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威士忌術語辭彙表(一) A~T

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威士忌術語辭彙表(一) A~T

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Entries in SMALL CAPS are cross-references within the Glossary.


Age statement An age on the label refers to the youngest component. Remember that age is not necessarily a determinant of quality.

Age statement 標籤上的酒齡(age)指的是最年輕的酒液陳釀的時間。須知酒齡(age)不一定是酒質的決定因素。

ABV (alcohol by volume) The alcoholic content of a whiskey expressed as a percentage of the total volume of liquid. By law, Scotch whisky must be 40%abv or more. See also PROOF.

ABV (alcohol by volume) 威士忌的酒精含量的一種表示方法,以酒精液體的體積的百分比表示。根據法律,蘇格蘭威士忌必須達到40% ABV以上。可參考PROOF詞條。

Angels share As a cask breathes during MATURATION, so some of the alcohol will evaporate. This is known as the "angels share". In Scotland, it accounts for a two per cent loss of each casks volume every year.

Angels share 酒液與木桶互相作用,在熟成(熟成的含義見詞條MATURATION)過程中,一些酒精液體會蒸發掉。這被稱作「Angels share」。在蘇格蘭,每年每個桶中酒液的體積會減少2%。



Barley Barley contains naturally occurring enzymes that, once MALTED, aid in the conversion of starch into frementable sugars. A percentage of malted barley is therefore added to the MASH of cereals in the production of virtually all types of whiskys, while single malt uses 100 per cent malted barley.

Barley 大麥大麥含天然的酶母,一旦開始發芽(發芽的含義見MALTED詞條),酵母就有助於將澱粉轉化為可自行分解的糖。因此,在幾乎所有類型的威士忌的釀造中,會添加一定比例的發芽大麥(麥芽)到各種穀物形成的醪液(醪液的含義參見詞條MASH)中,而單一麥芽威士忌使用100%的發芽大麥(麥芽)。

Barrel Term used to define a 200-litre (44-gallon) Americam OAK CASK.

Barrel 一種桶,威士忌術語用來定義200升(44加侖)的美國橡木桶。

Beer (USA) Alcoholic liquid to be distilled, aka. WASH.

Beer ( 美國的威士忌術語)發酵完成要被蒸餾的酒精液體(5~6%abv),又名WASH。

Beer still (USA) The first still (normally a COLUMN STILL) in DISTILLATION.

Beer still (美國威士忌術語)蒸餾過程中的第一次蒸餾(通常是柱式蒸餾器)。

Blended whisky A mix of GRAIN WHISKY with MALT (in Scotland) or BOURBON/RYE (America) . Ninety-three per cent of the scotch whisky sold globally is blended.

Blended whisky 調和型威士忌穀物威士忌與麥芽威士忌(蘇格蘭)的混合或波本威士忌/黑麥威士忌(美國)。全球銷售的蘇格蘭威士忌中有93%的是調和型的

Bourbon American WHISKEY style, which must conform to the to the following rules:to made from a MASH containing at least 51% CORN (maize); distilled to a maximum of 80%ABV (160° PROOF); and aged in new CHARRED OAK BARRELS at a srength of no higher than 62.5%ABV(125°) for at least two years.

Bourbon 美國威士忌的一種類型,它必須符合下列規定:由含有至少51%的玉米(maize)的穀物混合物釀造成;蒸餾的酒液的酒精度不可超過80%ABV(160 °PROOF);在新的內壁燒焦的橡木桶中陳年至少兩年,其酒精度不可超過62.5%ABV(125° PROOF)。

Butt A 500-litre(110gallon) ex-sherry CASK used for maturing SCOTCH WHISKY.

Butt 一種500升(110加侖)的原雪莉桶(ex-sherry指第一次裝的酒是雪莉酒),用於熟成蘇格蘭威士忌。

Caramel A permitted additive used in many whiskies (but banned in BOURBON production) to adjust the colour of the spirit to ensure consistency between batches. Heavy use dulls aroma and gives a bitter finish.

