Whispers of Antiquity開發報告#15 | Part-3 非洲,印度和北美

Whispers of Antiquity Progress Report #15: The Lore of Our World! (Updated)





卡巴基:Whispers of Antiquity開發報告#15 | Part-2 世界列強(下)?





The end of the Guerra Mondiale saw Africa remain under the firm grasp of European imperialists. Former allied land in Africa was divided up by Germany』s Mittelafrika and by American mandates in West Africa. France retained a fraction of her former colonial possessions and the United Kingdom』s collapse to a military junta saw her colonies similarly break away.

世界大戰(Guerra Mondiale)結束時,非洲還在被歐洲列強牢牢地握在手中。曾經的協約國非洲領地現在被德屬中非和美國的小跟班賴比瑞亞所瓜分。法國由於政府維持了下來,所以還能保有一部分的北非殖民地,而英國在崩潰之後繼任的軍政府則倒霉的多 - 軍政府無法維持局勢,只能眼睜睜看著大英帝國的轄地四分五裂。

As the world suffered from the economic catastrophes of 1929, 1931, and 1933, the colonies of Africa started to burst at the seams. African colonies faced catastrophic economic collapse, and revolts began to spring up across the dark continent. As 1933 dawned, most of Africa fell to colonial revolt as the natives retook the continent. Fringes of colonial control are still present in North Africa, port cities of sub-Saharan Africa, and in certain colonial Governments, such as Deutsch-Ostafrika.

整個世界也同樣的飽受1929年,1931年還有1933年三次經濟危機的摧殘,這使得非洲的殖民地已經無力維繫 - 畢竟母國也不能繼續支持這些殖民政府。各個殖民政府不得不獨自面對巨大的經濟海嘯,而黑暗大陸將很快被叛亂的烽火點燃。到了1933年,絕大部分的非洲殖民地已經被當地土著的暴動所消滅,非洲終於回歸到他的子民手中。現在非洲大陸上只有少數的殖民者存在了 - 法屬北非,少數幾個西非港口城市德屬東非還有德屬西南非洲

At the game』s start, since most governments are finally starting to emerge from the suffering and unrest of economic depression, European eyes are turning back to Africa. Many nations across the world wish to retake Africa and establish colonies once again. Tribal infighting is the source of mass death and chaos in Africa, and many new regimes are ruling over their African lands with brutal and dark tactics that make Africa seem darker than ever before. The continent faces an uncertain future as many world powers plot to steal her riches. Will Africa retain her newfound freedom, or will the dark continent become darker?


Here are some African nations that we are looking forward to teasing:


The Liberian Federation:


When the world exploded into violence in 1914, Liberia was caught off-guard and faced economic catastrophe. Her most vital trade partner, Germany, had to cut off trade to Liberia, and the small nation faces an immediate crash. Despite the fighting happening all throughout Africa, Liberia remained dedicated to neutrality. However, as the US swung its support behind the Central Powers, Liberia geared up to declare war on the allies, and eventually joined the war to aid her allies in the Central Powers.

At the start of the war, the US sold weapons and supplies to Liberia for greatly reduced prices, enabling the local forces to put down local insurrections. As the Caribbean and Canadian fronts closed, the US began shipping more supplies and men to Liberia to carry out attacks on French Africa and maintain a strong foothold in Africa. When the war ended, the Americans remained to a substantial degree, and the Treaty of Ludwigsburg saw the south of French West Africa split into multiple mandates to be ruled by Liberia.

當整個世界都在1914年陷入腥風血雨之中時,賴比瑞亞對此猝不及防並深陷經濟危機。他最依賴的貿易夥伴:德國,由於戰爭的關係不得已切斷了兩國的商貿關係,這立刻就使得賴比瑞亞的商業陷入了蕭條。不過雖然世界大戰的戰火席捲了非洲,賴比瑞亞仍然是一個中立國。但最終,由於美國逐漸的靠近同盟國,賴比瑞亞最後不得不向協約國宣戰,並開始幫助同盟國經略非洲。在戰爭開始時,美國向賴比瑞亞大量的出售極為廉價的軍火以及補給品,幫助賴比瑞亞鎮壓當地土著的叛亂。隨著加勒比和加拿大戰線以美國的勝利而告終,美國開始運輸更多的裝備和軍人去非洲打擊法國人並鎮壓非洲革命。戰爭結束後,美國人在賴比瑞亞仍然保持了很強的控制力,路德維希堡條約(Treaty of Ludwigsburg)將法屬西非的南部劃分為多個賴比瑞亞治下的省份

In the 1920s, as economic prosperity spread throughout the world, Liberia felt emboldened. The Government, emboldened by Liberia』s newfound strength and prosperity, decided to ignore international terms and directly annexed the mandates in West Africa. This move proved to be disastrous, as ethnic violence and overextension caused Liberia to burst at the seams. The nation was at the brink of collapse when the US decided to do something.


