【跟Youtuber學英語 26——撩妹/撩漢必備金句!

【跟Youtuber學英語 26——撩妹/撩漢必備金句!

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【跟Youtuber學英語 26】——撩妹/撩漢必備金句!


pick up lines: 撩妹/撩漢金句

今天這個有點厲害,雖然我用不到,但是要share出來;當然,可以使用的很大一部分原因得depend on 顏值。


I think we will have chemistry this afternoon. 我們有化學反應/化學課

2)You have got to be tired/Are you tired?/You look tired.

Cos you have been running through my mind all day.


3)Can I come with? Cos my mom told me to follow my dream.

這裡,come with 和 follow是同義詞,都為「追」

本句意思是,我可以追你么? 因為我媽媽告訴我要追逐夢想,意思是你就是我的夢想

4)Do you know what my shirt is made of?

Boyfriend material.(代指好男人)


5)Do you have Band-Aid? Cos I scrapped my knees falling for you.


6) I couldnt help but notice that you look a lot like my next girl/boyfriend.


7)If you were basketball, I would suck.

Cos I would always miss you.

這裡 雙關,是miss,既有打球沒有進的意思,即錯過;又有想念,思念某人的意思

8)I bet you lost your keys.Cos you dont need keys to turn me on.

這個句子有點開車,turn someone on 有特殊的含義,不過還是蠻有意思的

9)Youre so fine. You should get a parking ticket.

fine 有兩個含義,一個是形容人好,另一個是罰單


10)I dont have my brake. Cos I will never break your heart.

這裡用的是音同意不同,brake和break 發音相同

brake 是指剎車

break 指破壞


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