Caramel 焦糖色,在許多威士忌中允許使用的一種添加劑(但在波本威士忌生產中是禁止使用的),用來調整酒液的顏色,以確保各批次之間的一致性。大量的使用會使香氣變沉悶,併產生苦澀的尾韻。

Cask All-encompassing term referring to the different types of OAK containers used for maturing whisky.

Cask 桶,所有的cask這個詞都指的是用於熟成威士忌的各種類型的橡木容器。

Charcoal mellowing This technique, which defines TENNESSEE WHISKEYS, involves passing the new spirit through vats of charcoal prior to ageing.

Charcoal mellowing 木炭醇化,一種技術,用來區別定義田納西威士忌,新蒸餾出的酒液在陳年之前要通過各種木炭過濾。

Charring All American BARRELS are charred prior to use, creating a layer of active charcoal that acts as a filter to help remove harshness and other unwanted immature aromas. CHARCOAL MELLOWING accelerates this process.

Charring 燒焦炭化所有美國桶在使用前都要進行燒焦,形成一層活性炭,起過濾作用,以幫助去除粗糙和其他不想要的不成熟香氣。木炭的醇化( CHARCOAL MELLOWING)也促進了這一過程。

Clearic See NEW MAKE.

Clearic 蘇格蘭威士忌術語,新蒸餾出來的酒液,參見詞條NEW MAKE。

Condensing The final part of DISTILLATION where alcohol vapour is turned back into liquid.

Condensing 冷凝,蒸餾的最後環節,在那裡酒精蒸汽變成酒精液體。

Corn The main cereal used in BOURBON production, corn adds a fat sweetness to the final spirit. Also used in Canada and in production of GRAIN WHISKEY.

Corn 玉米,在波本威士忌釀造中主要使用的穀物,玉米賦予酒液豐滿的甜味。玉米也被用於加拿大威士忌和穀物威士忌的釀造。

Corn whiskey American whiskey style. By law, corn whiskey must be made from a minimum of 80 per cent corn. No minimum ageing requirements.

Corn whiskey 玉米威士忌美國威士忌的一種類型。按照法規,玉米威士忌必須由不少於80%的玉米原料釀造而成。沒有最低陳年時間的要求。

Dark grains The name for the mix pot ale (high protein residue after first DISTILLATION) and DRAFF, which is sold as nutritious animal feed.

Dark grains 混合罐中艾爾啤酒?(第一次蒸餾後的富含蛋白質的殘留物)和酒渣的混合物,作為動物的營養飼料出售。

Distillation The process that sets spirits apart from wine or beer. Because alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water, if an alcoholic liquid(BEER/WASH) is heated in a still, the alcohol vapour will be driven off in preference to the water, thereby increasing the alcoholic strength and concentrating the flavours contained within the WASH.

Distillation 蒸餾,使wine(葡萄發酵的酒液)或beer(穀物發酵的酒液)成為烈酒(spirit指酒精含量高的酒液)的過程。因為酒精比水的沸點低(水的沸點大約在100℃,酒精的沸點大約在78℃),所以在蒸餾器中加熱酒精液體(BEER/WASH),酒精蒸汽將優先於水被蒸發出去(對酒精進行收集),從而能提高酒精度數並濃縮wash酒液中包含的香味。

Doubler (USA)The simple POT STILL in which the alcohol from the first DISTILLATION is redistilled to produce the final spirit.

Doubler 雙重蒸餾美國威士忌術語,通過簡單的壺式蒸餾器第一次蒸餾後再次進行蒸餾,以產生最終的酒液。

Draff The spent grains that are left after all the sweet liqiud (WORTS) has been extracted from the mash tun. It is sold as animal feed.

Draff 穀物渣是甜醪(穀物汁)從穀物糊罐子中提取出來後殘留下來的。它作為動物飼料出售。

Dram Though widely thought of as a Scottish term meaning a drink of whisky,"dram" is of Latin origin and refers to a small measure of any spirit.

