A Mongolian couple have died of the bubonic plague after eating raw marmot kidney, triggering a quarantine that left tourists stranded in a remote region for days.
一對蒙古夫婦在食用生土撥鼠腎臟後死於瘟疫,引發隔離,導致遊客滯留在偏遠地區數天。The ethnic Kazakh couple died on 1 May in Mongolia』s westernmost province of Bayan-Ulgii, which borders Russia and China.這對哈薩克族夫婦於5月1日在蒙古最西部的巴彥烏勒蓋省(Bayan-Ulgii)死亡,該省與俄羅斯和中國接壤。
A six-day quarantine was declared in the region, preventing nine tourists from Russia, Germany and Switzerland from leaving.該地區宣布隔離六天,阻止了來自俄羅斯,德國和瑞士的九名遊客離開。Sebastian Pique, 24, an American Peace Corps volunteer who has lived in the region for two years, said he and the tourists were invited to the local governors office on Friday to be informed about the situation.24歲的塞巴斯蒂安·皮克是一名美國和平隊志願者,他在該地區生活了兩年,他說,周五他和這些遊客被邀請到當地的管理者辦公室了解情況。
「After the quarantine [was announced], not many people – even locals – were in the streets for fear of catching the disease,」 he said.「隔離檢疫宣布後,並沒有多少人甚至是當地人走上街頭 ,因為害怕感染這種疾病。」他說。The quarantine was expected to be lifted on Monday after no other cases of the plague were reported.在沒有其他瘟疫病例報告後,預計隔離區將於周一取消。Authorities have warned people against eating raw marmot meat because it can carry Yersinia pestis, the plague germ. Some people ignore the warnings as they believe that consuming the innards of the large rodent is good for their health.
當局已經警告人們不要吃生的土撥鼠肉,因為它可以攜帶耶爾森氏桿菌——鼠疫的致病菌。有些人忽視這些警告,因為他們認為食用大型嚙齒動物的內臟有益於他們的健康。Each year in Mongolia at least one person dies of the plague, mostly due to consuming such meat, according to the US National Center for Zoonotic Disease.根據美國國家人畜共患病中心的數據,蒙古每年至少有一人死於鼠疫,主要原因是食用此類肉類。The Black Death wiped out millions of people in the Middle Ages but cases are now very rare. Its most common form is bubonic, which is spread by fleas and causes swelling of the lymph node. The more virulent form is pneumonic plague, which can be transmitted between humans through coughing.黑死病在中世紀消滅了數百萬人,但現在非常罕見。其最常見的形式是腺鼠疫,其通過跳蚤傳播並導致淋巴結腫脹。更具毒性的形式是肺鼠疫,它可以通過咳嗽在人體之間傳播。
【生詞】- raw adj.(食物)生的,未經烹調的,沒煮的;原料未經加工的,自然狀態的;(信息)沒有經過處理的,未經分析的,原始的
- quarantine n.&v. 隔離檢疫期;隔離(動物或人)
- stranded adj.(因缺乏交通工具、金錢等)滯留的,被困住的
- remote adj.遠的;遙遠的;久遠的;關係疏遠的
- ethnic adj.民族的;種族的;異族的;具有民族特色的;異國風味的;
- declare v.宣布;聲明;公布;申報(納稅)
- wipe out = to destroy something completely