



JihadDerp(英格蘭球迷):曼憐。(Moan United.)


ParisHL(西漢姆聯球迷):我們不是剛在英聯杯踢了麥克斯菲爾德嗎,現在這是在踢第二輪?(Didnt we play Macclesfield the other day, or is this the second leg?)

ABloodEagle(曼聯球迷):我覺得穆帥得來一個三年包退換的售後服務才行…(Mourinho should come with a three year return warranty.)

break2n(英格蘭球迷):曼聯還是有幾個好消息的!一是這賽季利物浦和曼城至少有一支是拿不到聯賽冠軍的;二是曼聯已經遠離降級區8分之多,三是費萊尼表現很好,已經是曼聯最有威脅的進攻點了!(Positives for United: At least 1 of Liverpool and City cannot win the league at a time. 8 Points clear of relegation. Fellaini looking like one of the most dangerous attacking options.)

SexyMooli(巴基斯坦球迷):還有個好消息,就是這周不用支付桑切斯那8.5萬鎊的贏球獎金,簡直賺翻了!(Another positive. Dont have to pay Alexis an additional £85,000 bonus this week. Quite a bargain.)


bluenokia2(切爾西球迷):啊~阿扎爾,這速度,這進球,這屁股,我真是欲罷不能了…(Omg Hazard, that speed, that goal, that arse, can』t hold myself now…)

AmnesiaFX(利物浦球迷):作為比利時的利物浦球迷,天知道我是有多糾結…(As a Belgian Liverpool fan I dont know how I feel about this...)

HankMoodyMaddafakaaa(曼聯球迷):看得我腦子都不好使了,這難道就是神仙打架么…(My mind is blown. What am i watching? Aliens fighting?)

Smrifire(切爾西球迷):不要讓這場比賽讓你忘了曼聯1-3輸給了西漢姆聯啊!(Dont let this match distract you from the fact that United lost 3-1 to West ham.)

Codespyder(曼城球迷):踢得真好看,你們倆能不能每周都踢比賽啊?(You two can play each other every week as far as Im concerned. What an excellent games.)

Red_Baron22(利物浦球迷):每次阿扎爾拿球的時候,嚇得我菊花都要緊100倍…(My butt is clenching intensifies 100x every time Hazard gets the ball.)


Arsenictue(皇馬球迷):在皇馬的比賽沒踢完之前,我還是別在巴薩評論區說話了…(I prefer not to speak here till our match is done too.)

Harkoncito(皇馬球迷):你們怎麼能把冠軍的壓力推給我們呢?那我們肯定也是平局啊!(How dare you put this kind of pressure on us, we are also a draw absolutely!)

jon_stewrt(未知主隊球迷):梅西是巴薩唯一能找到幸運女神的人,然後再把女神翻個身,打她的屁屁...(Messi is the only player who could find lady luck, turn her around and give her a spanking.)

cvaldo99(巴薩球迷):要是哪天梅西不在了,真不知道會發生什麼…(One day Messi won』t be here. Idk what will happen then.)

cha54mi(未知主隊球迷):如果拉基蒂奇是為畢包踢球的話,那肯定就是場上最佳!你看他所有的球都傳給畢包球員了!(If rakitic was playing with a bilbao shirt he would be their motm . Literally his passes all were to athletic players.)

yarikhh(未知主隊球迷):胡說什麼呢?明明皮克才是畢包的最佳球員!(You fool, it must be Pique to win MOTM for bilbao)


Xthecreator(皇馬球迷):別泄氣啊,我們假裝皇馬和巴薩都贏了不就得了!(Never mind, let』s just pretend we and Barcelona both won the match.)

Hamozus(皇馬球迷):今天下午我對巴薩的戰術進行了細緻的分析,現在我已經想到新點子了,咱也得在下半場讓梅西出場才行!(I have carefully analyzed Barcas game this afternoon looking for fresh tactical ideas and I think that we need to sub in Messi at halftime.)

Mpkotabelud(皇馬球迷):也就是說,上次我們在聯賽主場擊敗馬競的時候,教練還是穆里尼奧?(So, the last time that Real beat Atletico at home in La Liga was in Jose Mourinho period?)

Raphael1987(皇馬球迷):我開始懷念C羅的自由球了,起碼不像現在這樣誰都想去XJBT一腳…(I miss Ronaldo free kicks. At least there was no bullshit like this where everyone takes a try)


Ironman122(布萊頓球迷):輸給曼城…那能叫輸么?又不是每輪都能踢曼聯!(It』s okay to lose to city as we can』t play against united every week.)

Do_not_tempt_me(阿森納球迷):感覺斯特林就會進兩種球,一種是接橫傳推射空門,一種就是直接進世界波…(I feel like sterling scores two types of goals. These tap in that are slid across from the other side. The second type are bangers.)

njf88(曼城球迷):哪天斯特林能進單刀了,我就把他的名字紋在丁丁上!(I will have his name tattooed on my dick when he can score a 1v1.)



JJFresh814(阿森納球迷):我廠這贏球次數多了,段子還真就不好編了…(We are short of memes if we win too many times…)

Nachoiscool(阿森納球迷):今年我們能贏得爭四聯賽的冠軍了吧!(We』re winning the 4th place trophy this year.)

Nyhrox(曼聯球迷):阿森納是不是不知道比賽前80分鐘也是允許進球的?(Does Arsenal know they dont have to wait 80 mins to score goals?)



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