Dram 「dram」這個詞是蘇格蘭威士忌用語,被普遍地認作指的是一小杯(dram)威士忌,但它起源於拉丁語,指任何一種烈酒的小計量單位。

Drum maltings The most common method of MALTING BARLEY. These huge plants contain large horizontal drums where the green malt GERMINATES.

Drum maltings 滾筒發麥, 大麥發芽(發麥)最常用的方法。這些大型工場含有大型橫軸的滾筒結構物,在那裡綠色麥粒(green malt)進行發芽。(發麥過程含發芽和終止發芽)

drum maltings

Esters Chemical compounds created during FERMENTATION. Typically a floral and intensely fruity aroma.

Esters 酯類物,發酵過程中產生的化合物。具有典型的花香和強烈的果香。

Feints Final alcohols at the end of second DISTILLATION (aka.tail, after-shots).

Feints 第二次蒸餾末尾時最終得到的酒精液體(aka.tail, after-shots 也稱作尾段酒液)。

Fermentation The process by which sugar-rich WORT is converted into alcohol by the addition of YEAST and vital in the creation of flavour.

Fermentation 發酵,添加酵母將富含糖分的WORT(麥芽汁)轉化成酒精的過程,對酒的風味的形成有至關重要的作用。

First-fill A slightly confusing Scottish/Irish/Japannese term, referring to CASKS. When a distiller refers to a barrel as being "first-fill", he means that it is the first time it has been filled with Scotch (or Irish, Japanese etc.)whisky. Because these industries tend to use second hand CASK it is not however the first time it has been filled. See also REFILL.

First-fill 略微讓人困惑的蘇格蘭/愛爾蘭/日本威士忌術語,指的是桶。當蒸餾師將桶稱為「first-fill」(初填桶)時,他的意思是這是第一次用蘇格蘭威士忌(或愛爾蘭威士忌、日本威士忌等)來裝填。這些行業傾向於使用二手桶,因而這類桶不是第一次被用來裝填威士忌。參見詞條REFILL。

Floor maltings Traditonal way of MALTING barley. The damp grain is spread on a floor and left to GERMINATE, periodically being turned by shovels or ploughs. Today, floor maltings have been mostly replaced by DRUM MALTINGS. See also SALADIN BOX.

Floor maltings 地板發麥,大麥發芽的傳統方法。濕潤的穀物散開遍布在地板上用來發芽,定時地被鏟子或犁進行翻面。如今,地板發麥大多被滾筒發麥(DRUM MALTINGS)所取代。參見詞條SALADIN BOX。

Floor maltings

Foreshots The first spirit to appear in the final DISTILLATION. Foreshots are high in alcohol, contain volatile compounds, and are re-distilled with FEINTS and low wines in the DISTILLATION (aka. HEAD).

Foreshots 在最後的蒸餾過程中首先蒸餾出的spirit(酒精度高的酒液)。在蒸餾過程中,首段蒸餾出的酒液,酒精含量高,含有揮發性化合物,與尾段酒液和低酒精度的wine酒液混合再次進行蒸餾。(也稱為HEAD)

Germination Process in whitch the BARLEYs growth is nurtured during MALTING.

Germination 發芽,發麥過程中大麥的生長過程。

Grain whisky Made from a mix of small percentage of MALTED BARLEY and either CORN of wheat and distilled to under 94.8%ABV in a colunm still. The Scotch Whisky Act decrees that grain must possess the character of the cereal from which it is made.

Grain whisky 穀物威士忌,由少量大麥芽和玉米的混合物釀造成,在柱式蒸餾器中蒸餾出的酒液的酒精度低於94.8%ABV。蘇格蘭威士忌法令規定穀物威士忌必須具有釀造原料的穀物特性。


Heads 在最後的蒸餾過程中首先蒸餾出的spirit(酒精度高的酒液)。參見詞FORESHOTS。

High wines (USA) The final spirit produced from second distillation in the DOUBLER (aka. doublings).

