




比如:Tourists have chance to experience a completely different culture.旅遊者有機會體驗一種完全不同的文化。


比如:Foreign products, from meat to machinery, play a more important role in almost every economy in the world, and foreign markets now tempt businesses that never much worried about sales beyond their nations borders.(劍 6 Test 1 Passage 2)


a. Foreign products, from meat to machinery, play a more important role in almost every economy in the world.

  這句話主語是Foreign products,謂語是play,賓語是a role,第一個in引導的介詞短語作狀語,第二個in引導的介詞短語作定語修飾economy,from meat to machinery是插入語。

b. And foreign markets now tempt businesses that never much worried about sales beyond their nations borders.

And並列連接詞,主語是foreign markets,謂語是tempt,賓語是businesses,that引導的定語從句修飾businesses。


比如:(1) That 引導主語從句,在主語從句中不做成分

That everyone may receive at least a moderate education is significant.

That education plays a vital role in all walks of life is clear

That advertisements are predominant in our day-to-day lives is obvious

(2)Whether 引導主語從句,在主語從句中做狀語。

Whether you can succeed in making your dream come true depends on hard work more than lick.

Whether technology is a blessing or a curse is discussed heatedly by people

Whether computers can replace the role of teachers has long been a hot topic

(3)Whoever 引導主語從句,在主語從句中做主語。

Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take many small steps

Whoever dares wins .

Whoever seeks obtains.

Whoever suffers gets.

(4)Which 引導主語從句,在主語從句中做定語

Which way you turn is up to you

Which book you read is your decision

(5)What 引導主語從句,在主語從句中做主語,賓語。

Whats done cant be undone .

What we do willingly is easy.

(6) Whatever 引導主語從句,在主語從句中做主語,賓語

Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our wisdom and power.

Whatever you love and trust in this world loves you in return.

(7)Where 引導主語從句,在主語從句中做狀語。

Where we love is home

(8)How 引導主語從句,在主語從句中做狀語。

How you think and act will influence your life .

(9) when引導主語從句,在主語從句中做狀語。

When the sun is dining is the best time to repair the roof .

When you can make it depends on your efforts.

(10)Why 引導主語從句,在主語從句中做狀語。

Why so many people prefer to live in the city beyond me .

Why dinosaurs became extinct has long been a mystery to scientists and researchers.第二,清楚句子變長的原因。


There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.

分析有插入語(however)的長難句時,我們首先把插入語去掉或提前。然後我們可以看出句子真正的主幹部分,是在no doubt後連接的從句中,而這個從句中有一個同學們在讀文章時不易識別的結構:強調句(it is … that), 看出這個,那麼這句話的主幹就不難找出了,是the increasing number of applicants has led to the importance of the curriculum vitae, 即不斷增加的申請人數使簡歷變得重要。看完主幹後,緊接著看剩下的短語,我們看到applicants後面緊跟著with university education, 限定了applicants的條件,即具有大學學歷的申請者,再加上一個狀語的限制in the process of engaging staff, 即在員工錄入的過程中,通過這樣一系列的步驟後,整句話的意思就很清晰了。




Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, only recently has literature focused on the role of a father.

結構分析:第二個分句由於把only放在句首以強調recently,所以使用了倒裝語序。主句的正常語序應為literature has only recently focused on the role of a father.


Similarly, noise did not affect a subjects ability to track a movie line with a steering wheel, but it did interfere with the subjects ability to repeat numbers while tracking (Frankel and Glass,1970). (C7T4P3)

這裡的第二個did放在 interfere這個謂語動詞的前面,起到強調的作用,do可以有時態的變化。表示強調的方法有很多,除了do之外,我們還可以藉助一些副詞,形容詞, 反身代詞, 如really, very, myself, extremely,片語in no way, by no means。



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