


關注微信公眾號:英語聽譯學習 第一時間發布 語音朗讀


Christmas is the day that holds all time together.

[?kr?sm?s ?z e? de? e?t h??ldz ?:l ta?m t??gee?(r)]


This old man can not see. He is blind.

Mary holds him by the hand. She is kind to the old blind man.




027&028 Mrs.Smiths living room


/?m?s?z sm?θ?z ?l?v??-r?m ?z lɑ?d?/

/ee? ?z ? ?tel??v???n ?n e? r?m/

/e? ?tel??v???n ?z n?? e? ?w?nd??/

/ee? ɑ? s?m m?ɡ??zi?nz ?n e? ?tel??v???n/

/ee? ?z ? ?te?bl ?n e? r?m/

/ee? ɑ? s?m ?nju?spe?p?z ?n e? ?te?bl/

/ee? ɑ? s?m ?ɑ?mt?e?z ?n e? r?m/

/e? ?ɑ?mt?e?z ɑ? n?? e? ?te?bl/

/ee? ?z ? ?steri?? ?n e? r?m/

/e? ?steri?? ?z n?? e? d??/

/ee? ɑ? s?m b?ks ?n e? ?steri??/

/ee? ɑ? s?m ?p?kt??z ?n e? r?m/

/e? ?p?kt??z ɑ? ?n e? w??l/


Mrs. Smiths living room is large.

There is a television in the room.

The television is near the window.

There are some magazines on the television.

There is a table in the room.

There are some newspapers on the table.

There are some armchairs in the room.

The armchairs are near the table.

There is a stereo in the room.

The stereo is near the door.

There are some books on the stereo.

There are some pictures in the room.

The pictures are on the wall.


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