High wines 美國威士忌用語,在雙重蒸餾器中,第二次蒸餾產生的最終的高酒精度酒液。(也稱為doublings)

Hogshead Type of CASK, mostly made from American OAK, with a capacity of 250 litres (55 gallons, aka. hoggies).

Hogshead 一種類型的木桶,主要由美國橡木製成,容量為250升(55加侖,又名hoggies)。

Indian whisky A somewhat controversial term since the Indian industry does not conform to the globally recognized definition of whisky being exclusively a cereal-based spirit and permits "whisky" to be made from molasses.

Indian whisky 印度威士忌,一個頗具爭議的術語,因為印度威士忌產業不符合全球公認的威士忌的定義,威士忌僅以穀物為原料,但印度允許用糖蜜釀造。

Irish whiskey Although there are only three distilleries operating in Ireland each makes its whiskey in a different fashion. Cooley uses double DISTILLATION and PEAT.

Irish whiskey 愛爾蘭威士忌,儘管在愛爾蘭經營的酒廠只有三家,但每種酒廠都以不同的方式釀造威士忌(愛爾蘭威士忌一般使用三重蒸餾,風味清新輕盈)。Cooley使用雙重蒸餾和具有泥炭風味。

Bushmills uses triple DISTILLATION of unpeated MALTED BARLEY. Irish Distillers produces IRISH POT STILL whiskey that, though unpeated and triple-distilled, uses a mix of unmalted and MALTED BARLEY in the MASHBILL.

Bushmills Bushmills是愛爾蘭的威士忌蒸餾廠,用三重蒸餾的方式和使用不經泥煤烘乾的麥芽(大麥麥芽)。Irish Distillers(愛爾蘭的一家威士忌蒸餾廠)生產愛爾蘭壺式蒸餾的威士忌,雖然使用的是不經泥煤烘乾的麥芽(無泥煤味)和三重蒸餾的方式,使用是未發芽的大麥和麥芽混合的穀物。

Lincoln County Process The technique that separates TENNESSEE WHISKEY from BOURBON. This involves passing the new spirit through beds of CHARCOAL to remove harsh elements (aka. leaching/mellowing).

Lincoln County Process Lincoln County釀造工藝,將田納西威士忌與波本威士忌區分開。它讓新酒通過木炭床來過濾,以去除尖銳粗糙的元素(又稱過濾/醇化)。

Liquor (USA) The hot water used in MASHING.


Lomond Still A POT STILL that contains adjustable plates in its neck, which increases REFLUX and gives the resulting spirit a characteristic oily/fruity quality.

Lomond Still 一種壺式蒸餾器,在其頸部裝有可調節的控制盤,可增加迴流,使酒液具有獨特的油性/水果味。

Lyne arm/lie pipe Aka. swan neck. The top part of a POT STILL, which leads from the body of the still to the CONDENSER. The angle of the lyne arm will have an impact on the character. An upwards angle encourages REFLUX and tends to make a lighter spirit, a down angle tends to produce a heavier spirit.

Lyne arm/lie pipe Lyne臂,又稱天鵝頸。在壺式蒸餾器的頂部,它連接著蒸餾器的主體和冷凝器。Lyne臂的角度會對酒質產生影響。向上傾斜的角度有助於迴流,易於形成使較輕盈的酒液,向下傾斜的角度往往會形成更厚重的酒液。

Malt The process that makes the starch available to the distiller through steeping the dormant BARLEY in water, GERMINATING it to start growth and then arresting the barleys growth by drying it in a kiln. This can be done in FLOOR, DRUM, or SALADIN MALTING plants.

Malt 發麥,包含發芽和終止發芽,將休眠的大麥浸泡在水中,使大麥發芽,大麥開始生長,然後在窯中烘乾,從而阻止大麥生長的過程。這可以使用FLOOR式發麥, DRUM式發麥,或SALADIN式發麥。

Mashing Process by whitch cereal starch is converted into fermentable sugars.

Mashing 糖化,穀物澱粉轉化為可用來發酵的糖的過程。

Mashbill Term used to describe the mix and percentage of different cereals used in whisky-making.

