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  • 小心驕傲,保持你的謙卑,像個無價的寶藏,他就要像水晶球般,反映出我們所要賦予你的智慧來,不要讓自大的幻象污髒了你的水晶,因為驕傲的工價就是黑暗和毀滅,但謙卑的工價卻是真理和光明。

    Beware of pride, and retain thy modesty like a jewel of great price, that it be like unto a crystal reflecting the light of wisdom which we shall give unto thee… for the wages of pride are darkness and distortion, but the wages of humility are truth and light.

  • 爺爺說,新教徒真的很不對,因為當有人死亡時,他們不為這些人祈禱。無私的祈禱是最美麗的思想,因為能在靈魂的周圍形成美麗的光環,這樣對他們是有很大幫助的,而且同時也讓他們知道,我們並沒有忘記他們,我們正在想念他們,這樣會讓靈魂很高興的。

    Old grandpa said the protestants did quite wrong not to pray for the people when they are what we call dead, because unselfish prayers are beautiful thoughts and make a lovely light around the spirits and help them a lot and let them know we are thinking of them too, which gives them pleasure and reminds them they are not forgotten.

  • 良知的呼喚,那是一種試著要告訴他們,別再犯過去讓他們陷入困境的錯誤的回憶。

    Conscience is a sort of memories which tries to tell them not to do the wrong things again they did before and got them into trouble.

  • 不要像無知的人一樣認為,人可以在短短的歲月中,就達到完美的境界。整個宇宙,也是處在這樣一個不斷演變的過程中(進化),大自然和人類都一樣。

    Think not as the ignorant do, that man can attain perfection in three score years and ten; in the universe all is a process of becoming; (viz: of evolution) and as with Nature so with man.

  • 不要認為所有的事情都是機運下的產物,所有一切都在律法的掌控下。那些你所愛過的人,你們還會再相遇,同享歡欣快樂,而那些你所討厭的人,你們也還會再相遇,一同受苦,當然如果有智慧的話,就改彼此饒恕。

    Do not imagine that anything is the outcome of chance; all is governed by Law, and those ye have loved ye meet again, to rejoice, and those ye have hated ye meet again, to suffer—and if wise, to forgive.

  • 孩子,你要將這一點謹記在心,至高者所看重的,不是你的信仰,而是你本身,他們透視人的心,而不是人的腦,因為他們是從人的心,去尋找那至珍至貴的寶藏的。一個人,有顆聰明的腦袋,卻可能有一顆邪惡的心,但一個有著偉大心靈的人,就不會有著邪惡的腦袋。

    Bear this in mind, my sons; it is not what ye believe but what ye are that weighs with the Exalted Ones, for They look into the heart and not into the head to find the shining jewel. He who hath a great brain may nevertheless have an evil heart, but he who hath a great heart will never have an evil brain, though it may be lacking in forcefulness. Yet when man reaches the goal doth he become great in all things…

  • 讓這個真理攜刻在你的心上!在律法的世界中,一切都是公平正義的,而我們每一個人,都因過去的思想、慾望及行動,一手塑造了自己現有的命運,善有善的回報,而惡就有惡的報應。因為這就是律法,不是因為道德或回饋,不是因為罪惡或責罰,只是因為「因果法則」的緣故。

    Let this truth be engraven on your hearts; All is Justice in God』s perfect world, and each of us has created his present destiny by his thoughts and desires and actions of the Past—to reap good where he has sown good and to reap evil where he has sown evil. For such is the Law, not of virtue and reward, nor of sin and chastisement, but of Cause and Effect.

  • 你們一定要知道,生命是一件很複雜的事情。你們有你們的肉體生命,你們的情感生命,你們的精神生命,更有你們的靈性生命,而所有這些生命之間,彼此是緊密相連的,因為構成了你們的現世存在。

    …you must remember that life is a very complex affair. You have your physical life, your emotional life, your mental life, and your spiritual life, all of which are intimately associated with and form an integral part of your terrestrial existence….you have a physical body…but you also have an emotional body, a mental body, and a spiritual body, and all these increasingly subtle bodies interpenetrate each other and your material body.

