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My 奧古斯都,瓦盧斯......


「Das why I 悲憤!!!瓦盧斯你還我軍團俺悲憤!!!」

Between 2 BC and AD 4, Vinicius commanded the 5 legions stationed in Germany. At around the time of his appointment, many of the Germanic tribes arose in what the historian Velleius Paterculus calls the "vast war". However, no account of this war exists. Vinicius must have performed well, for he was awarded the ornamenta triumphalia on his return to Rome.

公元前2年到公元4年,Vinicius指揮了5個鎮守在日耳曼的軍團。在他任期期間,很多日耳曼部落起來反抗,這次事件被歷史學家Velleius Paterculus稱為「大規模戰爭」。然而,這次戰爭無跡可尋。Vinicius必然留下了很好的業績,否則他在回歸羅馬時不會被授予凱旋儀式。

In AD 4, Augustus sent Tiberius to the Rhine frontier as the commander in Germany. He campaigned in northern Germany for the next two years. During the first year, he conquered the Canninefati, the Attuarii, the Bructeri, and subdued the Cherusci. Soon thereafter, he declared the Cherusci "friends of the Roman people."


In AD 5, he campaigned against the Chauci, and then coordinated an attack into the heart of Germany both overland and by river. The Roman fleet and legions met on the Elbe, whereupon Tiberius departed from the Elbe to march back westward at the end of the summer without stationing occupying forces at this eastern position. This accomplished a demonstration to his troops, to Rome, and to the German peoples that his army could move largely unopposed through Germany, but like Drusus he did nothing to hold territory.


Judaea and Moesia become Roman provinces.


The Illyrian tribes in Dalmatia and Pannonia start the Great Illyrian Revolt.


In Cassius Dios opinion, at the time around AD 7 the Romans did not accomplish anything worthy of note, except for Germanicus who defeated Mazaei, a Dalmatian tribe.

在Cassius Dio看來,公元7年左右羅馬人未取得值得一提的戰績,除了Germanicus擊敗了達爾馬提亞人的Mazaei部落。

After the assassination of Orodes III in about 6 AD, the Parthians applied to Augustus for a new King from the house of Arsaces. Augustus sent them Vonones I, but he could not maintain himself as King; he had been educated as a Roman, and was despised by the Parthian nobility as a Roman stooge.


August 3 – Roman general Tiberius defeats the Illyrians in Dalmatia on the River Bathinus, but the Great Illyrian Revolt continues.


September 9 – Battle of the Teutoburg Forest: Roman forces are lured by Arminius into an ambush and defeated by his tribe, the Cherusci, and their Germanic allies. The Roman aquilae are lost and the Roman general and governor Publius Quinctilius Varus commits suicide.

9月9日,條頓堡森林之戰:羅馬軍隊被阿米尼烏斯誘入埋伏中,並被阿米尼烏斯的部落Cherusci人和其它日耳曼盟友擊敗。羅馬鷹旗丟失,羅馬將軍兼總督Publius Quinctilius瓦盧斯自殺。

Suppression of the Bellum Batonianum (Great Illyrian Revolt) in Dalmatia.


Tiberius was joined by his adoptive son Germanicus for the campaigns of AD 11 and 12. The two generals crossed the Rhine and made various excursions into enemy territory, moving with the same caution as Tiberius had the year before. The campaigns were conducted against the Bructeri and the Marsi to avenge the defeat of Varus, but had no significant effect. However, the campaigns did, combined with Romes alliance to the Marcommanic federation of Marbod, effectively prevent the anti-Roman Germanic coalition led by Arminius from crossing the Rhine to invade Gaul and Italy. In the winter of AD 12, Tiberius and Germanicus returned to Rome.


Another member of the Arsacid house, Artabanus III, who was living among the Dahan nomads in the east of Parthia, was invited to the throne. In a civil war he defeated and expelled Vonones I.


Abgarus of Edessa is reinstalled as king of Osroene.


September 18 – Tiberius succeeds his stepfather Augustus as Roman emperor.


Germanicus leads a brutal raid against the Marsi, a German tribe on the upper Ruhr river, who are massacred.


May – As part of his campaign against the Germanic peoples, Germanicus captures Thusnelda, wife of Arminius.


Summer – Germanicus launches a two-pronged attack from Vetera and Moguntiacum. On his return journey, he recaptures the aquila of Legio XIX and visits the battlefield of the Teutoburg Forest. Germanicus arranges the burial for the remains of Varus army.


Varna (Odessus), on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, is annexed to the Roman province of Moesia.


Germanicus employs North Sea fleet to avoid dangerous rivers, embarking an army in the Rhine delta aboard circa 1,000 ships. He defeats the Germans at Amisius river estuary and the Weser, but during its return the Roman fleet is partially destroyed by storms.


The decision not to conquer the regions east of the Rhine in 16 A. D. made the Rhine into a fixed frontier of the Roman Empire.



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