The United States moved its garrisons into position in Liberia and moved its navy to protect the waters around Monrovia and suggested a course of change to the Liberians. The US spent the next several years forging a Federation in the former lands of Liberia in what became known as the Liberian Federation. The nation was split into a system of many autonomous communities with a central government in Monrovia, and Government control extended deep into the lands of Africa by use of its newly enlarged infrastructure systems. The Liberian Federation worked and survived since then. However, the Great Depression in 1931 enraged ethnic tensions again, and Liberia has been hanging by a thread since then. Many are now doubting that the nation can avoid devolving to ethnic violence once again as 1936 rolls on.

美國將自己的守備部隊(多半是馬潤)派遣到賴比瑞亞並派遣海軍保衛蒙羅維亞(賴比瑞亞首都)附近水域同時向賴比瑞亞政府提供了一份改革草案。在之後的幾年裡,美國人利用自己的影響力在賴比瑞亞的國土上建立了一個「新國家」- 賴比瑞亞聯邦(Liberian Federation)。賴比瑞亞聯邦將由一群自治地方一個位於蒙羅維亞的中央政府組成,政府利用美國援建的公路網來將自己的影響力投射到非洲的內地。賴比瑞亞聯邦利用這一新系統得以存活。然而,在1931年發生的大蕭條再一次的將賴比瑞亞內部的種族問題之火燃起,在此之後,賴比瑞亞就重新變得搖搖欲墜。由於種族問題愈演愈烈,許多人懷疑賴比瑞亞能否在1936年之後繼續存在。

Will the Liberian experiment fail? Or will a drastic change of policy help the Federation survive, in one form ora href="cdn.discordapp.com/atta"> another?


The United Missionaries of Mambasa:


The area encompassing the current UM of Mambasa is home to many thousands of natives, each from many different tribes. Colonial Mittelafrika changed little about the area. Before the Germans seized it, the tribes lived in under tribal functions. After Mittelafrika collapsed, it stayed the same, with tribal life staying dominant in the land.

However, the area of Mambasa attracted the attention of a German missionary named Jakob Wilhelm Hauer, who piloted an effort to bring civilization and religion to the natives of Africa back when Mittelafrika still existed. Hauer』s mission and fascination with the natives led him to establish a network of churches and missionary teams throughout this area of Mittelafrika. When Mittelafrika came crashing down, Hauer』s network of churches and roads served as the only organization even coming close to resembling a Government in this area. Hauer』s mission has not strayed from the light, however, and he is still committed to bringing civility and faith to the natives of Africa.

在當今的馬巴薩地區生活著成千上萬的土著,而這些土著則來自不同的部落。當德屬中非殖民地還存在時,土著們的生活並未受到影響,他們就像過去一樣生活在各個部落的管理下。當中央非洲崩潰後,土著們也還是像過去一樣,毫無改變。但是,這塊土地還是吸引了一位名為雅各布·威廉·豪爾(Jakob Wilhelm Hauer)的傳教士。雅各布傳教士在中央非洲尚未崩潰時來到了這裡,希望將教化和文明帶入這塊地區。豪爾的傳教熱情和對當地人的喜愛使得他成功的建立了一個由傳教團和教堂組成的傳教網路,並讓這個網路散布到了整個中央非洲。而當中央非洲崩潰時,豪爾的教堂網路和順帶建立的道路網使得豪爾變成了馬巴薩地區真正的管理者。然而,豪爾從未因時局而喪失希望,他仍然致力於為非洲土著人帶來文明和信仰。

However, his endeavors in Africa and his study of natives in both India and Africa made him lose faith in Christianity. As 1936 rolls around, Hauer becomes increasingly warm to the idea of establishing a new religion, different than that of Christianity, borrowing some tenants from Hinduism and African tribal religions, and spread it across Africa and across the world.


The United Missionaries of Mambasa now stand at the helm of this missionary mission, increasingly worrisome of the violent actors surrounding them. They can choose to arm themselves and protect their land from the impure brutes around them (and perhaps choose to export their mission to other reaches of Africa) and can choose to found a new religion, different than Christianity, with Hauer as the founding leader. The future holds boundless opportunities and boundless risks.

