Vagrant&VirtualBox&Git Installation

Vagrant&VirtualBox&Git Installation


MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6-version 64-bit

Install Vagrant

  • goto to download Vagrant of an appropriate version
  • go through the installation wizard
  • open terminal and type vagrant to verify the correctness of installation

Install VirtualBox & Git

  • goto to download Docker Toolbox of an appropriate version, which contains both VirtualBox and Git
  • go through the installation wizard
  • open VirtualBox and New a virtual machine to check if the options contain 64-bit images, then click Cancel

Setup the System

open terminal and execute

git clone scrapybookvagrant up --no-parallel

problem & solution

  • VirtualBox installation failed

The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

  • when starting VirtualBox it occurs that

kernel drivers not installed (rc = -1908)

  • explanation on StackExchange

High Sierra comes with a new security feature: Secure Kernel Extension Loading, which blocks kernel extension loading.

  • solution

to ban that security feature, open terminal and execute

sudo spctl --master-disable

goto topbar-->System Preferences-->Security & Privacy-->General-->System software from developer "Oracle American, Inc." was blocked from loading.

click Allow

re-install VirtualBox & Git


TAG:Vagrant | VirtualBox | Docker | Mac |