歲歲重陽,今又重陽,Joe小哥全新視角陪你過重陽!中國古典詩歌第九講 | 視頻

九日重陽節,淵明採菊時。本期《致經典》節目我們迎來了一位新主持人,來自英國的小Joe老師(Joe Willetts)。關於重陽節,這位初來乍到的英國小哥有話要說!趕快點開視頻收看本期節目吧!

Hello and welcome back to Classic Reading. I』m your host, Joe Willetts. 

I』ve always had an interest in traditional Chinese culture, and today I hope we can share something about each other』s cultures on this poetry trip.


My friends and I have been talking for days about the 「Chong Yang Festival」. 

Today I』d like to introduce a poem about this festival. It』s called

Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Climbing Day

, by Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei.


The first two lines have been widely read and quoted through the ages. It means that when you live in a foreign land, like it or not, you』ll still feel like a foreigner and you』ll always miss your homeland, culture, friends, and family. And I think these words show the mind of a sensitive young man and describe the true feelings of many travellers around the world.


Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Climbing Day

By Wang Wei

Translation by Xu Yuanchong

Alone, a lonely stranger in a foreign land,

I doubly pine for kinsfolk on a holiday.

I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand,

Climb the mountain and think of me so far away.

The first four characters in the title doesn』t mean September 9th in a certain year of the solar calendar. In Ancient China, people used the lunar calendar to mark time. According to The Book of Changes, yin stands for negativity and darkness, and yang stands for positivity and light. The number nine is considered as yang, so the ninth day in the ninth lunar month is a double yang date. That』s why this festival is called 「The Double Ninth Festival」 or 「Chóng Yáng Festival」 (Chong means 「double; to repeat」 in Chinese).


Since the Warring States Period (475–221 BC), people have been celebrating this festival by climbing up mountains and enjoying chrysanthemum flower wine and double-ninth cakes. In this poem, Wang Wei mentioned a plant called dogwood, which was commonly used on this day. In Ancient China, people believed that wearing this plant on their clothes would keep away bad luck and diseases.


This poem reminds me of 「The Road Not Taken」, by Robert Frost. He is a famous American poet and he is very good at writing about human emotions, such as loneliness and homesickness.



The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less travelled by,

And that has made all the difference.

As someone who has taken 「the road less travelled」 in moving to a new country, I can relate to the loneliness felt by the traveler in the first poem. For me, one of the biggest struggles, of moving from London to Beijing, has been adjusting to the silence of my new apartment versus living in my family home. I know it』s not easy to start a new life in Beijing , but hopefully I』ll settle in as soon as possible.


That』s all for this episode of Classic Reading. Let us know what you do for the Double Ninth Festival in the comment section below. Thank you for watching and we』ll see you next time.














你只看到彭于晏在《邪不壓正》里晃眼的肌肉, 我卻迷倒在他流利的英文里


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