  • 靈魂由於想創造財富,建立家庭,謀得身份地位及其他許多的慾望,而為自己帶來了束縛和義務,而這些,就是最終會將靈魂帶回到地面上來的束縛(執著是因)。如果靈魂在世上種下惡因,他就要回來嘗其惡果,然後透過種種的苦難,來償還他的債務。如果靈魂在世上種下的是善因,他就要回來得其善果,而如果靈魂同時灑下了善因與惡因,就像我們大部分的人一樣,那麼他就要回來同時承擔善果與惡果,在這種情況下,就會有所謂的好運與惡運。

    The soul has created ties and obligations on earth through its desire to make money, have a family, acquire possessions, social standing and many other 「treasures on earth」. All these are ties which eventually bring it back to the earth-plane, to teach it wisdom through experience. If it has sown evil, it comes back to reap the effect of that evil and adjusts its debts through suffering. If it has sown good, it comes back to reap the effects of that good. If it has sown a mixture of both good and evil, as most of us have, it comes back to reap the effects of both good and evil, in which case its incarnation will be a medley of so-called good luck and bad (luck).

  • 那麼靈魂要怎麼樣,才能夠不需要再回來呢?

    回答:要積存 財寶在天上,而不是在地上。簡單的說,人要無私,或者是不被任何東西所束縛。

    1. 首先,一個人要避免作惡,如此才不會在將來的輪迴中造成必須償還的債

    2. 其次,他必須去行善,而不求任何的回報。因為除非你是無私的,否則強烈的慾望早晚都會被實現的,而這就是將你羈絆在這世上的束縛。強烈的慾望,多少就像是回力鏢一樣,你以慾望的形態將其擲入時空中,它就會以現實的狀態回到這裡來。

    What the soul has to do so as not to require to come back to earth anymore?

    Answer: It has to lay up for itself treasure in heaven instead of treasures on earth. In short, a man has to become selfless, or as the Indian sages have put it, he must become unattached.

    1. He must avoid doing evil so as to incur no debts to be paid off in a future incarnation.

    2. He must do good for its own sake without any desire for reward. Because strong desires, unless unselfish, have sooner or later to be fulfilled, they are fetters which bind one to earth.

  • 財富與名氣本身,並無善惡可言,而是我們對這兩者的迷戀,造成所謂的善或惡。例如,耶穌曾經說過,貪愛錢財是萬惡的根源。

    They (wealth, power, high positions, etc.) are neither good nor evil in themselves. It is our attachment to them that makes them evil for us. Jesus said, for example, the love of money is the root of all evil (attachment to money is the root of all evil).

  • 印度的不執著,實際上,是要你們不可依賴外在的事物,來追求自己的幸福快樂。因為唯一真實永恆不變的快樂,是向內尋求的。更重要的是,向那個與神合一的最高靈性層次去尋求。

    (The Indian idea of non-attachment) practically means that you must not allow yourself to be dependent on external things for your happiness. For the only true and lasting happiness is to be found within, that is to say in the subtler bodies, and above all, in the highest spiritual body which is at one with God.

  • 一個曾經是科學家的靈魂:以進化論來說吧,就事實來講,這是正確無誤的,但卻很不恰當地被四處援引,成為許多反對生命不死者,所大肆利用的論點,因為人類知道了,生物有機體確實是經過長期進化的結果。許多人因此就妄下結論,說根本就沒有所謂死後生命的存在。

    By a spirit who used to be a scientist: Take the doctrine of Evolution. As a fact, it is true,

    but it has been unjustifiably used as a peg on which to hang many negations. Because men have learnt that the physical organism is the result of a long process of evolution, many have jumped to the unwarranted conclusion that there is no survival after death.


    I mentioned Evolution when I was here before; but although your men of science are putting forward a truth as far as it goes, it is only a half-truth as they understand it and expound it. They are pre-occupied with the evolution of Form, and overlook the much more important evolution of Life…Your scientists only know of one scheme of Evolution, but there are two. There is not only the evolutionary scheme of physical Nature, there is also the evolutionary scheme of the nature spirits.

  • 生命可以完全不依靠任何形體而存在的,而形體,卻只是在某種既定的生命形態中,一種特殊的呈現,換句話說,問題並不在於種類,而是在於程度。。。生命是永恆而無所不在的,形體只是和某種特殊的生命呈現有關。

    Life can exist entirely independent of form, and the latter is merely responsible for the particular manifestation of life within a given form; in other words the question is not one of kind but of degree….Life is omnipresent, forms are merely concerned with its particular and peculiar degree of manifestation.

