
Do YOU suffer from insomnia? You may be lacking in MAGNESIUM: Mineral can boost sleep time if applied directly to the skin as expert reveals the 12 signs you are deficient


If you cant sleep, then chances are youve racked your brains and probably raked Google more than a few times, for what may be behind it.


Consuming too much caffeine after 3pm, not enough exercise or an overload of stress hormones are most often the culprits of insomnia.


But an array of recent trials have pointed the blame at a magnesium deficiency for thousands of people who toss and turn at night, Healthista reports.


Studies have shown magnesium supplements can increases sleep time, efficiency and natural melatonin levels - a hormone critical for the regulation of normal sleep.


Now, new research has found magnesium applied directly to the skin can deliver the mineral to the body quicker and more efficiently than ingested supplements - and help improve sleep quality in 92 per cent of deficient people.


What is insomnia?


Insomnia is a huge global problem, affecting around a third of men and women in their 30s and 40s and nearly half of women over 65.


There are two types, Type 1 insomnia where you cant get to sleep and Type 2, where you can get to sleep okay, but tend to wake at least once during the night.


And if you have either type, the chances are· you have heard a million and one remedies: get black out blinds, eat some peanut butter before bed, get a sleep mantra, take a Valium. Actually dont. The latter is addictive and the formers, well, theyre hit and miss at best.


Magnesium: The facts

鎂: 失眠的真相

Indeed, waking in the small hours is often associated with stress, anxiety or depression and these are conditions that can be exacerbated by magnesium deficiency, said nutrition expert Greg Weatherhead. But there are many more.

營養專家格雷格.韋瑟黑德( Greg Weatherhead) 表示,實際上,晚上醒來是和壓力、焦慮或抑鬱有關,缺乏鎂元素將使這些癥狀加劇,但他們可能還會缺乏其他的元素。

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and all our cells rely on adequate levels being maintained, said Mr Weatherhead.


Its responsible for over 300 biochemical functions in the body and sufficient amounts allow us to be more flexible, develop stronger bones, produce energy more efficiently and be better able to resist disease.


Magnesium is predominantly found in nuts, wholegrain seeds and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, Mr Weatherhead added.


In fact, the most recent government funded UK Diet and Nutrition Report updated in March this year, showed more and more of us have below optimal intakes of magnesium, with teenage girls and the over 60s being at particular risk of deficiency.


Moreover, diets that include an excess of processed foods and bad fats such as those found in takeaways, donuts and commercial vegetable oils as well as refined sugars can all decrease our magnesium levels.


How does magnesium help sleep?


So, how can supplementing with a drug free mineral help people sleep, when so many other sleep remedies rarely make the cut?


Magnesium is critical to many physiological and psychological processes that are essential for staying asleep, Mr Weatherhead said. These include calming the mind and also helping muscles relax.


Along with helping to reduce levels of cortisol and adrenaline that could be waking us during sleep or causing erratic slumber, magnesium also works on a lesser known hormone essential to sleep.


It helps improve sleep quality through its interaction with a neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), Mr Weatherhead said.


GABA is an amino acid responsible for reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation and preparing our bodies for sleep.


Magnesium sensitises GABA receptors in the brain, increasing the positive effect of this molecule.


Why is magnesium on the skin better for insomnia than tablets?


Unfortunately, our intake of magnesium has declined dramatically due to intensified farming methods, food processing and negative interactions with an increasing number of prescribable mediations, said Mr Weatherhead.


Magnesium is a mineral we evolved to have little and often and our digestive systems are not well equipped to absorb large single doses of magnesium such as those found in tablets and capsules.


Either, much of the dose is simply not broken down and absorbed or it is lost through a loosening of the bowels, a common effect seen with a high intake of ingested magnesium tablets.


There are a number of clinical studies published showing that magnesium delivered via the skin is an effective alternative to traditional tablet supplementation, said Mr Weatherhead.


In 2017, a study published in PLOS One, found that magnesium absorbed through skin significantly boosted magnesium levels in the blood.




· Poor quality sleep

· 睡眠差

· Stress

· 壓力

· Anxiety

· 焦慮

· Restless legs

· 不寧腿

· Joint discomfort

· 關節疼痛

· Muscle tension and pain

· 肌肉緊張和疼痛

· Muscle or eye twitching

· 肌肉痙攣或眼睛跳動

· Weak bones

· 骨頭脆弱

· Low mood

· 心情低落

· Headaches

· 頭疼

· Migraines

· 偏頭痛

· Poor concentration

· 注意力不集中



TAG:失眠 | 神經衰弱 | 睡眠 |