INTP 9w1 here (most likely 954), but keep in mind that I know far less about enneagram than I do mbti.
Speaking simplistically, being type 9 means wanting to find peace and avoid conflict.
Internal peace:
This can be achieved by relying mostly on Ti. As Ti is an introverted (subjective) function, I use it more when I am alone to reflect on the world, and ultimately to try and understand the world in a way that makes logical sense to me. However, unlike type 5s, the desire to understand is less motivated by fear (the need to be prepared or feel capable because of the knowledge you possess), and more about finding a spiritual* connection to the world.
I think the danger of being a Ti user and type 9 is that the 9 wants simplicity while Ti wants accuracy (even in the face of complexity). Ti wants to be critical and objective, while 9 wants to avoid conflict at all costs. Thus when a complex and seemingly unsolvable problem arises, there is a disagreement between the two. Either Ti will have to ignore invalid logic for the sake of inner harmony, or 9 will have to accept that the idea that is providing its inner harmony is based on invalid logic and should thus be discarded (even if that means lacking inner harmony for the time it takes Ti to find a new and valid idea).
External Peace:
For me, the external world is more about other people than it is about physical objects or sensory data. Thus finding external peace is mostly about avoiding conflict with other people. However, how I go about doing this depends on what people I am surrounded by.
Ti: When I am surrounded by people, but not necessarily having to interact with them (attending a class or lecture for example), I still tend to be the daydreaming type - lost in my own thoughts and relying on Ti, as above. In other words, I am more focused on internal peace. When I am with people I know and trust (close friends who I know accept me) and the general mood/ tone of the conversation is calm or happy, I rely on Ti-Ne, acting like a pretty stereotypical INTP tbh.
Fe: If I have to participate in a discussion with people I don』t know well (such as in a class discussion), I tend to keep quiet and not state my opinion, even if I disagree with what is being said. This is mostly because I am a shy person, but I also think there is some Fe going on here. Fe will override my Ti if I think stating my opinion will cause disagreement. Unlike a lot of the INTP descriptions I read where the INTP is quick to point out logical mistakes, I rarely do this unless I am quite sure that the person will not take the criticism personally and is likely to agree with me. I would rather say nothing than cause conflict (although if asked directly if I agree with an incorrect statement, I would likely give a non-committal 『umm… I don』t know』).
When conflict occurs, particularly when people express anger, I have a very hard time coping and me Fe goes completely insane (and in a really unhealthy way). If the anger is between other people, and I am merely observing, I will feel upset and scared on behalf of the person being yelled at. If someone important to me is being yelled at, I get very distressed (to the point of physically shaking). In both cases, I feel overwhelmed by the negative emotion, and default to a Fe reaction rather than my normal Ti reaction. If the anger is directed at me, my Fe completely looses it - I will feel bad about causing conflict for a significant amount of time afterwards. Fe will tell me that the person no longer likes me and that I can』t keep harmonious relationships etc.
The point is that being type 9 brings out my inferior Fe (possibly more so than other INTP enneagram types). The problem is that Fe is undeveloped and quite possibly unhealthy, resulting in what I』ve described above. When I get stressed, and fall into the grip of inferior Fe, I become overly concerned (paranoid even) that I will cause conflict. Inferior Fe and type 9 intersect to create my ultimate fear, which was quite nicely put in an enneagram 9 description, quoted below (https://www.enneagram.net/type9.html):
You avoid conflict, complications and judgmental people. Being shut down, overlooked and not included by others are among your greatest fears. You are afraid of being loveless and of not receiving or being able to give love.
@pandemialwhitepanty I think you are also a 9w1 INTP - any thoughts?
*It』s hard for me to put into words, and I feel the word 『spiritual』 might be slightly misleading, but thinking through things logically in an attempt to understand the world (in a philosophical sense) helps me feel connected to the world, and gives me a sense of fulfillment/satedness.