Mashbill 穀物成分比例,威士忌用語,用來描述威士忌釀造中使用的不同穀物的混合比例。

Maturation The final part of the whisky-making process takes place in CASK and provide up to 70 per cent of a whiskys final flavour (and its colour).

Maturation 熟成,釀造威士忌的最後一環節,在木桶中進行,威士忌的最終的風味(和顏色)的70%來自於木桶熟成這一環節。(有的人認為威士忌60%的風味來自於熟成這一環節,有的人認為銅是威士忌風味的主要來源)

Mothballed Term referring to a distillery that has been closed but has not been decommissioned.

Mothballed 威士忌用語,指已關閉但尚未退役的蒸餾廠。

NAS Shorthand for a whisky with No Age Statement on the label.

NAS No Age Statement的縮寫,威士忌酒標上對威士忌無年份的聲明。

New make An alternative Scottish term for newly distilled spirit. Aka. CLEARIC in Scotland and WHITE DOG in the USA.

New make 蘇格蘭威士忌術語,新蒸餾出來的酒液的另一種叫法。又可看成,蘇格蘭威士忌術語里的CLEARIC和美國威士忌術語里的WHITE DOG。

Oak Legally all Scotch, American, Canadian, and Irish whisk(e)y must be aged in oak BARRELS. During MATURATION, the whisky interacts with the aromatic extractives present in the wood. This interplay between spirit and oak adds to a whiskys complexity.

Oak 橡木,依據規定,所有蘇格蘭、美國、加拿大和愛爾蘭的威士忌必須在橡木桶中陳釀。在熟成過程中,威士忌與木頭的芳香物相互作用。酒液和橡木的相互作用增加了威士忌的複雜性。

Peat(ing) Peat plays an important role in the aroma of many whiskies. Semi-carbonized vegetation laid down over thousands of years on wet acidic boggy groud: peat is cut, dried, and then burnt in the kilning process in order to impart a smoky aroma to final spirit.

Peat(ing) 泥炭在許多威士忌的香味中起著重要作用。泥炭是幾千年來在潮濕的酸性沼澤地里形成的半碳化植物:泥炭被切塊、乾燥,然後在烘烤窯過程中烘烤,以賦予酒液煙熏味。

Phenols The chemical term for the aromatic coumpounds given off when PEAT is burnt. They are measured in phenolic parts per million (ppm) and the higher the ppm, the smokier the whisky. The ppm measurement refers to the MALTED BARLEY and not the NEW MAKE spirit. Up to 50 per cent of the phenols are lost in the distilling process.

Phenols 酚類物,烘烤泥炭時產生的芳香化合物的化學術語。酚類物以百萬分之酚類含量(ppm)來衡量,ppm數值越高,威士忌的煙熏味就越重。ppm的測量指的是大麥麥芽中的酚類含量,而不是酒液中酚類的含量。多達50%的酚類物在蒸餾過程中損失掉。

Proof A measurement of alcoholic strength now only used (on labels) by American distillers. American proof is exactly double the ABV (ALCOHOL BY VOLUME) measurement, ie. 40%ABV equals 80° USA proof.

Proof 只是美國蒸餾廠目前使用(在標籤上)酒精強度的量度。美國的 proof正好是ABV(酒精體積)量度的兩倍,即40%ABV等於80°USA proof。

Pot still The copper kettle-style stills used in batch DISTILATION.

Pot still 銅製的壺式蒸餾器用於批量蒸餾。

Quarter cask Contains 45 litres (10 gallons); its use has been revived recently as a way to inject a large amount of fresh OAK into a young whisky.

Quarter cask 夸特桶,容量45升(10加侖),最近它又被重新使用了,作為一種向年輕的酒液中注入大量新鮮橡木風味的方法。桶越小,威士忌的熟成時間越短,威士忌風味受木桶的影響更大。

Quercus The Latin term for OAK. The most commomly used varieties used in whisky are:Q. alba of American white OAK; Q. robur of European OAK; Q.petraea or sessile/French OAK, and Q.mongolica or mizunara/Japannese OAK. Each has its own range of aromas, flavours, and structure.

