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1、我想我們兩個不是特別合適,分開會比較好?I think we are not particularly suitable, separate will be better?

2、在一無所有的年紀,遇到了最想照顧的姑娘。還是放棄吧,祝她幸福。At the age of nothing at all, meets the girl want to take care of. Give up is the best choice, I wish her happiness.

3、可是好抱歉,我沒辦法給你幸福。But Im sorry, I cant give you happiness.

4、我以為有些事情說出來就會一生一世,現在想想,好像說不說都沒區別了。I think there are some things that say it will be for life, now think about it, to say not to say doesnt make any difference.

5、我知道,我們再也回不去了。I know, we cant go back anymore.

6、七年的戀愛,也該划上句號了。The seven years of be in love, also is coming to an end.

7、除了說對不起,我什麼都做不到。I cant do anything except to say Im sorry.

8、如果要走,請你忘了我。If you want to go, please forget me.

9、你很好,只是不太適合我。You are a nice person, but we dont match up.

10、有些事情再美好也會輸給現實的,我們都醒醒吧。Some things will be lost to the reality, we all need to wake up.

11、感情這種東西,不是你我可以左右的。只要你過得好,我就就會笑。Love this stuff, not you and I can control.As long as you are happy, I will be happy.

12、祝福你們是假的,祝福你是真的。Bless you are false, bless you is true.

13、你一定要過得比我好,只是別讓我知道了。You must have better than me, but dont let me know.

14、對不起,總是讓你這麼難過。可是我們誰都沒有好好守護我們的愛情。Im sorry, always make you so sad. But none of us has ever been able to protect our love.

15、有些感情走到這就夠了,再捨不得也該放手了。Love to be in this is over,even if we went over this again to also should let go.

16、結婚的時候給我一張請帖吧。你開心難過,大笑大哭的樣子我都見過了,最後讓我看看你不屬於我的樣子吧。When you get married, please give me a post. You are happy and sad, laugh and cry I have seen, and finally let me see you do not belong to me.

17、只要一想到再也遇不到像你那樣的人,內心就總是不自覺地悲傷.或許放手也算是另一種幸福吧。As long as the thought of never meet people like you,will always involuntarily inner sadness.Maybe let go is another kind of happiness

18、青春不可複製,愛情亦是。回不去了就放手往前走吧。Youth can not be copied, love is also. If we cant go back, just go ahead.

19、如果分手是唯一的解脫,最後的話由我來說。If the breakup is the only relief, let me say goodbye.

20、你喜歡我的那些優點,我都改了。The advantages of those you like , I grew out of it.

21、最難過的莫不過你遇到了一個相伴一生的人,卻明白你們沒有未來。The most sad thing is to meet someone who wants to be with you for the rest of your life.,but understand that you have no future.

22、不在一起就不在一起吧,反正一輩子也沒多長。Not together will not be together, anyway, life is not long.

23、我們都要活得很酷,去留都隨意,誰都沒有必要愛的那麼刻骨。We have to live very cool, leave or stay are free, no one must love so keel.

24、用力愛過的人都不該計較。People who have been forced to love should not care.

25、如果可以重來一次,我一定不會說我愛你。If it can be repeated again, I will not say I love you.


CATTI 3級筆譯 考試小總結

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