專訪D&AD 「最佳雜誌設計獎」得主《Flaneur》

專訪D&AD 「最佳雜誌設計獎」得主《Flaneur》



There are not many people used to read printed magazines these days. It is partly because the initial expectation of a magazine -- bringing information to people, has been replaced by the digital form. People are distracted by the feeding news and the content providers who provoke consuming on the digital platform where more producers are trying to occupy your attention with the lower cost for information presentation. Still, there are some magazines "invade" peoples life in a way which identifies another essential value of magazine: to collect some fragments of human lives and make the collection a new system to observe the society. "Flaneur" (it means "a man who saunters around observing society" in French) is such an ambitious magazine.

《Flaneur》創刊號 - 主題為柏林的康德大道。這本雜誌一出世就被 D&AD 金鉛筆獎評為了」最佳雜誌「(2014)。"Flaneur"Issue 01 - Berlin Kantstra?e / "Flaneur" has been awarded "the Best Magazine Design" by D&AD in 2014

這本源自柏林的雜誌很是厚重,搬起來可以防身的那種。我在倫敦的 MagCulture 舉起它來的時候感覺胸口塌陷。其實不僅是因為沉,還有翻開它之後撲面而來的滿滿的信息量。例如,今年新上的這期,瞄準了聖保羅的Treze de Maio,邀請近20位撰稿人/藝術家來共同完成這本厚重的城市文化紀念冊。其中有請女性攝影師以自己的視角來拍攝街區,請多媒體藝術家來演繹這個街區特色的食物,請劇院導演來參考本雅明的《單向街 (One-Way Street)》來做了聖保羅的在地演繹……這些都是編輯在2個月駐地體驗後所收集。《Flaneur》的出版人 Ricarda Messner說:「我們想要呈現出街道多元化的樣子,而不是像旅遊雜誌那樣吆喝這個地方有多麼好。」

This Berlin-based magazine has a strong physical body that matches the content it carries. For example, the newly published issue, Treze de Maio in San Paulo, contains nearly 20 artists creation to represent different layers about that street, which includes a photographic essay narrated by a female, theater directors representation about the contradictions of this city referring to Walter Benjamins "One-way Street", a local food project produced by mixed media artists. Those are the materials that the editors have collected during their 2-month experience staying in that street. "To talk, to listen, to observe and to work with people as much as possible", "Flaneur"s publisher, Ricarda Messner said, "to present diverse pictures about the street rather than selling that district like a travel magazine."

《Flaneur》第七期 - 主題為聖保羅的Treze de Maio"Flaneur"Issue 07 - San Paulo - Treze de Maio

《Flaneur》中鋪排的圖片和文字(當地語言以及英語)在給人信息的同時還在調動人們情緒上的波動:藝術家的主觀敘述會讓人們接受到的街區印象複雜而混沌。這也是《Flaneur》想要達到的效果——不想要人們先入為主地因為這些闡述而對這個街區產生好感,而是感受到城市有稜角的,甚至雜亂的一面。這也是雜誌的一個優勢,比起看視頻,人們隨意翻看雜誌時獲取信息的方式是很隨機的,這又增加了《Flaneur》」非線性敘事「的特點——透過這些萬花筒式的」圖層「,讀者每次打開都會得到新的感悟。這也難怪雜誌評論媒體 Stack 評價《Flaneur》說這個印刷品像是一個人喝醉的狀態。

You may feel a kind of emotional engaging when you open up one of the "Flaneur": your senses are stimulated by those artistic visual languages, not only the pictures but also the characters (both in the local language and English). Those subjective but individual perspectives and visions about the street construct a complicated and even chaotic documentary covering the multi-dimensioned city context. It is no wonder that a magazine critics media, Stack, describes "Flaneur" as it being "like your drunk, like being intoxicated". People read the pages in magazine randomly. What they gain from the magazine may be more nonlinear and anti-logic ideas provoking the readers to recognize a fresh layer about the city every time when they are reading.

《Flaneur》第六期 - 主題為莫斯科的林蔭環路"Flaneur"Issue 06 - Moscow - Boulevard Ring

《Flaneur》的戰略很乾脆——」一期一城一街「,而這也是這本雜誌對城市的」貢獻「,即創造了一種人參與城市生活的新方法。它也給身在這條街以外的人一個親密接觸當地文化的機會。」以一斑而窺全豹(Using a single microcosm to tell universal stories),這是個普適的方法。」Ricarda說。

This presation with "one street, one city, and one issue" strategy, has become what "Flaneur" contributes to the city: A methodology to find how people can engage in the cities, providing the city a closer look for the outsiders who may never step into the covered district. "Using a single microcosm to tell universal stories, this methods can adapt to everywhere," Ricarda said.

Ricarda 在訪談中反覆強調了《Flaneur》「不設限」的立場,她拒絕了我對這本雜誌任何人格化的設定—— 「它更像是創造了一本人們日常生活的符號集合。」 最後她也回答了一些如何理解城市和《Flaneur》未來發展的問題......

