Type 3 1 5 8 INTJs
Type 3 INTJs
intj-paradigm:Most Common: 5w6, 5w4, 6w5Less Common: 1w9, 3w4, 8w7*This is a bit longer than the others. It has been found that Type 3 is the most positively correlated to Jungian intuition, and that Thinkers of this enneagram tend to mistype as 5, therefore appropriate to elaborate on.Type 3: The core desire of this type is to achieve, the core fear is of being worthless. The self worth of a 3 is directly associated with their achievements or lack thereof, as a result, the typical 3 is unfathomably ambitious.
3s are hyper aware of their image. They aim to seize control over and mold it as they see fit. To a 3, the purpose of life is not to understand oneself or to even find oneself, the purpose of life is to create oneself. Their insatiable hunger for achievement drives them to progress and master skills at a near constant rate and they accept nothing short of perfection in their work.Naturally, they are at risk of workaholism, and are one of the types most likely to work themselves into illness. They have the capacity to reach levels of vanity that border on narcissism, they are gifted in games of deceit, and may very well sacrifice their personal lives for professional gratification.3w4 - The Professional
The 4 wing also however, makes them emotionally vulnerable. They are liable to violently swing between the highs of narcissism and lows of self loathing, due to their sense of self worth being so intensely tied to what they achieve or fail to achieve. The ideal is a balance between unwavering self belief and humility.
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- 3 years ago
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Type 1 INTJs
intj-paradigm:intj-paradigm:Most Common: 5w6, 5w4, 6w5Less Common: 1w9, 3w4, 8w7Type 1: The core desire of this type is perfection. The core fear is corruption. There is a fixation with right action and ethics, the nature of which varies with the wing.1w2 individuals focus on making morally correct decisions. 1w9 individuals focus on making logically correct decisions. Both view themselves as operating in the realm of right and wrong, the difference is that the 1w9 orients himself through reason, rather than static principles that go unquestioned.
As a result, 1w9 individuals have the potential to be reformers. If we examine Martin Luther (INTJ) he existed during a time of religious corruption in which the Church handed out unethical decrees at a frequent rate. This generally went unquestioned until Luther became active. He waged war on the Church (so to speak,) overthrew their values, and spearheaded what would later become known as the Protestant Reformation.To be perfect is to live in line with one』s ethics, to be corrupt is stray or be forced to stray. The 1w9 is especially concerned with the outer world, and as a result, will strive to manifest their ideals and actively fight whatever contradicts their ideals.1w9 - The Idealist
(Martin Luther - Theologian, Friar, Professor)
INTJs of this type will emphasize their Fi more than usual. They direct their values outward and into rational form through Te, thereby seeming as rational as the INTJs of other enneagrams. They also tend to strictly control their emotions, forbidding outbursts and irrationality of any kind. They are very likely to mistype as 5w6 or 5w4 because they embody the typical characteristics and behaviors that you』d expect of an INTJ.1w9s however, are far more fixated on issues of ethics and rightness, and are attuned to how they manifest in the outer world. Reformist streaks are likely to arise should they cross something that reeks of corruption or moral deficiency, and curiously, this reformist activity will be primarily Te in nature. Competency is intensely valued. If they accept what is requested or required of them they will perform outstandingly and consistently, hardly ever making a mistake. They tend to be more 「by the book」 than INTJs of other enneagrams, take fewer risks, are profoundly disciplined, and I would say more ethical than the others (especially 3 and 8 INTJs, that tend to embody a 「by any means」 attitude.)At their worst, they have explosive tempers, are intolerant of alternative views and perspectives, are extremely judgmental, and susceptible to emotional turmoil related to their high and sometimes impossible standards. At their best they are heroically ethical, have leadership capabilities, can operate as influential agents of change, and teach more than they preach.Share on Facebook / Twitter
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- 3 years ago
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Type 5 INTJs
intj-paradigm:intj-paradigm:Most Common: 5w6, 5w4, 6w5Less Common: 1w9, 3w4, 8w7Type 5: The aim of this type is omniscience. A complete and total understanding of all things known, and furthermore unknown. INTJs of this type pursue knowledge with a relentlessness. They use their intuition to innovate and glean insight and their Te to operate empirically and to actualize their ideas. INTJ 5s have contributed the most to the sciences, in both the practical and awe-inspiring sense.Skepticism runs rampant. There is a strong desire to test all things themselves, and if they cannot, they will scrutinize the experiments, yielded data, and conclusions formed by others with a rigorous intensity. At the professional level, they approach their work with the intent of disproving their fondest and most closely held theories, even moreso the theories of others, believing that only the ones left alive hold any merit.While their Te is certainly pronounced, actively skeptical, and partial to empiricism, they are by no means lacking in imagination, and gladly invite such an activity so long as some sort of testing occurs at a later point. Their outward demeanor is actually a bit deceptive, in that they reside within an internal world that is rich in symbolism, hitting upon their profoundest insights almost through play, rather than extraneous thought.
