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新一輪 10 月的雅思考官口語課!
煉爆 Part 3 的好機會!
Some people think a lot of scientific research done today is a waste of time and money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
答案,我們沒 preference
答案,不可以的,這樣會 TR 6 ,因為考官 Criteria 上有一條說 "some parts are more fully covered than others" = TR 6
這篇範文是正反方都寫了,但是是假想揣摩 Some people 跟 Other people 會怎麼去 argue 寫出來的
Some people think a lot of scientific research done today is a waste of time and money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
To assess whether something is a waste of time and money or not, I might have to first consider what 「waste」 is. There is of course a casual definition of what 「waste」 means, and usually it means 「the stuff that I dont approve of,」 but the take home message is that this rests entirely on how the word 「waste」 is defined.
Many consider scientific research a waste because in most cases, the time, energy, and efforts put in research are to no avail. To these people, anything that produces no immediate benefit is deemed 「a waste.」 It』s true that scientific research does take a ton of money, time and failures to produce anything useful, if anything at all. The enormous amount of time spent on data collection and analysis, money squandered on overpriced lab equipment and manpower due to (unfortunately) the politics at play on how research is funded and conducted, and the energy and resources consumed by the trial and retrial just to confirm the validity of the test are all well worth it if the product of the research is as applicable as it is valid. The sad reality, however, is that the contradiction between what is hypothesized and what the empirical data suggest often sends the researchers back to the drawing board. Worse yet, the difficulties involved in making the sciences applicable to real life are oftentimes too great, which left us humans to wonder why we even started the research in the first place.
The kind of myopic thinking exhibited in the paragraph above, as others would argue, is the rankest psychologism of all. This type of thinking doesn』t allow the people to see past the immediate return that any scientific research might bring and robs them of the opportunity to recognize the potential that lies within. Prior knowledge, or the premise of something, is what lays the foundation of the reasoning that follows. Certain fact or knowledge may not seem like much and certainly may not surmount to anything on its own. However, sets of related facts and data points grouped together are what constitute insights into new discoveries, which one day may also be the cornerstone of other even more crucial breakthroughs. Who is to say that the minute amounts of knowledge and data, which may seem insignificant at first, did not comprise the very fabric of our understanding of the world? And that we humans, as naturally inquisitive and rational beings, did not build our current understanding of the world on existing known facts? What short-term thinking does is that it distracts us from deep thinking, from being analytically curious, and from being able to connect the dots.
In conclusion, I would very much agree that financial resources allocated to the development of science is not a waste though the results aren』t immediate because I too share the gift of foresight of seeing the potential in any sort of research done on any particular subject.
2018 雅思口語真題 Part 1?
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