
一個婦科腫瘤醫生或一個腸科腫瘤醫生如果不知道POLE引發的超突變體(hypermutator/ultramutator), 在我眼裡是可恥的, 說明這樣的醫生根本就沒有讀過子宮內膜癌和腸癌的TCGA文章, 自然也不懂得使用測序來輔助精準治療。


現在還沒有,因為中國的癌症臨床行醫指南至少落後美國的NCCN指南一到兩年的時間。美國的2019NCCN指南雖然有MSI-H可以使用PD1抗體, 現在也沒有加入POLE超突變體可以使用PD1 抗體,因為還沒有招募到足夠數目的病人進行臨床試驗。 所以我經常覺得美國的指南有時候也很落後。


高腫瘤負荷TMB, 微衛星不穩定MSI-H為什麼使用PD1抗體效果好?


MSI-H的TMB範圍是多少? 20-100

超突變體的TMB範圍是多少? 200-1000

任何一個智商正常的人都能預測PD1抗體治療超突變體的效果絕對比MSI-H更好, 就像PD-1抗體治療MSI-H的病人效果比MSS的病人好一樣。


先看美國紐約的MSKCC, 2016年的JCO文章裡面對於腸癌超突變體病人的描述.

說明一下,上次來我們醫院介紹MSKCC使用測序輔助腸癌精準治療的就是作者名單第二行第一個的Rona Yager.


總共發現3個超突變體腸癌患者,全部都是POLE P286R 驅動:


這個國內的超突變體腸癌患者也獲得3個KRAS突變,還好都是良性的, 但是放任不管就會繼續進化, 注意他們的TMB分別是158, 250, 316。

但是免疫細胞侵潤腫瘤的情況差別很大, 一個是強陽性,一個是弱陽性,一個是陰性, 這對PD1抗體的治療有很大影響。 所以我告訴患者需要儘快做組織的PD-L1免疫組化染色,如果是陽性,應該立即使用PD-1抗體進行維持治療, 免得癌細胞進化成超級癌細胞。這是MSKCC的常規操作。


標題說得很清楚,POLE P286R驅動的腸癌應該使用PD1抗體免疫治療。


可以發現POLE P286R病人的突變是普通腸癌病人突變的10-100倍。

另外韓國這篇文章提到POLE P286R腸癌病人有4個特點,往往是低於40歲,男性,左側,腺癌:

而這個中國的病人全部符合, 低於40歲,男性,左側,腺癌。


Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Jan; 144(1): 146–152.

Polymerase ε (POLE) ultra-mutation in uterine tumors correlates with T lymphocyte infiltration and increased resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy in vitro

使用PD1抗體治療超突變體效果良好有諸多報道,我列出幾例, 主要是子宮內膜癌,因為超突變體在子宮內膜癌的出現頻率最高:

Regression of chemotherapy-resistant Polymerase ε (POLE) ultra-mutated and MSH6 hyper-mutated endometrial tumors with nivolumab



The management of endometrial carcinoma no longer amenable to treatment with surgery or radiation has not improved significantly with modern chemotherapy. Alternative therapeutic options are desperately needed.

Experimental Design

We describe 2 heavily pretreated patients with recurrent disease refractory to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy treated with the anti-PD1 immune check-point inhibitor nivolumab.


Patient # 1 harbored an ultra-mutated (Mutation Load/MB = 117.3, total mutations = 4660) tumor driven by mutation in the exonuclease domain of the DNA polymerase ε gene. Patient # 2 harbored a hyper-mutated tumor (Mutation Load/MB = 33.5, total mutations = 1037) due to a germinal MSH6 gene mutation. Both patients demonstrated a remarkable clinical response to the anti-PD1 immune check-point inhibitor nivolumab. Patients』 clinical responses remain unchanged at the time of the writing of this report with no grade 3 or higher side-effects reported to date.


Oncologist. 2018 May;23(5):518-523.

Tumor Mutational Burden Guides Therapy in a Treatment Refractory POLE-Mutant Uterine Carcinosarcoma.

Bhangoo MS1, Boasberg P2, Mehta P3, Elvin JA4, Ali SM4, Wu W5, Klempner SJ6,7.

Author information


Gynecologic carcinosarcomas, previously known as malignant mixed Müllerian tumors, are uncommon malignancies that demonstrate an aggressive biology and lack a standard therapeutic approach. Molecular analyses have revealed recurrent alterations in chromatin remodeling genes, but clinical support for therapeutic significance is lacking. We prospectively identified a patient with refractory uterine carcinosarcoma whose tumor was subject to molecular profiling at diagnosis and again at radiographic progression. Initial molecular testing did not assess tumor mutational burden, DNA polymerase ? (POLE), or microsatellite status. After the failure of several lines of chemotherapy, comprehensive genomic profiling of a repeat biopsy identified two missense mutations of the exonuclease domain of POLE(P286R and T323A). Tumor mutational burden was elevated (169 mutations per DNA megabase), consistent with an ultramutator phenotype. As seen in previously reported POLE-endometrioid cases, our patient harbored alterations in PIK3CA, ARID1A, and PTEN and was microsatellite stable, with appreciable tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. She achieved an ongoing durable response with pembrolizumab. This is the first report of programmed cell death protein 1 response in uterine carcinosarcoma.

這個子宮腺肉瘤病人有兩個POLE突變,P286R是驅動突變,T323A無關緊要, 多種化療無效,但是PD1抗體有效。

補充一下,關於使用PD1抗體治療超突變體腸癌,可以參考MSKCC的Rona Yaeger醫生今年發表的Cancer Cell文章:

Clinical sequencing defines the genomic landscape of metastatic colorectal cancer

Rona Yaeger, Walid K. Chatila, Marla D. Lipsyc, Jaclyn F. Hechtman, Andrea Cercek, Francisco Sanchez-Vega, Gowtham Jayakumaran, Sumit Middha, Ahmet Zehir, Mark T.A. Donoghue, Daoqi You, Agnes Viale, Nancy Kemeny, Neil H. Segal, Zsofia K. Stadler, Anna M. Varghese, Ritika Kundra, Jianjiong Gao, Aijazuddin Syed, David M. Hyman, Efsevia Vakiani, Neal Rosen, Barry S. Taylor, Marc Ladanyi, Michael F. Berger, David B. Solit, Jinru Shia, Leonard Saltz, Nikolaus Schultz

Cancer Cell. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 Jan 8.

說來說去就一件事,對於POLE超突變體病人,第一方案就是PD1抗體,是的,這沒有寫進中國的行醫指南,也沒有寫進美國的NCCN指南。 但是對於任何一個對癌症免疫治療具有基本常識的腫瘤科醫生,都能判斷PD1抗體是治療超突變體癌症病人的最佳方案。






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