5w6 - The Problem Solver
(Isaac Newton - Physicist and Mathematician)
5w6 INTJs are extremely methodical and empirical, frequently checking their ideas against the tangible reality for feedback. For this reason, INTJs that score as 5w6 in the enneagram are the stereotypical scientists; they champion the scientific method and may very well be the embodiment of it.They remain detached during work, debate, and sometimes even play, viewing things from a transcendent viewpoint that will afford them new data in the most objective sense possible. Even their lead intuitive function, that is irrational in the Jungian sense, works strongly alongside their Te to produce some sort of empirical effect.They are typically highly competent, supremely rational, excel at problem solving, and display a knack for organization that causes a strong attraction to systems and systemic thinking. Outside of the sciences they can do well in business, especially at the higher ranks, although they typically decline positions of outright leadership. 5w4 - The Iconoclast
(Nikola Tesla - Inventor and Engineer)
5w4 INTJs tend to lean on and emphasize their Ni more than the archetypal 5w6. There is typically a creative verve to their endeavors that borders on eccentric, and a unique style of thought that is almost purely Jungian; the thinking is almost entirely visual, and seemingly more prone to intuitive leaps and 「aha!」 moments. The 5w4 is also more characteristically concerned with aesthetics. They find beauty in mathematical formulas, feel that their work is somehow personally tied to their very beings, and experience streaks of fanaticism that can range from genius to nonsensical in nature — Nikola Tesla basically invented the 20th century but also wandered around raving about how he was building a death ray and died homeless.They are lastly, more emotionally vulnerable than the 5w6, more prone to lows of melancholy and highs of optimism. Famous 5w6 INTJs: Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Hannibal Barca, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes.Famous 5w4 INTJs: Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Nash, Heraclitus, Bobby Fischer.Share on Facebook / Twitter- Reblog
- 3 years ago
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- #intj 5w6
Type 8 INTJs
intj-paradigm:Most Common: 5w6, 5w4, 6w5Less Common: 1w9, 3w4, 8w7Type 8: The core desire of this type is to control the external environment. The core fear of this type is to be controlled. Out of this emerges the attitude of a conqueror. They find themselves unable to rest until they stand above all others, for that is the only thing that gives them the security of knowing that they cannot be controlled. As a result they tend to be fighters, unafraid of conflict, merciless once they have pin-pointed an enemy or obstacle, and outright terrifying should you even accidentally stand between them and a goal.While certainly capable of belligerence, they are typically kind towards those within their inner circles. They can make loyal allies to their friends, providers for their families, affectionate lovers and the like. But all the same, this is one of the more intense types of the enneagram; playing home to emperors, revolutionaries, CEOs, executives, and even entertainers, all seeking to conquer the environments they find themselves within.8w7 - The Maverick
(Michael Corleone - Godfather series)
8w7 INTJs are strongly Te oriented. They are very empirical, but unlike Type 5 INTJs, they are not empirical just for the sake of knowledge, but for the purpose of gaining mastery and exerting influence over the outer world. In that respect they greatly resemble ENTJs. Powerful, aggressive, and confident despite the introverted preference.Unlike the typical 8w7, 8w7 INTJs do not leap into action at the drop of a pen. They retain their introversion and strategic patience making them formidable in whatever field they choose to step into. They will plan excessively, address problems long before they actually arise, and strike preemptively with overwhelming force. 8w7s tend to naturally view everyone and everything external to them as an 「enemy」 or obstacle, so turning off the above behavior may be difficult. They have problems revealing the base vulnerability that lies beneath their unique brand of detached aggression, which can cause problems in relationships.Their behavior is almost paradoxical. For despite being something of a warlord, they tend to have a soft spot for the underdogs and the innocent; don』t be surprised if you find them helping lost children or bringing in groceries for the elderly. Generally speaking an 8w7 (and especially INTJ of this type) will rarely let people into their inner circle, but once you』re in you』ll typically gain access to a calmer and kinder side. Alongside 3w4, INTJs of this type can be very self destructive. They have a unique positioning however that can enable them to become highly celebrated leaders that move mountains.- #intj
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- #intj 8w7