
The Chair is a Killer(椅子是殺手)


2015年發表在《Annals of Internal Medicine》上的學術論文【1】:Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults(成年人靜坐時間與疾病發病率、死亡率和住院風險的關係)


Prolonged sedentary time was independently associated with deleterious health outcomes regardless of physical activity. 不論你是否有大量的體育鍛煉,久坐都會對健康造成不好的影響。


2017年發表的學術論文:Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Mortality in U.S. Middle-Aged and Older Adults【2】(美國中老年人靜坐行為和死亡率模型研究)


Evaluation of their joint association showed that participants classified as high for both sedentary characteristics (high sedentary time [≥12.5 h/d] and high bout duration [≥10 min/bout]) had the greatest risk for death. 研究聯合關聯性評估表明:被歸類為兩類久坐(累積久坐時間每天超過12.5小時,長時間久坐【每次超過10分鐘】)特徵的人死亡風險最高。



Both the total volume of sedentary time and its accrual in prolonged, uninterrupted bouts are associated with all-cause mortality, suggesting that physical activity guidelines should target reducing and interrupting sedentary time to reduce risk for death. 每天久坐時間總量,以及每次久坐時間的延長累積都和死亡率有相關性,這說明體育鍛煉指南不僅僅要建議降低久坐總時間,還要注意中斷單次久坐時間來降低死亡風險。




  • Unhealthy eating patterns, such as eating too much sodium
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Being physically inactive
  • 不健康的飲食習慣,比如攝入鈉鹽過量
  • 過度飲酒
  • 缺乏體育鍛煉(久坐不動)

世界衛生組織的網站上刊登過這樣一篇文章【4】:Physical inactivity a leading cause of disease and disability, warns WHO(世界衛生組織WHO警告:缺乏體育鍛煉是導致疾病和殘疾的一個重要原因)


Approximately 2 million deaths per year are attributed to physical inactivity, prompting WHO to issue a warning that a sedentary lifestyle could very well be among the 10 leading causes of death and disability in the world 每年,大約有200萬人因缺乏體育鍛煉(久坐不動)而死亡,這促使世界衛生組織把久坐不動的生活習慣列為世界上十大致死致殘的原因之一。


Sedentary lifestyles increase all causes of mortality, double the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity, and increase the risks of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, depression and anxiety. According to WHO, 60 to 85% of people in the world—from both developed and developing countries—lead sedentary lifestyles, making it one of the more serious yet insufficiently addressed public health problems of our time.


BBC曾經有一個關於運動和健康的紀錄片叫《The Chair is a Killer – The Truth About Exercise》(椅子是殺手—關於鍛煉的真相)

The Chair is a Killer(椅子是殺手)已經很形象了,你可能總是不願意離開的舒適的軟椅和沙發,但是它們給你帶來的舒適越多,它們給你帶來的健康危害就越大,盡量不要長時間的坐在椅子上享清閑了,沒事的時候多出去走走,活動活動可能才是更健康的生活方式,而不是卧在沙發上沒完沒了的看電視、玩手機。



【1】Biswas A , Oh P I , Faulkner G E , et al. Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults[J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2015, 162(2):123.

【2】Diaz K M , Howard V J , Hutto B , et al. Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Mortality in U.S. Middle-Aged and Older Adults[J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2017.

【3】 nhlbi.nih.gov/health-to

【4】 ttps://who.int/mediacentre/new



TAG:健康 | 久坐 |