來自專欄歷史⑨課21 人贊了文章
Cappadocia and Commagene become Roman provinces.
Tacfarinas, Numidian deserter from the Roman army, begins a guerrilla war against the Romans. He leads his own Musulamii tribe and a coalition of Berbers, attacking the Limes Tripolitanus a fortified zone (Limes) of the Roman Empire in Africa.
Maroboduus, king of the Marcomanni, is defeated by Arminius and his Germanic tribes.
In AD 18, Catualda, a young Marcomannic nobleman living in exile among the Gutones, returned, perhaps by a subversive Roman intervention, and defeated Maroboduus. The deposed king had to flee to Italy, and Tiberius detained him 18 years in Ravenna. There, Maroboduus died in 37 AD. Catualda was, in turn, defeated by the Hermunduri Vibilius, after which the realm was ruled by the Quadian Vannius.
Vannius was a client King of the Roman Empire and ruled from 20-50AD under the reign of Tiberius.
In AD 21, Arminiusi was murdered by opponents within his own tribe who felt that he was becoming too powerful.
Mazippa was a leader of a Berber tribe of Roman North Africa during the Gaetulian Wars, around 24AD. The revolt he led was the largest revolt against Roman rule in Morocco during the whole of the Roman occupation.
By AD 28 the Frisii had had enough. They hanged the Roman soldiers collecting the tax and forced the governor to flee to a Roman fort, which they then besieged. The propraetor of Germania Inferior, Lucius Apronius, raised the siege and attacked the Frisii, but was defeated at the Battle of Baduhenna Wood after suffering heavy losses. For whatever reason, the Romans did not seek revenge and the matter was closed. The prestige of the Frisii among the neighboring Germanic tribes was raised considerably.
公元28年,弗里西人受夠了。他們絞死了收稅的羅馬士兵,迫使羅馬總督逃到羅馬城堡中,並團團圍住了這個承包。下日耳曼裁判官Lucius Apronius解圍,攻打弗里西人,但在Baduhenna森林之戰中失敗,損失慘重。無論如何,羅馬人也沒有進行報復,這件事就這樣過去了。弗里西人在周邊日耳曼部落中的聲望大大提高。
After the death of Roman Client King of Armenia Artaxias III in 35, Artabanus III wanted to put his son on the Armenian throne. Artabanus III made Arsaces I King of Armenia and was accompanied to Armenia with a strong army. The Roman emperor Tiberius, refused to accept the Armenian Kingship of Arsaces I, so Tiberius appointed the Iberian Prince Mithridates as the new Roman Client Armenian King with the support of his brother, King Pharasmanes I of Iberia.
Although Arsaces I was a pro-Roman monarch, his Kingship was brief in Armenia. Within less than a year into his first year of his reign, Arsaces I was poisoned from his bribed servants.
In about 36, when the Parthian nobility rebelled against Artabanus III, they applied to the Roman emperor Tiberius for a king of the race of Phraates. Tiberius sent Tiridates to the east, and ordered Lucius Vitellius (the father of the emperor Vitellius) to restore Roman authority there. By very dexterous military and diplomatic operations Vitellius succeeded completely. Artabanus was deserted by his followers and fled.
公元36年左右,帕提亞貴族又叛Artabanus三世,向羅馬皇帝提比略請求派出Phraates家族的國王繼承王位。提比略派遣Tiridates到東方,並且命令Lucius Vitellius(Vitellius皇帝之父)恢復羅馬在帕提亞的權威。Vitellius利用靈巧的軍事手段和外交運作,取得了完全的成功。Artabanus的跟隨者拋棄了他,他不得不逃亡。
Artabanus III returned from Hyrcania with a strong army of Scythian (Dahae) auxiliaries and was again acknowledged by the Parthians. Tiridates III left Seleucia and fled to Syria.
Shortly afterwards Artabanus III died and was succeeded by his son, Vardanes I, whose reign was still more turbulent than that of his father.
In late 40, Caligula invited Ptolemy to Rome and welcomed him with appropriate honours. Ptolemy was confirmed as king and an ally and friend of the empire; but he was assassinated by order of Caligula. After Ptolemy』s murder in Rome, his former household slave Aedemon, from outrage and out of loyalty to his former master, wanted to take revenge against Caligula and started the revolt of Mauretania with the Berbers against Rome.
Part of the territories of the current Algeria and Morocco become a Roman province.
The Roman conquest of Britain begins.
Claudius annexes Lycia in Asia Minor, combining it with Pamphylia as a Roman province.
Vardanes I of Parthia forces the city of Seleucia on the Tigris to surrender.
The emperor Claudius returns from his British campaign in triumph, the southeast part of Britannia now held by the Roman Empire, but the war will rage for another decade and a half.
Judaea is controlled by Roman governors.
In 45 for unknown reasons Claudius, deposed Mithridates from the Bosporan throne and replaced him with his younger brother Cotys I.
After the death of its king, Thracia becomes a Roman province.
Chauci pirates led by the Roman deserter Gannascus ravage the Gallic coast; Corbulo uses the Rhine fleet against them.
Late in 47 the new governor of Britain, Publius Ostorius Scapula, began a campaign against the tribes of modern-day Wales, and the Cheshire Gap.
47年晚些時候,新任不列顛總督Publius Ostorius Scapula開始進攻位於現在威爾士的部落以及Cheshire平原。
Publius Ostorius Scapula, governor of Britain, announces his intention to disarm all Britons south and east of the Trent and Severn. The Iceni, an independent, allied kingdom within that area, revolt but are defeated. Ostorius then moves against the Deceangli in north Wales, but is forced to abandon the campaign to deal with a revolt among the allied Brigantes.
不列顛總督Publius Ostorius Scapula宣布Trent河和Severn河以東和以南的布利吞人要放下武器。羅馬盟友獨立部落Iceni人反抗但被擊敗。Ostorius就向北威爾士的Deceangli人行軍,但不得不放棄戰役,應對反抗的前盟友布利甘特人。
In Britain, governor Publius Ostorius Scapula founds a colonia for Roman veterans at Camulodunum (Colchester). A legion is stationed on the borders of the Silures of South Wales in preparation for invasion.
在不列顛,總督Publius Ostorius Scapula為羅馬老兵在Camulodunum(現Colchester)建立了殖民地。他在南威爾士Silures邊境部署了一個軍團,準備入侵。
Caratacus of Silures himself was defeated in the Battle of Caer Caradoc and fled to the Roman client tribe of the Brigantes who occupied the Pennines. Their queen, Cartimandua was unable or unwilling to protect him however given her own truce with the Romans and handed him over to the invaders.
Silures的Cratacus本人在Caer Caradoc之戰中被羅馬軍隊擊敗,逃到羅馬附庸部落、佔據奔寧山脈的布利甘特人處。該部落的女酋長Cartimandua鑒於與羅馬簽訂的休戰協定,不能或不願保護他,於是將Cratacus交給了羅馬入侵者。
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