

78 人贊了文章


be due to由於,因此

be exposed to 暴露在...下,處在...的作用之下

be fond of 喜愛

be full of 充滿他

be habitual to(him) 對(他來說)習以為常

be in order合適,恰當

be involved in 參與,參加

be involved with 與……有關聯

be left to 由...來決定,由...來想辦法

be limited to限制在...,限定在...

be linked to/with something 與…有聯繫

be proud of 為~而驕傲。

be referred to 被提及,被提交

be related to 與……有關

be sick of 厭惡...,討厭...

be subject to 經受,遭受

be suitable for 適合於

be sure of 對...的肯定

be thrown in 額外贈送

be tied by/with 被……捆綁

be tied to 束縛於,捆綁於

be tired of 厭倦...,厭煩...

behind time 晚點

have belief in 對……的真實性或正確性具有的信心

believe(…to be) 相信……是

better than 好於……

beyond question 毋庸置疑

break away 脫離,逃跑

break down 損壞,分解,瓦解

break into 闖入

break in 強行進行,打斷

break off 斷絕,結束

break out 突發,爆發

break through 突破

break up 終止,結束,打碎

bring about 產生

bring forward 提出

bring out 使出現;公布;出版

bring up 培養,養大

by accident 偶然,含有不幸的因素

by all means 決不;並沒有

by chance 偶然,意外地

by choice 處於選擇

by contrast 對比之下

by means of 用,依靠;藉助於

by mistake 錯誤地

by the way 順便提一下

8 by virtue of 憑藉,藉助;因為

by way of 經由,通過…方式

call forth 喚起,引起

call for 邀請,要求,需要

call off 放棄,取消

call on/upon訪問,拜訪

care for 照顧,關心

carry out 貫徹,執行,實現

cast light on 闡明某事

catch up with 趕上

catch sight of 看見

center on 把...集中在,以...為中心

characterized by 以...為特徵

coincide with 與……相符

come from 來自,來源於

come off 成功

come on 碰上;進步,改善;發生

come out 出版,出現,結局是

come to 等於,結果是;涉及,達到

come under attack 受到打擊

come under 被...包括在之內

come up 發生

comment on 評論,發表意見

comply with 遵守,服從

conform to 遵守,符合,順應

consist of 組成

consistent in 在(某方面)一致

consistent with 與……一致

contribute to 有助於,促進,加劇

copy out 抄寫


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