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合成鑽石或稱人造鑽石,即透過技術加工製成的鑽石,對比於地質作用自然形成的天然鑽石。合成鑽石也廣泛被稱作HPHT鑽石和CVD鑽石,分別表示它的加工方式:高溫高壓(High-Pressure High-Temperature)以及化學氣相沉積(Chemical Vapor Deposition)。

1986 年有一部風靡美國的電影, 《咪走堂》(Ferris Buellers Day Off,台譯蹺課天才,又稱春天不是讀書天)是由尊·曉治執導。本片講述高中生Ferris Bueller和朋友逃學,在芝加哥遊歷的經過。在這部電影裡面, 男主角也披露了一種合成鑽石的嘗試:

"Camerons so tight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up his *ss, in 2 weeks it would turn into a diamond..."

好了, 鑽石講得差不多了。


大家一起來頭腦風暴, 「冷凍能改變晶體結構」、 「低溫處理在量子物理學上也有得說」、


哎呀媽呀,哎呀媽呀,哎呀媽呀, 厲害了。

「冷凍能改變晶體結構」, 然後呢? 電阻率下降了嗎? 或者只是做了無用功和祖國節能減排的方針相左?

「低溫處理在量子物理學上也有得說」, 然後呢? 電阻率下降了嗎?或者只是擼了個無人能反駁的新假說出來?

「冷凍單晶銅的純度要比單晶銅更高」, 然後呢? 電阻率下降了嗎? 費了老大的勁, 導電性還超不過首飾級的銀吧?

「把新線的火氣給去掉」, 然後呢? 電阻率下降了嗎? 中西醫結合用到線材上, 這莆田系的影響真不小啊?

「消除材料中導致諸如力學等特性不穩定的組織結構」, 然後呢? 電阻率下降了嗎? 初中物理解釋不了了啊。

「金屬分子之間的接觸更加緊密」, 然後呢? 電阻率下降了嗎? 話說金屬裡面哪有分子呢? 另一維空間來的?


為啥您不說金屬在超低溫下都會超導, 氫氣也會變金屬呢?

這可是少年科學畫報的知識哦, 小學的啵。

有的網友說, 一個詞坑你坑膩了再換個詞繼續坑。所謂冷凍就是「坑騙」代名詞。

俺其實不願意相信冷凍是坑騙, 所以俺家自備了一罐液氮。

有的同學認為, 自備液氮來燒耳機太奢侈。

俺經過多方查證, 找到了一個免費的超導體耳機/音響調音解決方法。



雖說俺已經寫過散文介紹這個超導體調音法, 但讀者寥寥讓俺頗感失落。


俺還是認為有必要再貼一次, 方便大家參考。



Why Stinky Fart Makes Headphones Sound Far Better?


吃飽了回來, 老鄉放了一個沒有聲音的臭屁。

俺在聽著耳機呢, 沒想到不期而遇的臭屁讓平時聽慣了的音樂更通透, 三頻更均衡了, 聲場大了一圈, 感覺更寬鬆了。

於是, 俺摘下耳機問:

「瘦子, 你是不是放了個大臭屁? 」


俺接著問, 「你說說, 為什麼屁會讓耳機的音質突然變好?」

瘦子沉吟半晌, 說:


你知道嗎? 屁裡面除了甲烷, 還有超導體。」


「屁裡面還有超導體? 你別欺負俺沒讀過書啊。你說話有沒有科學根據呢?」


「硫化氫是無機化合物,化學式為H2S。正常是無色、易燃的酸性氣體,濃度低時帶惡臭,氣味如臭蛋;濃度高時反而沒有氣味(因為高濃度的硫化氫可以麻痹嗅覺神經)。2015年,物理學者發現,硫化氫在溫度203K 極度高壓的環境下發生超導相變,是目前已知最高溫度的超導體。」


Cartlidge, Edwin. Superconductivity record sparks wave of follow-up physics. Nature News. 18 August 2015 [18 August 2015].

Hack a day: Why Stinky Fart Can Make Your Headphones Sound Much More Awesome than Changing Power Chords

Author: BirdyBird

After we came back to our dorm from the McD,

my old time buddy Sean cut the cheese in a stealthy fashion.

I was listening to my Hi-end headphones.

The unexpected odour of fart suddenly made my listening experience superb.

The bass, the mid and the treble became drop dead balanced and a lot more music details were unveiled.

Tremendous amount of timbres gushed to my eardrums.

This is true music, I think.

This is unpresidented!!!

I took off my headphones and asked Sean,

「Hi bro, did you just let out a big fat stinky fart?」

my old time buddy blushed and nodded silently as a shy acknowledgment.

I kept going and asked,

「Tell me why your stinky fart makes my headphones sound awesome, please?」

Sean did not answer before a long break,

「Speaking of the fart, there are some state secrets involved and I am not sure if

I am at liberty to disclose. You know, besides methane, there is some superconductor in my fart.」

I almost jumped up in joy,

「Superconductor in your fart? Never heard of it! Is it even scientific?」

Sean replied with a poker face,

「Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S.

It is a colorless gas with the characteristic odor of rotten eggs.

It is very poisonous, corrosive, and flammable.Being heavier than air,

it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces.

Although very pungent at first, it quickly deadens the sense of smell,

so victims may be unaware of its presence until it is too late.

At pressures above 90 GPa (gigapascal), hydrogen sulfide becomes a

metallic conductor of electricity. When cooled below a critical temperature

this high-pressure phase exhibits superconductivity.

The critical temperature increases with pressure, ranging from

23 K at 100 GPa to 150 K at 200 GPa.

And it is the superconductor known to human with the highest critical temperature as of now.」


Cartlidge, Edwin. Superconductivity record sparks wave of follow-up physics. Nature News. 18 August 2015 [18 August 2015].

Superconductivity record sparks wave of follow-up physics


superconductor, superconductivity, audiophile, headphone, Hi-Fi, scientific, science, hack, fart, Hydrogen sulfide, H2S

節選自 「對話線材 – 我讀書少該怎麼玩線材? — 我讀書少您別耍我系列」

麥文學:對話線材 – 我讀書少該怎麼玩線材? — 我讀書少您別耍我系列?




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