Quercus OAK(橡木)的拉丁語。威士忌中最常用的品種有:美國白橡木Q. alba、歐洲橡木Q. robur、Q.petraea或無柄/法國橡木、Q.mongolica 或 水竹/日本橡木。每一種橡木都有它自己的香氣、味道和材質結構。(mizunara,日語羅馬音,水竹?)

Rackhouse American term for a warehouse.

Rackhouse 美國的用語,倉庫的意思。

Rancio Tasting term used to describe the exotic, leathery/musky/fungal notes found in very old whiskies.

Rancio 品鑒用語,用來描述在非常老的威士忌中發現的奇異的、皮革/麝香/真菌味。

Refill Term given to CASKS that have been filled once already with SCOTH WHISKY.

Refill 威士忌用語,重填桶,它已經用蘇格蘭威士忌裝填過一次的。

Reflux Technical term referring to the CONDENSING of alcoholic vapour within the still (ie. prior to it reaching the CONDENSING system), which turns back into liquid and is redistilled. Reflux is one way of lightening the spirit and removing unwanted heavy elements and can be promoted through still shape as well as by the speed of DISTILLATION.

Reflux 迴流 ,威士忌釀造技術用語,指在蒸餾器內使酒精蒸汽凝結(即在它到達凝結系統之前),使它變成液體並再進行蒸餾。迴流是使酒液變得輕盈和去除不需要的厚重物質的一種方法,可以由蒸餾器的形狀以及蒸餾速度來實現迴流。

Ricks American term for the wooden supports that whiskey BARRELS lie on during MATURATION. Traditional, tall, metal-sided RACKHOUSES are also called ricked warehouses. Also used to describe the stacks of sugar-maple that are burnt to give the active CHARCOAL bed through which TENNESSEE WHISKEY is filtered.

Ricks 堆,美國威士忌用語,指威士忌酒桶在熟成過程中所放置的木製支架。傳統的、高大的、有金屬牆面的貨架房也叫ricked倉庫。還用來描述成堆的糖楓炭,經過燃燒,得到活性炭床,通過這個床田納西威士忌被過濾。

Rye (USA) Cereal used in the production of RYE WHISKEY, BOURBON, and Canadian whisky. Rye gives an acidic, mouthwatering effect, with aromas of sourdough, citrus, and on intense spiciness.

Rye 黑麥,美國威士忌用語,一種穀物用於生產黑麥威士忌、波本威士忌和加拿大威士忌。黑麥具有酸性、生津的效果,還帶有酸麵糰、柑橘的香氣和強烈的辛辣口感。

Rye whiskey (USA) Legally a rye whiskey is one made from a MASHBILL containing a minimum of 51 per cent rye, which conforms to the regulations governing (USA) STRAIGHT WHISKEY.

Rye whiskey 黑麥威士忌,美國威士忌用語,從法規上講,黑麥威士忌須由含有至少51%黑麥的成分的穀物混合物釀成,它遵照美國STRAIGHT WHISKEY的規定。

Scotch whisky Must be produced in Scotland at a distillery, from MALTED BARLEY (to which other whole cereals can be added) which is then MASHED, converted to a fermentable liquid through the BARLEYS own enzymes, FERMENTED with YEAST, distilled to less than 94.8%ABV, matured in Scotland in OAK CASKS not exceeding 700 litres (154 gallons) in size for a minimum of three years and bottled at no less than 40%ABV. Nothing other than water and spirit CARAMEL are permitted to be added.

Scotch whisky 蘇格蘭威士忌必須在蘇格蘭的蒸餾廠中生產,由大麥(其他穀物可加到大麥中)搗碎,隨後進行糖化,然後通過大麥自身含的酶轉化成可發酵的液體,用酵母發酵,酒液蒸餾到不高於94.8%ABV的酒精度,在蘇格蘭地區用橡木桶熟成,橡木桶的尺寸不超過700升(154加侖),至少陳釀3年,瓶裝時酒液酒精度不低於40%ABV。除了水和酒液以外,焦糖色是允許添加的。

Saladin box A method of MALTING that sits halfway between a traditional FLOOR MALTING and a modern DRUM MALTINGS, in which the GERMINATING BARLEY is placed in a large open-topped box and turned using a screw mechanism.