馬巴薩聯合傳教團(United Missionaries of Mambasa)現在已經是這一位傳教士手下的羔羊了,但令人擔憂的是,馬巴薩地區周圍除了暴力行為以外什麼也沒有。他們可以選擇武裝自己,保護自己的土地不受周圍惡狼的侵害(或許還可以選擇將神的教誨傳播到非洲其他地區),也可以選擇建立一種不同於基督教的新宗教,由豪爾擔任創始領袖。未來機遇無限,風險無限。

Bembe Warlord Tribes:


The Bembe are a land-hungry aggressive people. As Mittelafrika collapsed, warlords of this population clashed and established a large congregation of aggressive warlords, poised to sack and steal from other surrounding peoples. Many see them as uncivilized brutes, others see them as a concerning foe. As infighting in these warlord tribes starts to turn outward, the Bembe start gearing up to take more land for their own glory, regardless of who stands in their way.




Mittelafrika did not go down without a fight. Large garrisons of German colonial forces remained in the area of Tanganyika and fought native insurrections successfully. The remnants of the colonial Government fled to and remained in Deutsch-Ostafrika, and in 1936, the remnants of Mittelafrika remain there. Control over the lands of Deutsch-Ostafrika is weaker in the Hinterlands, where a combination of tribal warlords and German military warlords rule.


Deutsch-Ostafrika』s leaders are itching to bring back German rule to Africa, presenting Germany with two options. Germany can either aid Ostafrika in reuniting all of former Mittelafrika and reignite German colonial power in Africa, or Germany can allow Ostafrika to complete this on their own. Both paths offer resistance from different foes and present different challenges.




The people of what is now Sudwestafrika were exposed to a long history of violent clashes with natives. The numerous white settlers in Sudwestafrika were protected by the considerable amount of schutztruppe garrisoned in Sudwestafrika protected the white settlers from the wave of native violence that swept through Africa. A combination of local militias and the considerable schutztruppe ensured the survival of white rule in northern Namibia. However, the violence that erupted during the collapse further fueled the racist beliefs held by the white population in Sudwestafrika. With the heavy hand of schutztruppe rule and local militias staffed by the largely white settlers of Sudwestafrika, the colonial institutions that held the natives into conscripted labor still fuels Sudwestafrika and has strengthened in severity and harshness. Violence and reprisals against insurrections throughout the land decimated native populations and wiped out many tribes. The genocides against natives in Sudwestafrika is harrowingly accepted by the white population as a necessity of survival in Africa, and this is reflected in the policy that sudwestafrika will take in-game.


In 1936, Sudwestafrika sits as an official colony of Germany, but most of the actual governing falls to the hands of schutztruppe leaders and the local militias in the farmlands, along with scattered warlords that have yet to be dealt with. Sudwestafrika and its severely racist and violent white population still look eagerly at Africa, and many are plotting to restore white rule throughout Africa, and violently crush those who stand in Sudwestafrika』s way. The game starts with conflict starting to escalate with the natives to the south of Sudwestafrika, but after that dilemma is dealt with, Sudwestafrika will be free to pursue its own policy, working to protect the Boers in South Africa through forceful intervention, and crushing and decimating the native populations that caused the collapse of German colonial Africa.




The Kingdom of Toro sprung into existence during the collapse of Mittelafrika. King Rukidi III led the people of Toro to freedom from Mittelafrikan oppression and established an independent Toro state. However, fighting from German military warlords in Ostafrika and sporadic engagements between Toro and other warlords reduced the size of Toro and pushed it to the fringes of its former territory. All seemed lost to Toro before it discovered the vast gold mines that existed in its territory. The Government has since piloted an extensive campaign to retake the mines and continue extracting gold from the mines where Mittelafrika once operated.

托羅王國(The Kingdom of Toro)在中央非洲崩潰時迅速獨立,國王歐尤三世(King Rukidi III)宣布托羅王國成為一個不受中央非洲壓迫的獨立國家。然而德屬東非和其他小軍閥的軍事壓力使得托羅不得不放棄不少土地,近乎是只保留了德屬託羅保護國的那一塊小地方。在托羅發現舊領土上存在的巨大金礦之前,它似乎失去了一切。此後,政府發起了一場大規模的運動,以奪回這些礦山,並繼續從中央非洲開採的金礦中開採黃金。

Toro has since forged a brutal system of conscripted labor to fulfill the labor demands of the gold mines, and is seeking to make itself rich through its newfound source of wealth. Toro must face the problem of getting this gold to profitable markets, all the while having to deal with the King, who is more content with enjoying wealth and hoarding gold for himself, rather than having to spread it and invest it in his Kingdom. Toro』s increasingly large military must face the many problems facing Toro. They must complete the subjugation and conscription of the natives under Toro rule that do not accept the King』s mandate, they must protect themselves from the aggressive neighbors surrounding them, and they must ensure the gold can flow to markets by ensuring that the roads are open through Ostafrika.




