Varnish 原理及使用介紹
Varnish 介紹
什麼是 Varnish , 和通常的緩存加速工具有何不同,在 Varnish 文檔中有如下描述:
1. Varnish is a reverse HTTP proxy, sometimes referred to as a HTTP accelerator or a web accelerator.
2. Varnish stores files or fragments of files in memory, allowing them to be served quickly.
3. Varnish is essentially a key/value store, that usually uses the URL as a key.
4. Varnish is designed for modern hardware, modern operating systems and modern work loads.
下面從 Varnish 的工作流程以及取數據流程兩個方面對 Varnish 的總體工作機制進行介紹。
Varnish 主要有兩個進程,下面是 Varnish 的基本進程結構