The diagrams indicate that the process of chocolate bar production and the proportion which the price of chocolate bar』s composition represented in various parts(the chocolate bar price proportion which those involved in the process represented) during the process.
When it comes to the first diagram, to begin with, cocoa beans are poured in(into) a container for the sake of grinding, after the process of which, the remainder will be discarded as waste. Subsequently, the cocoa power is carried to another facility with the aim to be produced into cocoa liquor. From this point on, cocoa liquor goes to two separate ways. On one hand, some liquor is manufactured into industrial chocolate. With the combination of cocoa butter, sugar and other ingredients, chocolate bars come into being in the end. On the other hand, the rest is pressed into cocoa powder, and then transported to food industry for future use.
Turning to the second chart, the cost of ingredients and overheads demonstrates (the most) obvious, account(accounting) for 37%. Subsequently comes supermarket at 34%, followed by tax and chocolate company, making up 15% and 10% respectively. The reminding(remaining) share is contributed(distributed) to farmers which occupies only 4% in all process.
Seen from the diagrams, the clear stages of chocolate bar production show for us and we can see the cost of ingredients and overheads and supermarket make dominant roles in the price making.
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