南北分治 is a forbidden topic in China. Here the South refers to the portion of China south of Yangtze river especially the south-eastern region. Thus no serious discussions have been possible since the recent past and anyone who proposes it will almost certain to be labeled as a traitor by the majority in the North and also by quite some people in the South. However, if the Chinese history of the past 3,000 years is any guide and if the happiness of the people is the only goal, then the separation of the South from the North may not only be plausible but may be the only realistic route for China to become a modern country since the people who live in the North may differ largely from those in the South culturally and even genetically . The southerners, at least quite some of them, were war refugees of the past, They were forced to escape from the yellow river regions mainly due to the invasion and colonization of the north by various nomads. The ancestors of these war refugees had created so-called Chinese civilization before the Han dynasty and they contributed critically to the development and prosperity of the south up to now. In addition the North and the South own rather different natural resources and have quite different economies. (to be followed)
黃頭鮮卑入洛陽,胡兒執戟升明堂。 晉家天子作降虜,公卿奔走如牛羊。 紫陌旌幡暗相觸,家家雞犬驚上屋。 婦人出門隨亂兵,夫死眼前不敢哭。 九州諸侯自顧土,無人領兵來護主。 北人避胡多在南,南人至今能晉語。?