In the interview with Ricarda, she has highlighted the no-formula characteristic of "Flaneur" to escape the restraints about the personalized description, which implies certain value orientation when it has an engagement with a city. "It is more like summarising symbols of peoples everyday life. "

Other than talking about the philosophy behind the magazine, I also asked a few questions about how this passionate young woman understand the city and Flaneur『s future plans...

Q =Max Lab

A =《Flaneur》出版人 Ricarda Messner



Q: Which city do you like the best in those cities "Flaneur" has covered? What qualities of the city do you personally value the most when you observe it?

A: I think the most important thing is to discover whether you can move and live there. I love Moscow but I cannot live there and for now, Berlin, where I live now. I like Berline because of the affordable facilities (although the housing rate has been increasing), and it is also a big city to discover, a green city with a friendly environment. It is attractive for the young generation where open up to the youth culture.


A:當然不一樣。但是,我對你的意思是「街頭文化」有點困惑。 「街頭」,雖然說它在字面上是有一個共通的確定含義,但在不同的國家背景下也有不同的內涵,這個詞的定義會受政治性和社會性框架的影響。其實我們「一期一城一街」這個理念希望就是把這個抽象概念放到具體的語境下去討論,也是希望去打破個體和社會對「街頭」的理解的衝突點。

Q: (A tricky question) Have you

A: Yes of course. And I am kinda confused what you mean of "street culture" exactly. "street", obviously, it has a meaning in common sense but also has every different implication in different national background. The concept and meaning of street differs from culture to culture, its influenced by political, societal frameworks and that』s why it is even more interesting that with our concept 「one street in a different city」 we have developed a method for us to dive into a new place, using this approach to break the individual, cultural street connotations.



Q: What problem do you think is the most urgent to be solved in the current city life commonly? Have you found any solutions for this?

A: It depends. But if I have to say something... I think it should be the "affordable housing". It relates to the government policies... Unfortunately, I have not found the best solution yet.


答:相當一部分讀者是當地人,他們很想知道別人是怎麼看他們居住的城市的。另外因為《Flaneur》有注重設計,因此也有許多創意界的人士。我們在已在台北,聖保羅,倫敦和柏林等幾個城市做過Launch Party,今後也想更好地做這個網路,和讀者保持更長期密切的關係。

Q: Who are your audiences? Have you connected with them by other ways other than magazine?

A: A considerable group of audiences are the local people who are curious to know what happened where they live from others perspective. And as "Flaneur" highlights the design output so there are many readers from the creativity working communities. We had several launch parties to get in touch with them but still hope we can build up a sustainable network, doing more events to stay longer with them.



Q: What is the plan for the future of 「Flaneur」?

A: Apart from the more connections with readers as mentioned above, we are looking for more possibilities to do longer-time projects to study and research the street.




Other Possibilities of Being A Magazine About Cities

「作為社區的紙本呈現」 : A City Made By People

一本起自於阿姆斯特丹的雜誌,或者說,不僅僅是一本雜誌,而是一個鏈接全球青年的社區網路。雜誌邀稿的對象是來自全球15個城市的創意人才,雜誌更像是一個共建的內容平台,承載這些「correspondents"對城市的觀察和主張。作為一個平台,ACMBP還會組織事件,承接商業項目(這麼說有點像Max Lab噢)。

筆者在倫敦的MagCulture拿到最新的這一期,封面是荷蘭街舞學校「Moves!」的老師,為有街舞才華的年輕人創辦的基金會」Urban Heroes"的聯合創始人 Serano Pinas。整本雜誌分為四章,分別圍繞」所看「(介紹景觀/街區),」所識「(人物),」所造「(作品/事件)和」發展「(評論對城市有價值的項目)四個方向闡述。其中有專欄「Local Talents」介紹類似 Serano Pinas 這樣的城市新人才,還有利用自身的全球資源網搜集來的房價/咖啡錢/交通等的對比圖表。

OOMK(One of My Kind)


「找尋有關城市的另類聯結」 :Drift


Slanted Magazine


B Magazine


「為了可持續的未來」:O,: Wonder!

一本起自阿姆斯特丹的以環境為主題的雜誌,也可以說,是以」綠色文化「為主題的雜誌。例如,第二期「Silence」,嘗試從嘈雜的城市背景聲中抽離,選擇了一些」寂靜」的項目進行采寫報道,如即時展現沒有網路覆蓋地點的」White Spots「 APP,發出」可修複製造「宣言的」Platform 21「等。

Its freezing in LA


「口述城市」 Mono. Kultur

一本源自柏林的,採訪創意人的小冊子,每季度有發行。例如第45期就邀請美國作家,以寫美國都市文化著稱的Richard Price來談了他居住、生活及描寫的紐約。

Max Lab的城市社計師們,如果有發現好的城市雜誌/雜誌店,歡迎留言告訴我們。

weixin.qq.com/r/Tyg4IDb (二維碼自動識別)













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