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Translation: Match-VendingGirl (Hans Christian Andersen)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)天冷極了,下著雪,The weather was bittercold and snowy.又快黑了。
The sky was getting dark.這是一年的最後一天——大年夜。That was the last day ofa year—New Year』s Eve.在這又冷又黑的晚上,一個乖巧的小女孩,赤著腳在街上走著。In this chilly and darknight a cute little girl was walking barefoot on the street.她從家裡出來的時候還穿著一雙拖鞋,She was wearing a pair ofslippers when she came out from home.但是有什麼用呢?But what was the use?那是一雙很大的拖鞋——
Those were very bigslippers.那麼大,一向是她媽媽穿的。They were very bigbecause her mother had been wearing them all along.她穿過馬路的時候,兩輛馬車飛快地衝過來,嚇得她把鞋都跑掉了。When she was crossing theroad, two horse-drawn wagons drove by quickly and she lost her shoes in fright.一隻怎麼也找不著,另一隻叫一個男孩撿起來拿著跑了。One of them could not befound and a boy ran away with the other one.他說,將來他有了孩子可以拿它當搖籃。He said he would use itas a cradle when he had a baby in the future.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
小女孩只好赤著腳走,So the little girl had nochoice but to walk barefooted.一雙小腳凍得紅一塊青一塊的。Her little feet were redand blue from freezing temperature.她的舊圍裙里兜著許多火柴,手裡還拿著一把。She was carrying manymatches in her old apron and holding a bunch of them in her hand.這一整天,誰也沒買過她一根火柴,誰也沒給過她一個硬幣。For the whole day nobodybought even one stick of match from her or gave her a coin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------可憐的小女孩!她又冷又餓,
The poor little girl wascold and hungry.哆哆嗦嗦地向前走。She was shivering as shewalked forward.雪花落在她的金黃的長頭髮上,那頭髮打成捲兒披在肩上,Snowflakes fell on hergolden long hair which was all curled up and draping over her shoulders.看上去很美麗,不過她沒注意這些。The hair looked prettybut she did not pay attention to that.每個窗子里都透出燈光來,Light came out from everywindow.街上飄著一股烤鵝的香味,因為這是大年夜——她可忘不了這個。
The street was permeatingwith appetizing smell of roast goose which was something she would not haveforgotten because it was New Year』s Eve. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她在一座房子的牆角里坐下來,蜷著腿縮成一團。She sat down by a cornerof walls and curled up into a ball by huddling her legs.她覺得更冷了。她不敢回家,因為她沒賣掉一根火柴,沒掙到一個錢,爸爸一定會打她的。Even though she feltcolder, she would not dare to go home because without selling a stick of match andmaking any money, her father would surely give her a beating.再說,家裡跟街上一樣冷。What was more, her homewas just as cold as the temperature on the street.他們頭上只有個房頂,There was only a roof overtheir heads.
雖然最大的裂縫已經用草和破布堵住了,風還是可以灌進來。Even though the biggestcrack was stuffed with grass and shredded fabric, the wind could still come in.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她的一雙小手幾乎凍僵了。Her little hands werealmost frozen stiff.啊,哪怕一根小小的火柴,對她也是有好處的!Oh, even though a smallmatch would do her good.她敢從成把的火柴里抽出一根,在牆上擦燃了,來暖和暖和自己的小手嗎?Would she dare to takeout a match from the bundle and light it by striking it against the wall towarm her own little hand?她終於抽出了一根。
Finally she took a matchout.哧!火柴燃起來了,冒出火焰來了!With a 「click」, thelittle match was set on fire and flame came out.她把小手攏在火焰上。She put her little handsover the fire.多麼溫暖多麼明亮的火焰啊,簡直像一支小小的蠟燭。這是一道奇異的火光!What a warm and brilliantflame and it was virtually like a small candle with a peculiar light from fire.小女孩覺得自己好像坐在一個大火爐前面,火爐裝著閃亮的銅腳和銅把手,The little girl felt shewas sitting in front of a big furnace equipped with shiny copper legs andhandles.燒得旺旺的,暖烘烘的,多麼舒服啊!
The roaring fire wascozily warm and comfortable.哎,這是怎麼回事呢?Oh, she wondered what hadhappened.她剛把腳伸出去,想讓腳也暖和一下,火柴滅了,火爐不見了。Just when she stretchedher legs forward to warm them a little, the match extinguished and the furnacedisappeared.她坐在那兒,手裡只有一根燒過了的火柴梗。She was sitting therewith a used match stick in her hand. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她又擦了一根。Then she lit up anothermatch.
