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The Romans secures Gades, thus making Roman control of Spain complete. With the effective withdrawal of the Carthaginians from Spain, Hispania becomes a Roman province.


After being an ally of Carthage and fighting with them, Numidian chieftain, Masinissa switches sides when the Carthaginians are driven from Spain and offers to assist Rome.


Philip V of Macedon is able to take advantage of Roman inactivity. After sacking Thermum, the religious and political centre of Aetolia, Philip is able to force the Aetolians to accept a peace treaty based on his terms.


The Peace of Phoenice prohibits Philip from expanding westward into Illyria or the Adriatic Sea, so the king turns his attentions eastwards to the Aegean Sea, where he starts to build a large fleet. The Cretan War begins between Philips Macedonians, the Aetolian League, several Cretan cities (of which Olous and Hierapytna are the most important) and Spartan pirates against the forces of Rhodes and later Attalus I of Pergamum, Byzantium, Cyzicus, Athens and Knossos.


A Carthaginian army under Mago Barca lands in Liguria, capturing Genoa and Savona.


Roman forces besiege Utica in Carthaginia but they are unable to stop the combined reinforcement of the Carthaginians and the Numidians, therefore they have to lift the siege of Utica.


Masinissa becomes king of both the Massyli and the Massaesyli tribes in Numidia and remains a loyal ally to the Romans after his foe Syphax was defeated.


October 19 – The Battle of Zama (130 kilometers south-west of Carthage) ends the Second Punic War and largely destroys the power of Carthage.


On Hannibals advice, Carthage sues for peace with the Romans, ending the Second Punic War. Carthage is reduced to a client state of Rome. In the peace treaty between Carthage and Rome, Carthage surrenders all her Mediterranean possessions to Rome, including her Iberian territories. The Carthaginians agree to pay Rome 200 talents per year for 50 years, allow Masinissa to rule Numidia as an independent kingdom, make no war without Romes permission, and destroy all but 10 of the Carthaginian warships.


Philip V of Macedon captures Samos and the Egyptian fleet stationed there. He then besieges Chios to the north. Rhodes and its allies Pergamum, Cyzicus, and Byzantium combine their fleets and defeat Philip V in the Battle of Chios.


Antiochus IIIs forces continue their invasion of Coele Syria and Palestine.


Philip V of Macedons fleet defeat the Rhodians at Lade. His forces then advance into Pergamum, plundering Pergamese territory and attacking cities in Caria. The Acarnanians, with Macedonian support, invade Attica, causing Athens, which has previously maintained its neutrality, to seek help from the enemies of Philip.


Roman forces manage to push Philip V out of most of Greece, except for a few fortresses.


Antiochus III occupies parts of the kingdom of Pergamum and a number of Greek cities in Anatolia.


The Spartan ruler, Nabis, acquires the important city of Argos from Philip V of Macedon, as the price of his alliance with the Macedonians. Nabis then defects to the Romans in the expectation of being able to hold on to his conquest.


The Insubres, Gauls of the Po Valley, are finally defeated.


All Greeks are proclaimed to be free and governed by their own laws after the Macedonians were defeated.


After Roman diplomatic intervention, Antiochus III finally halts his war with Egypt. In the peace agreement (the Peace of Lysimachia), Antiochus III formally takes possession of southern Syria, which has been fought over for 100 years by the Ptolemies and Seleucids, and also takes possession of the Egyptian territories in Anatolia.


Nabis, the tyrant of Sparta, is forced to abandon the surrounding land and withdraw to the city of Sparta. Later that year, Sparta capitulates to the allies.


The Battle of Mutina is fought near Modena, between the Romans and the Gauls. The Romans are victorious in the battle which effectively ends the threat of the Gauls in Italy.


The Roman forces finally withdraw from Greece after Spartans were defeated.


The Romans attempt to rally the Greeks against Antiochus III and to counter the pro-Seleucid policy of the Aetolians. When the Aetolians call on Antiochus III for aid, the Romans persuade the Achaean League to declare war on both parties.


In the mean time, the Spartan ruler, Nabis, moves to recover lost territory, including Gythium.


Philopoemen takes advantage of the Aetolian treachery and enters Sparta with his Achaean army. Now in full control of Sparta, Philopoemen forces Sparta to become a member state of the Achaean League.


Antiochus lands in Demetrias, Thessaly with only 10,500 men and occupies Euboea. However, he finds little support for his cause in central Greece.



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