Mirror Neuron System and Mentalizing System connect during online social interaction?
The Mirror System is involved in goal understanding and has been associated with several emotional and cognitive functions central to social interaction, ranging from empathy to gestural communication and imitation.
The Mentalizing System is recruited in tasks requiring cognitive processes such as self-reference and understanding of other』s intentions.
在我看來這就是榮格八維功能中的Fe 與 Se
Se – extraverted Sensing
Experiencing the immediate context; noticing changes and opportunities for action; being drawn to act on the physical world; accumulating experiences; scanning for visible reactions and relevant data; recognizing 「what is」. *Immersing in the present context.
Fe – extraverted Feeling
Connecting; considering others and the group—organizing to meet their needs and honor their values and feelings; maintaining societal, organizational, or group values; adjusting and accommodating others; deciding if something is appropriate or acceptable to others. *Building trust through giving relationships
然後很不幸的 INTJ的Fe是第七位,也就是就算成熟也是comedic的。
6.INTJ/ISTJ: They usually diregard others opinions, valuing their independence. under stress they may be deceived into over-addressing others concerns and disappointed by a false sense of closeness.