stan realized members of "The Company" wouldnt her hunt down and kill her and her parents if she left, the young woman escaped with Janices help and encouragement.

In 1984, Janice dropped Stan off at a bus station. The woman who had been kept as a slave for seven years called her father and got money to buy a ticket back to her home in Oregon. Stan also called Cameron to tell him she had escaped, and he reportedly cried when she told him shed left.

9.She Didnt Tell The Police About Her Ordeal Until Much Later

After Stan returned to her family in Oregon, she didnt tell anyone, including the police, about the years of horror she endured. Before she helped Stan escape, Janice made the young woman promise she wouldnt go to the authorities about the terrifying ordeal because she thought her husband might be able to reform himself through counseling and prayer.

Eventually, Janice realized Cameron was unable to give up his sadistic and cruel ways, so she told her pastor about what happened. Her pastor encouraged her to contact law enforcement. On November 18, 1984, months after Stans escape from captivity, authorities arrested Cameron.

10. Janice Was Not Charged For Her Crimes

Janice alleges that shortly after she met Cameron, he routinely hurt her. Brainwashed, Janice agreed to let her husband kidnap a woman to keep as a sex slave. Janice maintains she allowed her husband to capture and physically harm Stan because it meant Cameron would no longer subject her to horrific beatings.

Even though Janice helped her husband capture Stan and keep her prisoner for seven years, she wasnt charged with a crime. While Cameron was tried and convicted of several counts of kidnapping and sexual assault, the courts granted Janice full immunity because she agreed to testify against him. Prosecutors believed Cameron mentally and physically abused Janice, making it nearly impossible for her to have defied her husband and stop the horrors he made Stan endure.

Janice, like Stan, has changed her name and continues to live in California.

11. She May Not Have Been Camerons First Sex Slave

During Camerons 1985 trial for capturing and abusing Stan, Janice revealed her husband captured another young woman, 19-year-old Marie Elizabeth Spannhake, on January 31, 1976. A year before they offered a ride to Stan, the couple picked up Spannhake when she was hitchhiking in Chico, CA.

According to Janice, they took the young woman to their home in Red Bluff, and Cameron physically harmed and eventually murdered Spannhake. Spannhakes body has never been found, and authorities were not able to find enough evidence to prosecute Cameron for Spannhakes death.

12. Cameron Will Be Up For Parole In 2030

Despite being convicted of multiple counts of kidnapping and assault in 1985 and sentenced to more than 100 years in prison for his crimes, Cameron was given a parole hearing in 2015. The state of California has a parole program for elderly inmates that allows prisoners over the age of 60 to request parole after they serve 25 years of their sentences.

However, the parole board denied Camerons request, and he will not be eligible for another hearing until the year 2030 when he will be 76.

13. She Changed her Name And Now Helps Other Women Recovering From Trauma

Stan, who is living under a new name, was relieved to learn her captor of seven years would not be released from prison. Stan received intensive therapy after she escaped from Cameron and Janices home.

She also she went on to earn an accounting degree, get married, become a mother and a grandmother, and provide help and support to other women who have been victims of abuse.

14. Stans Case Of Stockholm Syndrome Has Fueled Pop Culture Crime Stories

The public eye and even pop culture have scrutinized Stans severe case of Stockholm syndrome. Victims may develop empathy for captors as a psychological survival instinct. In Stans case, she accepted the conspiracy Cameron used to coerce her into slavery and extended imprisonment. Over the years of captivity, Stans trauma did not permit her to act against Cameron. Ultimately, Janice notified authorities about Stans years of abuse.

Multiple television shows, movies, and other studies have been done since Stans escape in 1984, including the main plot of The Poughkeepsie Tapes as well as multiple episodes of Law and Order and Criminal Minds.

Picture: Police Lt. Jerry Brown shows a head-restraining device found in Cameron Hookers home during a news conference.

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