26 人贊了文章
因格教育·人才孵化中心整理自Creative Think官網
羅迦?費?因格除了寫過《事物的正確答案不止一個》這篇著名的文章之外,還寫作過幾本創意思考的書籍:《當頭棒喝》(A Whack on the Side of the Head)、《在屁股上踢一腳》(A Kick in the Seat of the Pants)和《創意在玩捉迷藏》(Expect the Unexpected or You Wont Find It),並推出廣受歡迎的《創意大驚奇》卡片書(Creative Whack Pack)和《創新大驚奇》卡片書(Innovative Whack Pack)。
1、《當頭棒喝》(A Whack on the Side of the Head)
This is the 25th anniversary edition of the creativity classic by Dr. Roger von Oech.
Over the years, A WHACK ON THE SIDE OF THE HEAD has been praised by business people, educators, scientists, homemakers, artists, youth leaders, and many more. The book has been stimulating creativity in millions of readers, translated into eleven languages, and used in seminars around the world.
現在,Roger von Oech的充分插圖和更新版本中充滿了更具挑釁性的謎題,軼事,練習,隱喻,漫畫,問題,引文,故事和提示,旨在系統地突破您的心理障礙並釋放您的思維進行創造性思維。這一新版本將吸引新一代讀者,他們擁有更新和令人放鬆的材料。
Now Roger von Oechs fully illustrated and updated volume is filled with even more provocative puzzles, anecdotes, exercises, metaphors, cartoons, questions, quotations, stories, and tips designed to systematically break through your mental blocks and unlock your mind for creative thinking. This new edition will attract an entire new generation of readers with updated and mind-stretching material.
2、《在屁股上踢一腳》(A Kick in the Seat of the Pants: Using Your Explorer, Artist, Judge, and Warrior to Be More Creative)你最後一次有創意的時候是什麼時候?今天早上?上個月?去年?有時你需要在屁股上踢一下才能讓你的想法繼續下去。本書通過帶您參觀創作過程的四個角色 - 探險家,藝術家,法官和戰士來實現這一目標。
When was the last time you had a creative idea? This morning? Last month? Last year? Sometimes you need A Kick in the Seat of the Pants to get your thinking going. This book does just that by taking you on a guided tour through the four roles of the creative process-Explorer, Artist, Judge, and Warrior.
When its time to seek out new information, adopt the mindset of an Explorer. Get off the beaten path, poke around in outside areas, and pay attention to unusual patterns.
When you need to create a new idea, let the Artist in you come out. Ask what-if questions and look for hidden analogies. Break the rules and look at things backwards. Add something and take something away. Ultimately, youll come up with an original idea.
When its time to decide if your idea is worth implementing, see yourself as a Judge. Ask whats wrong and if the timings right. Question your assumptions and make a decision.
And when you carry your idea into action, be a Warrior. Put a fire in your belly, eliminate your excuses, and do whats necessary to reach your objective.
Kick provides exercises, stories, tips, and Roger von Oechs proven techniques to help you strengthen each of your own creative roles.
3、《創意在玩捉迷藏》(Expect the Unexpected or You Wont Find It: A Creativity Tool Based on the Ancient Wisdom of Heraclitus)
通過赫拉克利特的創造性謎團敞開心扉。這些創新策略 - 從「你不能兩次走進同一條河」到「他們不理解的狗吠」 - 今天與2500年前這個挑釁性的希臘哲學家寫下它們時一樣重要。
Open your mind with the creative enigmas of Heraclitus. These innovation strategies--from "You Cant Step in the Same River Twice" to "Dogs Bark at What They Dont Understand"--are as relevant today as they were 2,500 years ago when this provocative Greek philosopher wrote them.
羅迦?費?因格為這些古老的想法注入了新的生命,以產生有用的創造性見解的寶庫,包括「Appreciate Turbulence」,「Practice Forgetting」,「Ask a Fool」,「See the Obvious」,「Connect the Unconnected」,「Find a模式,「」使用什麼不存在「和」反向假設「。
Roger von Oech breathes fresh life into these ancient ideas to produce a treasury of useful creativity insights including "Appreciate Turbulence," "Practice Forgetting," "Ask a Fool," "See the Obvious," "Connect the Unconnected," "Find a Pattern," "Use Whats Not There," and "Reverse Assumptions."
Whether you read it from start to finish as a creativity workbook, or consult it as a daily oracle, Expect the Unexpected or You Wont Find It offers a welcome jolt to the imagination!
4、《創意大驚奇》卡片書(Creative Whack Pack)
一個由64個創造性思維策略組成的插圖,它將使您擺脫習慣性思維模式,並使您能夠以全新的方式看待您的生活和行動。單獨或與他人一起使用卡片尋求創新的問題解決方案。由暢銷書作家von Oech創建,這些卡已經被包括NASA在內的許多組織用於戰略開發和解決問題。完整的詳細說明。
An illustrated deck of 64 creative thinking strategies that will whack you out of habitual thought patterns and enable you to look at your life and actions in a fresh way. Use the cards alone or with others to seek innovative solutions to issues. Created by best-selling author von Oech, the cards have been used by many organizations, including NASA, in strategy development and problem solving. Complete with detailed instructions.
5、《創新大驚奇》卡片書(Innovative Whack Pack)
《創新大驚奇》是由古希臘哲學家赫拉克利特(Heraclitus)啟發的60種創意策略組成的卡片組。套牌中的每張卡都包含一個雙面創意拳。一方對世界上第一位創意教師赫拉克利特的創新有一種挑釁性的洞察力。這些有著2500年歷史的想法 - 例如「你不能兩次踏入同一條河流」,以及「狗狗吠叫他們不理解的東西」 - 將給你一個全新的視角。另一方包含靈感來自每個洞察力的創意策略。羅迦·費·因格通過有趣的軼事和有趣的問題豐富了這些策略,這些問題會讓你「擺脫」習慣性的思維模式。
The Innovative Whack Pack is a card deck consisting of 60 creativity strategies inspired by the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus. Each card in the deck packs a two-sided creative punch. One side has a provocative insight about innovation from Heraclitus, the worlds first creativity teacher. These 2,500 year old ideas -- such as "You cant step into the same river twice," and "Dogs bark at what they dont understand" -- will give you a fresh perspective. The other side contains a creativity strategy inspired by each insight. Roger von Oech enriches these strategies with amusing anecdotes and intriguing questions that will "whack" you out of your habitual thought patterns.