John Bosserman-給年輕INFJ的建議

My psychologist identified me as leaning INFJ about 20 years ago but I didnt give it much thought then. Ive been a "woke" INFJ for ten years as a result of rediscovering the MBTI concept during a difficult time. I wish I hadnt waited so long as the insights Ive gained about my own personality and those close to me would have saved a lot of heartache and anguish
Heres what Ive learned about myself through the years that Im reasonably sure apply to many other INFJs.
You have unique insights. They are real. The unusual internal wiring that makes you an INFJ lets you connect the dots easier. And you see more dots. Some people dont see any dots or recognize patterns and are more than happy to point out the "error" of your observations. So be it. Youre job is to figure out what "feels" right and should be pursued, what can be put on the back burner awaiting more information, and what can be dumped because after thinking about it you realize your conclusions were probably wrong. It happens.
You will be lonely. INFJs can be unconventional because we act on information most others dont have. We usually have a broad range of knowledge and can come across as "know-it-alls." We can sometimes alarm people with our passion. We can start feeling down because we dont understand how people can be so cruel to one another. Or so stupid. Our faith in humanity can swing wildly from hour to hour. We can do the crowd thing for awhile and need to leave. We usually hate small talk on the phone and are often the worst party planners in the world.
We drive ourselves and others to "get things right" and to give a damn about something besides the most trivial things in life. We are usually disappointed--in others and ourselves. Its not that people dont like being around us, its that we usually think people dont WANT to be around us. So we hunker down and keep to ourselves.
Thats what can make relationships difficult sometimes. You will need to tap into the best part of being an INFJ, helping people, to keep you from being lonely. I volunteer at a homeless center. Im active in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. I write answers on Quora!
You will be able to do a lot of stuff. Some of it well. Most people will be surprised. Most INFJs I know are curious, versatile people. For example, Ive written two novels, one has been self-published. I play jazz piano and can also play the tuba. Im conversational in Spanish and know some Swedish. I can hold up my end of a conversation ranging from cosmology to dog grooming. I can talk Southern Country Gospel with a homeless man and discuss the latest power adders for high performance race cars with the editor of a national racing magazine. I did both last week. I sail the Great Lakes in my own boat. I like to cook. I have restored or built six houses. I can plumb bathrooms from scratch, do basic electrical work and restore old wood moulding. I have a four-year certificate in theology. I can paint and draw.
At this point you probably think Im quite the braggart. Thats not why Im listing these abilities. The reason is that I can do NONE of these things proficiently. Except sailing--Im a very good sailor! I suspect that most INFJs who have been around for several decades can make a similar list. Our curiosity and drive to know how something works can lead us to some amazing discoveries and bring us into contact with some fascinating people. Freeing yourself to explore and to try new things without having the burden of having to perform in public or to even be terribly proficient at any of them can lead us to a very interesting life!
You will second guess yourself. Constantly. You are your own worst critic. If youve ever had second thoughts about how you came across after submitting a report or talking to someone about something important, remember:
Your second guesses are usually wrong. Trust your intuition!
You may struggle in relationships. INFJs are not easy people to be around sometimes. We can be quirky, sometimes anti-social and have a tendency to tell folks how to build a clock when they ask for the time. We can fret constantly about the state of humanity, when your partner just wants to have a hamburger and talk about movies. The saving grace is that we love hard! When weve found someone we can be ourselves with, someone who accepts us, if not understands us, were there for the long-haul. The people in your life who get that will adore you!
Finally, strive to know yourself better. Dont take yourself too seriously. Dont forget to have fun. Dont worry so much about what other people may be thinking about you---chances are they arent thinking anything! And above all, be kind to yourself!