Larry Ho 裝B傳

Larry Ho 裝B傳

9 人贊了文章

作者:Larry Ho





原題目:Larry Ho:為什麼很多人學了很多年英語,卻不能跟外國人簡單交流?

First off, have you ever figured how much time you have spent on learning Chinese the mother tongue?

to figure out 需要用於形容那話費精力才能找出的答案,而不是這裡的「你有沒有意識到」,這個答案很明顯,那就是一般的讀者每天幾乎全都沒在說英文所以不能用to figure out.

Chinese 後面不能跟the mother tongue因為Chinese不是世界上所有人的母語,應該跟your mother tongue。

Whoever has ever raised the question like 「why my English poor」 or 「why I still can』t use English as how I want despite years of study」 has failed to notice one thing: the only language you speak and write well, namely Chinese, only comes by practice in full measure.

這裡第一句明顯有問題,Whoever has ever done something has done something else.


而且這個句子怎麼讀就覺得那麼奇怪,應該是 Anyone who has done something, has also done something else. anyone 和 whoever的含義是不同的,水平差的人以為字典上都寫的是任何人,含義就相同。如果英文理解的深入就會知道whoever更接近無論是誰,而anyone才更接近任何人。

Why my English is poor?

Why is my English poor

Why I still cant use English as how I want despite years of study?

Why I still cant use English the way I wanted despite years of study

Practice in full measure

抱歉沒聽過這樣說的,我會說only comes from lots and lots of practice. 聽起來沒那麼高大上,lots of這個詞大概是太常用了不適於此人用來裝B。很明顯此人的目的不是讓對方明白而是要體現自己比別人牛B。

1. Speaking. Years of immersive speaking training from babyhood up to adulthood, which by the way is a 7*24 process compared to your surface-scratching English study that as this planet knows is always off and on. So, you speak good Chinese coz you』ve had enough practice, whereas you speak bad English coz you』re not up to the training volume out of which great English speaking comes off.

babyhood? 沒有這個詞謝謝,一般都是說from when you were a baby


一般是寫成24/7,這一般只會用於句尾而不是用來當形容詞修飾其他詞語,比如 From practicing 24/7. or You have to keep that in mind 24/7.

Scratch the surface是一個固定的俚語,不可以拆開使用,surface-scratching 沒有這麼說的。



training volume,老外不用量這個詞來形容訓練程度,典型的Chinglish。

out of which great English speaking comes off?

Out of which great speaking English comes off of.

2. Listening. Ditto.


3. Reading. You start learning how to write Chinese characters since grade 1 of primary school, which repeats itself throughout the 6 years of primary school and even the first two years of middle school. Suppose you simply do no outside curriculum reading, and even so the textbooks you will have covered up to the third year of high school stack up to a daunting number. By the way, how many English originals have you ever read?!


outside curriculum 是啥?課外?國外沒有這麼說的。

The textbooks you will have covered? to cover 教科書是指教一本書,也就是說只能用來形容老師或者課堂而不是學生。

另外你這裡不是想說閱讀量不夠么?你這一句daunting number讓人完全摸不著頭腦,因為聽起來像是已經看了非常多了。

4. Writing. Well, I』m just gonna say it, you are not qualified to even talk about writing, coz you』ve done nothing in this regard.

Neither are you

Bear in mind: you speak and write good English only when you have devoted as much as how you have done for Chinese!

You WILL speak and write English WELL only when you have devoted as much TIME AS YOU HAVE FOR Chinese.

I mean, seriously? Nine years boil down to 52560 hours if deducting the sleeping ones! Nine years? Don』t make me laugh, you probably have just finished as many months, weeks, or perhaps hours.

If deducting the sleeping ones? 有你這麼說的嗎? Nine years boils down to 52560 waking hours就可以了,可能這樣不夠B格,因為沒有用到Deduct這個詞。

Dont make me laugh 別讓我笑了? 又見Chinglish. Quit joking around buddy.


Do the math before asking 「why poor」.

Why poor是啥?為什麼差?有你這麼翻譯的?



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