Following German annexation of the island, in an effort to calm local nationalistic agitators (such as the Vy Vato Sakelika), the Merina monarchy was restored as a German protectorate, under Ranavalona III』s niece Marie-Louise. This led to a period of prosperity for the island, as the economy modernized and issues such as famine and banditry were quelled with German help. Following the collapse of 1931, the Queen and her officers chose to remain loyal to Germany, although negotiating for larger autonomy. In 1936, Madagascar is a semi-independent kingdom, and possibly the most prosperous country in Africa. Will they remain loyal to German colonial rule or use the shadow of the upcoming war to win over their freedom?

在德國吞併該島後,為了平息當地的民族主義煽動者,比如說維瓦托薩克利卡(Vy Vato Sakelika),在拉納瓦洛娜三世(Ranavalona III)的侄女瑪麗路易絲(Marie-Louise)的統治下,梅利納王朝恢復為德國的保護國。這導致了該島的一段繁榮時期,因為經濟實現了現代化,饑荒和盜匪等問題在德國的幫助下得到了解決。1931年中央非洲解體後,女王和她的官員選擇繼續效忠德國,儘管他們在談判中爭取更大的自治權。1936年,馬達加斯加是一個半獨立的王國,可能是非洲最繁榮的國家。他們會繼續忠於德國的殖民統治,還是會利用即將到來的戰爭的陰影來爭取自由?



In an attempt to bring about a quicker collapse of the British Empire during the Guerra Mondiale, Germany tried to incite a pan-Indian revolt against their British overlords. This plan, which came to be known as the Hindu-German conspiracy, was repeatedly foiled by British intelligence. However, in 1915, with the help of American intelligence, the so-called 「Christmas Plot」 came to fruition, and inspired a mutiny against the British army. The harsh reprisal against this mutiny sparked the already-weary people of India to revolt against British rule in several places all over India.


German and American support made the revolt more successful, and eventually, the British were forced out of India in a devastating blow against the Empire. A Provisional Government was set up to rule all of India. However, as the war concluded and German/American support was severed, infighting and ethnic tensions caused the collapse of the Provisional Government, and India shattered into many nations.The nations of India are all in a constant struggle against each other, each arming themselves out of fear from an invasion by another. At the same time, the Great Depression shook India to its core and led to the radicalization of many people.


The nations of India have to balance the politics of competing with their neighbors in a constant cold war, while at the same time dealing with the radical pan-Indian movements all across India. Several variables will highlight the popularity and militancy of several groups in India: Revolutionary socialists that seek to unify India under a socialist Government, RSS Hindu nationalists that seek to purge India of the Muslim threat, and Muslim Pact supporters, who seek to have a single Muslim state in India. On top of this, variables for local nationalism and communalism will highlight the support for local rulers and ruling ethnic groups. The player must seek to balance all of these to preserve their nation.


On top of this, events and decisions will force nations to intervene and crush socialists or other pan-Indian movements in other nations all over India in order to maintain their own sovereignty, for if just one nation falls to a pan-Indian revolt, it can spread all over India in a chain reaction and unroot the balance that currently exists in India.


North America




Canada emerged from the Guerra Mondiale broken and defeated. A US invasion laid waste to her ports and captured much of her cities, and she was faced with early capitulation in the war. After the Treaty of Ludwigsburg ended the Guerra Mondiale, Canada became a puppet republic of the US, with its Government being closely based off the US Government. The US took sizable portions of its territories, including ports in Vancouver. The Canadian Government is bracing for an election in 1937, as revanchist elements are growing increasingly powerful in the Canadian homeland, and some Canadians start looking to more authoritarian measures to bring back glory to the former dominion.




Quebec is a land of growing prestige. Following the great depression in 1931, Quebec voted for independence from their American overlords. Although the US refuses to recognize the 「independent」 Quebec Government, many nations throughout the world recognize it as free from US control. As Quebec starts settling into its new role, many fear that once the US mends its wounds, the Quebec problem may be settled.


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