後天養成 早起的 習慣
後天養成 早起的 習慣
來自專欄看英語電影 學英語
天生的,後天的 born or made?
How to Become an Early Riser - Steve Pavlina
- almost always, 總是,usually, 總是, eventually 最終
- not get very far with it, 走不遠 get far with it, 走得遠
- try (tried)again many more times, 又試了很多次
- each time not getting very far with it 每一次都沒有成功 (走得很遠)
- Whenever my alarm went off 每次我的鬧鐘響起
- my first thought is (was) to stop the blasted noise 我第一反應就是關掉讓人心煩的噪音
- my first thought was to go back to sleep 我第一反應就是回去睡覺
- for a number of years 許多年
- I tabled this habit for a number of years 我固守這習慣很多年
- came across a sleep research 碰巧看到一篇睡眠有關的研究
- a research showed that.... 這個研究顯示了
- I go about the problem the wrong way 我用錯誤的方法在這個問題上兜圈子
- I applied those ideas 我採納了那些建議
- Once I applied those ideas, I was able to become an early riser consistently 一旦我採納了那些建議,我就能持續變成一個早起的人
- It is hard to do something using the wrong strategy 用錯誤的方法做什麼事情很難
- but with the right strategy, its relatively easy 但是用正確的方法,就相對容易