Saladin box 在傳統的地板式發麥和現代的滾筒式發麥之間的一種方式,其中發芽中的大麥放在一個大的上端開口的盒子里,用螺旋機械裝置翻轉.

Saladin box

Single barrel (USA) A slightly confusing term; the whiskey in the bottle comes from a single BARREL, but each batch of a single BARREL whiskey may comprise more than one BARREL.

Single barrel 單桶威士忌,美國威士忌用語,一個稍微讓人感到困惑的用語;裝瓶的威士忌來自單個桶(BARREL),但是每個批次的單桶威士忌可以由多個桶組成。

Sourmash(ing) (USA) The non-alcoholic liquid residue left at the end of the first DISTILLATION, which is then added to the mash in the fermenter. This can make up to 25 per cent or more of the total liquid in the fermenter. Adding this souring agent to the mash eases FERMENTATION. Every BOURBON/TENNESSEE WHISKEY is sourmashed (aka. BACKSET, spent beer, stillage).

Sourmash(ing) 酸漿,美國威士忌用語,在第一次蒸餾結束時留下的不含酒精液體的殘留物,然後加入發酵罐中的穀物泥漿中。這可以占發酵罐中全部液體的25%或更多。在穀物漿中加入這種酸味劑有助於發酵。每種波本威士忌/田納西威士忌都是需要加入酸漿的。(又稱BACKSET, spent beer, stillage)

Straight whiskey (USA) Any whiskey made from a minimum of 51 per cent of any one grain (corn, rye, wheat) distilled to 160° PROOF (80%ABV), aged at no more than 125° PROOF (62.5%ABV) for a minimum of two years in new CHARRED OAK BARRELS and bottled at a a min of 80° PROOF (40%ABV). NO CARAMEL addition or flavour enhancement is allowed.

Straight whiskey 美國威士忌用語,威士忌由一種穀物(玉米、黑麥、小麥),這種穀物的成分含量至少要達到51%;蒸餾至160°PROOF(80%ABV)的酒精度;不高於125° PROOF (62.5%ABV)酒精度的酒液在全新的橡木桶中陳釀至少兩年;瓶裝時酒液的酒精度不低於80° PROOF (40%ABV);不允許添加焦糖色和香味添加劑。

Tennessee whiskey Is controlled by the same regulations as BOURBON, but distillers in Tennessee filter the new spirit through beds of maple CHARCOAL (aka. the LICOLN COUNTY PROCESS).

Tennessee whiskey 田納西威士忌會受到波本威士忌的規定的管制,但是田納西的蒸餾廠會將酒液用糖楓炭進行過濾(又稱the LICOLN COUNTY PROCESS)。

Thumper Another name for a DOUBLER. The thumper is filled with water through which the low wines pass-a process that helps remove some of the heavier alchohols. As it does, it makes a "thumping" sound.

Thumper 雙重蒸餾器的一個別稱。thumper蒸餾器充滿水,低酒精度酒液通過時,這個流程有助於去除一些厚重的酒精液體,與此同時它會發出「thumping」的聲響。

Toasting Involves heating the staves of the CASK over a fire to make them more pliable. The heat also caramelizes the complex wood sugars in the OAK. It is these sugars that interact with the spirit to produce a complex mature whisky. By varing the level of toasting, distillers can create a wide range of effects.

Toasting 烘烤,需要將木桶壁放到火上加熱,使之更柔韌。熱量也使橡木中的複合木糖變成焦糖。正是這些焦糖與酒液相互作用產生複雜的成熟的威士忌。通過改變烘烤的程度,蒸餾師可以創造出廣泛的各種效果。



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