火柴燃起來了,發出亮光來了。It started burning andgave off bright light.亮光落在牆上,那兒忽然變得像薄紗那麼透明,她可以一直看到屋裡。The light bounced off awall which turned transparent like fine silk and she could look all the wayinto the house.桌上鋪著雪白的檯布,擺著精緻的盤子和碗,The table was coveredwith white table-cloth and set with dainty plates and bowls.肚子里填滿了蘋果和梅子的烤鵝正冒著香氣。A roast-goose stuffedwith apple and plum was steaming with appetizing aroma.更妙的是這隻鵝從盤子里跳下來,背上插著刀和叉,搖搖擺擺地在地板上走著,一直向這個窮苦的小女孩走來。The cute thing was withknives and forks stuck into its back, this goose jumped down from a tray andstaggered forward on the wooden floor towards this impoverished little girl.這時候,火柴又滅了,她面前只有一堵又厚又冷的牆。At that time, the litmatch went out again and she was only facing a thick, cold wall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她又擦著了一根火柴。Again she struck anothermatch.這一回,她坐在美麗的聖誕樹下。This time she was sittingunder a beautiful Christmas tree.這棵聖誕樹,比她去年聖誕節透過富商家的玻璃門看到的還要大,還要美。The tree was bigger andprettier than the one inside a wealthy man』s house which she saw through hisglass door last Christmas.翠綠的樹枝上點著幾千支明晃晃的蠟燭,許多幅美麗的彩色畫片,On the lush greenbranches were several thousands of flickering candles and many pretty colorful pictures.跟掛在商店櫥窗里的一個樣,在向她眨眼睛。The pictures looked thesame as those hanging inside display-windows of department stores and they wereblinking their eyes at her.小女孩向畫片伸出手去。這時候,火柴又滅了。When the little girlreached for those pictures, the match went out again at that time.只見聖誕樹上的燭光越升越高,最後成了在天空中閃爍的星星。She saw the candle lightsrose higher and higher and finally became twinkling stars in the sky.有一顆星星落下來了,在天空中划出了一道細長的紅光。One star fell all the waydown and drew a long narrow red light trail in the sky. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「有一個什麼人快要死了。」小女孩說。「Someone is going to die,」said the little girl.唯一疼她的奶奶活著的時候告訴過她∶一顆星星落下來,就有一個靈魂要到上帝那兒去了。Her grandmother was theonly person who loved her. When Grandma was still alive she told the littlegirl that when a star came down, a soul would be going up to God. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她在牆上又擦著了一根火柴。She struck another matchon the wall and lit it.這一回,火柴把周圍全照亮了。奶奶出現在亮光里,This time the match brightenedup the surrounding and Grandma appeared in the light.是那麼溫和,那麼慈愛。She was so gentle anddoting.「奶奶!」小女孩叫起來,「啊!請把我帶走吧!「Grandma!」 the littlegirl shouted out. 「Please take me away.我知道,火柴一滅,您就會不見的,像那暖和的火爐,噴香的烤鵝,美麗的聖誕樹一個樣,就會不見的!」I know when the match extinguishesyou will disappear just like the warm furnace, the tasty-smelling roast gooseand the beautiful Christmas tree.」----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她趕緊擦著了一大把火柴,要把奶奶留住。She hurriedly lit a bigbunch of matches to hold Grandma back from leaving.一大把火柴發出強烈的光,照得跟白天一樣明亮。Those matches gave outstrong lights and the entire place was lit up like daytime.奶奶從來沒有像現在這樣高大,這樣美麗。Grandma was never so talland beautiful.奶奶把小女孩抱起來,摟在懷裡。She picked up the littlegirl and embraced her.她倆在光明和快樂中飛走了,越飛越高,飛到那沒有寒冷,沒有飢餓,也沒有痛苦的地方去了。In the midst ofbrightness and happiness the two of them flew up higher and higher to a placewhere there was no cold, hunger or pain.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第二天清晨,這個小女孩坐在牆角里,On the next morning, thislittle girl was found sitting at a corner of walls.兩腮通紅,嘴上帶著微笑。She had red cheeks and asmile at the corner of her mouth.她死了,在舊年的大年夜凍死了。She died from freezingcold on New Year』s Eve.新年的太陽升起來了,照在她小小的屍體上。Sun of a new year rose upand shone on her little corpse.小女孩坐在那兒,手裡還捏著一把燒過了的火柴梗。The little girl wassitting there and her hand was holding a bunch of burned out match sticks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「她想給自己暖和一下。」人們說。「She was trying to get alittle warmth for herself,」 said some people.誰也不知道她曾經看到過多麼美麗的東西,她曾經多麼幸福,But none of them knew sheonce saw many beautiful things and was very fortunate.跟著她奶奶一起走向新年的幸福中去。She was going towardshappiness of New Year with her Grandma. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------推薦閱讀: