

認識到,Ni鼓勵你注意基本的真理,以及它們如何影響你生活的意義和方向。 Ni透視值:1)模式的準確解釋,2)有意義的發展,3)視覺深度。努力了解為什麼這些事情很重要,以及他們能為您的生活帶來什麼好處。


沒有把重點放在有意義的發展上,很難達到你的潛力,所以你最終可能會生活在平庸和幽默的生活中。虛弱的人往往難以為自己設想一個更美好的生活,所以如果只是改變或改善了他們的一些想法,習慣或行為,他們就不會意識到他們能夠擁有多少能力。強大的Ni正是關注長遠的未來,在構建自己的奮鬥目標和理想,想要創造世界最佳版本方面是非常有希望的。強大的倪明白,你今天的工作將決定你的未來,所以它試圖明確地了解哪些行動將導致最好的結果,將預測模式應用於自己的行動,以增加未來成功的機會。 「準備,準備,準備」通常是Ni所用的未來口號,希望能夠確保更美好的未來。因此,開發Ni:想想你現在的行動背後的意義,以及他們是否帶領你走向美好的未來,反思你是否能夠發揮自己的潛力,問問自己,你能做些什麼來為自己創造更美好的生活質疑用於評估「成功」的標準或價值觀,看看他們是否會真正導致精神上的實現,問自己如何最好地利用你在這個地球上的有限時間,聽他們的需求和直覺告訴你生活中缺少一些東西,因為這可能是重要生活追求的開始。


即使即使在生活中感到迷失的時候,強大的倪也認為精神實現的價值,即使它很難定義,即使它似乎沒有達到。強大的Ni總是覺得自己有更高的目的,試圖了解它是什麼,當它尋求和調查世界各地的喧囂,它將慢慢積累必要的知識和經驗,以做出最好的決定。生命的智慧正在生活之中,所以倪永不停止向前移動,永遠不會停止尋求一個可以擁有的最好的自我。因此,開發Ni:記下你對生活的想法和直覺,看看他們在哪裡,反思你為什麼要做事情,以及你是否有更大的工作目的,反思你的精神需要,以及如何最好地滿足他們嘗試從多個角度看待某些東西,以加深對此的認識,確保您已經聽到一個論點的各個方面,花時間傾聽關於什麼使生活有意義和如何生活的少數民族/禁忌/非常規觀點好好花時間填補您的知識空白,花點時間來建立您的技能或人才,以獲得更深入的專業知識,從事創意或藝術活動,激發可以將您的想法提升到更高層次的想法,花時間解開複雜性澄清根本原因,而不是將其解散為不重要或「反思」,花時間了解事情的更大的圖景或宏偉的計劃,花時間弄清楚如何把所有不同的碎片你們生活中的一切都是一個統一的自己的想法。Cognitively, Ni encourages you to pay attention to underlying truths and how they impact the meaning and direction of your life. The Ni perspective values: 1) Accurate Interpretation of Patterns, 2) Meaningful Development, and 3) Depth of Vision. Work on understanding why these things are important and what benefits they can bring to your life.

Without accurately interpreting the details and patterns that you see in the world, you will not understand how past present and future are connected and you will therefore be more prone to acting ignorantly or imprudently. People with weak Ni often act recklessly because of being resistant to reflection and taking details at face value, never inquiring into the deeper meaning, purpose, importance, or significance of their actions. Powerful Ni can see into the underlying interrelationships between things that seem unrelated on the surface, connecting important details together into meaningful patterns in order to generate several possible interpretations of one object or event. Powerful Ni understands implied meaning and knows how to use past knowledge of common patterns to fill in the blanks of new situations. To understand the world is to understand that there are often multiple factors/causes that have led to the events of today, so Ni seeks to accurately understand what they are in order to achieve a more nuanced and three-dimensional view of what might happen tomorrow. Therefore, to develop Ni: start questioning things, ask 「why」 and 「how」 questions, reflect on why you do things and what really motivates your behaviors, take time to analyze art or literature as a way to practice your interpretive and speculative skills, make a habit of trying to guess what might happen next so that you can get in touch with intuition and see predictive patterns more quickly. Heed any feedback, criticism, or advice that you get about doing things more carefully, patiently, or thoughtfully.

Without a focus on meaningful development, it can be hard to reach your potential, so you will likely end up living a mediocre and humdrum life. People with weak Ni often have difficulty visualizing a better life for themselves, so they do not realize how much more they could be capable of if only they changed or improved some of their thoughts, habits, or behaviors. Powerful Ni focuses squarely on the long term future, it is very aspirational in terms of constructing goals and ideals for oneself to strive for, wanting to create the best version of the world. Powerful Ni understands that what you do today will determine your future, so it seeks to understand exactly which actions will lead to the best outcomes, applying predictive patterns to one』s own actions in order to increase the chances of future success. 「Prepare, prepare, prepare」 is often the unspoken motto that Ni uses in hopes of securing a brighter future. Therefore, to develop Ni: think about the meaning behind your present actions and whether they are leading you towards a good future, reflect on whether you are living up to your potential, ask yourself what more you can do to create a better life for yourself, question the standards or values that you use to evaluate 「success」 to see whether they will actually lead to spiritual fulfillment, ask yourself how best you can use your limited time here on earth, listen to your own needs and intuitions when they tell you that something is missing in life because that could be the beginning of an important life quest.

Without depth of vision, you will not possess the wisdom that is necessary to live your life in the most meaningful way possible. People with weak Ni do not know how to examine themselves closely, to look deeper into their own motivations, to gather multiple perspectives on how to live life, so their decisions are often too focused on immediate gratification or tangible external rewards while neglecting the spiritual side of life. Powerful Ni sees the value of spiritual fulfillment even when it is hard to define, even when it seems out of reach, even when feeling lost in life. Powerful Ni always feels as though there is a higher purpose for oneself and seeks to understand what it is, and while it seeks and investigates every nook and cranny of the world, it will slowly accumulate the knowledge and experience necessary for making the best decisions possible. The wisdom of life is in the journey of life, so Ni never stops moving forward, never stops seeking for the best self that one can be. Therefore, to develop Ni: write down your thoughts and intuitions about life to see where they take you, reflect on why you are doing things and whether you have a greater purpose to work for, reflect on your spiritual needs and how best to meet them, try to see something from multiple perspectives in order to deepen your appreciation of it, make sure you』ve heard every side of an argument, take time to listen to minority/taboo/unconventional opinions about what makes life meaningful and how to live it well, take time to fill in the gaps in your knowledge, take time to build your skills or talents towards deeper expertise, engage in creative or artistic activities to spark some ideas that can take your thinking to a higher level, take time to unravel complexities and clarify underlying causes instead of dismissing them as unimportant or 「overthinking」, take time to understand the bigger picture or grand scheme of things, take time to figure out how to bring all the different fragments and pieces of your life together into one unified vision of yourself.
