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Epirus joins Macedonia in the latters fight against Rome. However, the Greek leagues remain neutral.
Thanks to the efforts of Eumenes II of Pergamum while in Rome, the Romans declare war on Macedonia and send troops to Thessaly, thus beginning the Third Macedonian War. In the resulting Battle of Callicinus the Macedonians, led by their king, Perseus, are victorious over a Roman force.
由於帕加馬Eumenes II在羅馬的大力勸說,羅馬向馬其頓宣戰並向色薩利派出軍隊,第三次馬其頓戰爭爆發。在後續的Callicinus之戰中,馬其頓國王Perseus領導馬其頓軍隊打敗了羅馬軍隊。
In Thessaly, King Perseus of Macedon repulses a Roman army. Meanwhile, the Thracian city of Abdera is sacked by Roman and Pergamese troops.
The usurped high priest of Judea, Jason, does not abandon his claims to being the high priest which he has lost to Menelaus two years earlier. While Antiochus IV is waging war against Egypt, he succeeds in making himself master of Jerusalem once more and forces Menelaus to seek refuge in the citadel.
The Seleucid king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, decides on a preemptive strike against Egypt and invades the country, conquering all but the city of Alexandria.
The king of Illyria, Gentius, is defeated at Scodra by a Roman force and then brought to Rome as a captive.
The Macedonian kingdom is broken up by the Romans into four smaller states, and all the Greek cities which have offered aid to Macedonia, even just in words, are punished.
Fearing the consequences of a war with Rome, the king of Seluecid agrees to comply with the ambassadors demands. In return, the Romans agree that Antiochus IV can retain southern Syria.
The Jewish priest Mattathias of Modiin defies the king Antiochus IVs decrees aimed at hellenizing the Jews and specifically defies the order that Jews should sacrifice to Zeus. Mattathias slays a Syrian official and escapes into the Judean hills with his five sons and begins a revolt against Seleucid control of Judea.
Eprius is looted and controlled by Romans for its aid to Macedonia during the previous war.
In the ensuing battle, Judas Maccabeus and his men succeed in repelling Gorgias and forcing his army out of Judea and down to the coastal plain in what is an important victory in the war for Judeas independence.
在後續的戰鬥中,Judas Maccabeus與他的手下成功地擊退了塞留古的Gorgias,將它們趕出猶太,一直趕到沿海平原;這是爭取猶太自立一次重要的勝利。
Artaxias I, King of Armenia, is taken captive by the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes when he attacks Armenia. Artaxias is forced to recognize Antiochus IVs suzerainty over Armenia before he is released.
Rhodes signs a treaty with Rome and becomes its permanent ally.
Judas Maccabeus wins the battle of Beth Zur and is able to recapture Jerusalem soon after.
Judas Maccabeus在Beth Zur之戰中獲勝,稍後光復了耶路撒冷。
The Egyptian king Ptolemy VI Philometor is restored to his throne through the intervention of the citizens of Alexandria. However, the Romans intervene and decide to partition the Ptolemaic realm, ordering Ptolemy VIII Euergetes into Cyrenaica and giving Ptolemy VI Cyprus and Egypt. The two brothers accept the Roman partition.
In the turmoil following the death of Antiochus IV, the governor of Media, Timarchus becomes the independent ruler of Media, opposing Lysias who is acting as regent for young king Antiochus V Eupator.
The rebel Seleucid general and ruler of Media, Timarchus, who has distinguished himself by defending Media against the emergent Parthians, treats Demetrius Is violent accession to the Seleucid throne as the excuse to declare himself an independent king and extend his realm from Media into Babylonia.
Bacchides subdued Jerusalem and returned to his Seluecid King.
Demetrius I defeats and kills the rebel general Timarchus and is recognized as king of the Seleucid empire by the Roman Senate.
At the request of the Romans, Ariarathes V, king of Cappadocia, rejects a proposal from the Seleucid king, Demetrius I, for him to marry the sister of Demetrius I. In response, Seleucid forces attack Cappadocia and remove Ariarathes V from the Cappadocian throne.
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