  • 在靈魂的世界裡,愛重於一切,在那邊,偉大的人並不是以世間的頭銜、地位來衡量的,而是看誰身上最能散發出愛的光芒。

    In the spirit world it』s love what counts, and the grand people there are not the folk what used to be dukes and duchesses and Sirs and Ladies, but the people who shine the most with the light of love.

  • 三個偉大的哲理:

    1. 只有一個生命,但透過眾體予以呈現

    2. 只有一個我,但透過眾體予以呈現

    3. 只有一個愛,但透過眾愛予以呈現

    Three great truths:

    1. There is but one LIFE manifesting through all forms.

    2. There is but one SELF manifesting through all selves.

    3. There is but one LOVE manifesting through all loves.


    The SELF is one with LIFE and the SELF is one with LOVE, therefore are the three but one. He who realize his unity with the LIFE, SELF, and LOVE know the Bliss, fur pure LIFE is Bliss, the pure SELF is Bliss, and pure (unconditional) LOVE is Bliss. When the sun shines through crimson glass there appears to be a crimson sun, and when the sun shines through emerald glass there appears to be a emerald sun, yet is there but one sun which is neither crimson nor emerald. And so it is with the one SELF shining through a myriad individual selves, which are as but the colored windows through which the sun of the SELF doth shine. These truth which I have enunciated are the great Simples, yet are they the eternal profundities.

  • 我的兄弟,在每個存在中,去感受我,然後你們就能夠愛每一個存在。在你們的經典上也寫著:「愛你們的鄰居,就如同愛你們自己」,而你們會認為這句話的意思是,愛鄰居要跟愛自己一樣多,那是不對的。這句話的意思,是要愛你們的鄰居就像愛自己一樣,因為你和你的鄰居,本來就是合一的,因為只有一個我。

    My brothers, perceive the one SELF in all beings, then will ye love all beings.

  • 海洋中有許多波浪,然而那些波浪是與海洋合二為一的,所以波浪的相異之處,並不在於其種類,而在於每個波浪的名字及形狀,因為每個波浪都是源於海洋的,同樣,你和你的鄰居的關係,也是基於相同的道理。

    Verily there are many waves in the sea, yet are those waves one with the sea and formed out of the sea, and their difference is not of kind but only of name and form. And so it is with thyself and thy neighbors (love thy neighbor as thyself).

  • 然而業力的法則,確實一種正面的律法,為什麼呢?因為人們如果可以逃避(為了尋找我)走上歧路所招致的後果,那麼,人們如何能有機會,去發現自己走錯路了,因而尋找到,能夠追尋到我的正確路途呢?

    Yet is the law of karma a benignant law, for if man could elude the consequences of searching for the SELF in the wrong way, how would he ever come to think to search for it in the right way? Through the ways of error doth man ultimately arrive at Truth—the Truth of the SELF which shall set him free.

  • 在大自然中,並沒有什麼事是粗鄙的,而那只是由於我們的錯誤態度,以致讓我們認為某事是粗鄙的,而此種錯誤態度的產生,大部分是由於虛榮的緣故。

    There nothing indecent in Nature; it is merely our wrong attitude towards it which makes us think it indecent. This wrong attitude is largely the result of Vanity.

  • 如果不是因為你在前世樂善好施,你在今世就不可能擁有那種優渥環境了,而這也就是你們聖經上那句話的深義:當一個人播種了,所以他就獲得收割了。

    「You would not be in those circumstances (live affluently) if you had not earned them by your great generosity in a previous incarnation. That is the deeper significance of the text in your Scripture: As a man sows so shall he reap.

  • 你可能會問,為什麼我們要去救一個快淹死的人呢(如果一切都是業力作用)?而答案卻是很明顯的,因為如果你救得了他,那是他的業力讓他被救,如果你救不了他,那也是他

    But you might as well ask why attempt to rescue a drowning man (if the whole thing is karmic)? The obvious answer is: if you can save him, it is his karma to be saved, and if you can』t, then it is his karma to be drowned.

  • 你不要為你身體上的苦弱而抱怨,因為有朝一日,你將會高興地發現,原來這也是另外一種祝福。

    Lament not over your bodily affliction. One day you will be exceeding glad and come to view it in the light of a blessing.


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