

來自專欄歷史⑨課40 人贊了文章

The Romans subdue the Maedi and Dardani.


Ariarathes VIII is forced out of Cappadocia by Mithridates, and dies soon afterwards.

Ariarathes 八世被本都的米特里答梯趕出了卡帕多西亞,不久之後去世。

Cyrene is left to the people of Roman Republic by its ruler Ptolemy Apion.


Seleucus VI Epiphanes becomes king of the Seleucid Empire following the death of his father Antiochus VIII Grypus, and defeating in battle Antiochus IX Cyzicenus.


In 95 BC, Antiochus IX marched against his nephew but lost and was killed. Seleucus VI became the master of the capital but had to share Syria with his brother Demetrius III, based in Damascus, and his cousin, Antiochus IXs son Antiochus X.


Nicomedes IV succeeds his father Nicomedes III as king of Bithynia.


In 94 BC, Selecus VI was expelled from Antioch by Antiochus X who followed him to the Cilician city of Mopsuestia. Following his demise, his brothers Antiochus XI and Philip I destroyed Mopsuestia as an act of revenge and their armies fought those of Antiochus X.


Ariobarzanes I Philoromaios becomes king of Cappadocia with Roman backing.


At the beginning of 93 BC, they advanced on Antioch and drove Antiochus X from the city.Philip did not live in the Syrian metropolis and remained at a base in northern Syria, leaving Antiochus XI as master of the capital. By autumn 93 BC, Antiochus X regrouped and defeated Antiochus XI (who drowned in the Orontes).


Arshak I becomes king of Caucasian Iberia after overthrowing Farnadjom.


The death of Antiochus X is shrouded in mystery. The year of his demise is traditionally given by modern scholars as 92 BC, but other dates are also possible including the year 224 SE (89/88 BC).


After the death of Antiochus X, Demetrius rushed to the capital and occupied it; this led Philip to break his alliance with his brother.


The tribune Marcus Livius Drusus proposes extending Roman citizenship to allied Italian cities, but is assassinated, leading to the Social War.

保民官Marcus Livius Drusus建議將羅馬公民權推廣到所有義大利同盟城市,然而他被刺殺了,由此導致了義大利同盟戰爭。

The Etruscans are granted Roman citizenship.


Corfinium in south-central Italy is the center of a rebellion against Rome.


Nicomedes IV of Bithynia is defeated in battle by a coalition of Nicomedes brother Socrates, and Mithridates VI of Pontus. Nicomedes flees to Rome.


The Roman army of Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo decisively defeats the rebels in the Battle of Asculum.

Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo的羅馬軍隊在阿斯克魯姆戰役中決定性地擊敗了義大利同盟者。

Mithridates VI of Pontus invades Bithynia and Cappadocia, thus the First Mithridatic War begins.


The Social War ends with the defeat of the Italian allies by the Romans.


The Dardani, Scordisci, and the Maedi attack the Roman province of Macedonia.


First Civil War in Rome, between Marius and Sulla starts and ends with Marius escaping to Africa.


King Mithridates VI of Pontus invades Greece. Defeating the Roman forces four times in succession, he conquers Bithynia, Phrygia, Mysia, Lycia, Pamphylia, Ionia and Cappadocia.


After the death of Mithridates II of Parthia in 88 BC, Tigranes took advantage of the fact that the Parthian Empire had been weakened by Scythian invasions and internal squabbling to start a massive conquer.


Sulla arrives in Greece and besieges Athens. He orders Lucius Licinius Lucullus to raise a fleet from Romes allies around the eastern Mediterranean.

蘇拉抵達希臘,圍攻雅典;他還命令Lucius Licinius Lucullus從羅馬東地中海盟友處徵集艦隊。

Ostia is razed by Gaius Marius as he comes back from Africa with an army to take Rome by force.


March 1 – Sulla captures Athens from the Pontic army, removing the tyrant Aristion.


Lucius Licinius Lucullus decisively defeats the Mithridatic fleet in the Battle of Tenedos.

Lucius Licinius Lucullus 在Tenedos海戰中決定性地擊敗了米特里答梯的艦隊。

The Roman forces of Lucius Cornelius Sulla defeat the Pontic forces of Archelaus in the Battle of Chaeronea.


The Dardani ally with Pontus and are defeated by Sulla soon after.


Marius occupies Rome but demises. Then Cinna sends Flaccus to fight both Sulla and Mithridate, who however manages to win the allegiance of most of Flaccuss army. Therefore Flaccus marches through Thrace and plunders the people there. Then he decides to invade Minor Asia in that winter.


First Mithridatic War: Lucius Cornelius Sulla again defeats Archelaus in the decisive Battle of Orchomenus.


After crossing the Hellespont, Flaccus was killed in a mutiny led by Flavius Fimbria, who went on to defeat Mithridates and recapture Pergamum.


The First Mithridatic War comes to an end.


Lucius Cornelius Sulla returns to Italy from his campaigns in Greece and lands with his legions unopposed at Brundisium. He defeats Gaius Norbanus in the Battle of Mount Tifata.

蘇拉從希臘戰役脫身,率領軍團,未遭抵抗登陸布林迪西烏姆,然後又在Tifata山之戰中擊敗Gaius Norbanus。

Gnaeus Pompeius, age 22, raises on his own initiative a private army in Picenum.


In 83 BC, after a bloody strife for the throne of Syria, governed by the Seleucids, the Syrians decided to choose Tigranes as the protector of their kingdom and offered him the crown of Syria.


As a result of this war, Sulla won and was installed as dictator of Rome, but many Italian towns and cities were heavily damaged.


Burebista unifies the Dacian population forming the first (and biggest) unified Dacian kingdom, on the territory of modern Romania and surroundings. 82 BC is also the starting year of his reign.



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