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When Pyrrhus returns from Sicily, he finds himself vastly outnumbered by a superior Roman army . After the inconclusive Battle of Beneventum, Romans negotiate a peace with Pyrrhus, after which Pyrrhus decides to end his campaign in Italy and return to Epirus, which results in the loss of all his Italian holdings.


When the Celts finally entered Asia Minor chaos ensued until the Celts were briefly routed by Antiochus army in the Battle of Elephants. In the aftermath of the battle the Celts withdrew to Phrygia, eventually settling in Galatia.


Pyrrhus returns from Italy and Sicily and invades Macedonia defeating Antigonus II Gonatas at the Battle of the Aous and conquering Upper Macedonia and Thessaly while Antigonus holds onto the coastal Macedonian towns.


The Romans under Manius Curius Dentatus conquer the Lucanians.

Manius Curius Dentatus指揮羅馬人征服了Lucanian人。

Magas of Cyrene marries Apama, the daughter of Antiochus and uses his marital alliance to foment a pact to invade Egypt. He opens hostilities against his half brother Ptolemy II, by declaring his province of Cyrenaica to be independent and then attacks Egypt from the west as Antiochus I takes the Egyptian controlled areas in coastal Syria and southern Anatolia, after which he attacks Palestine.


The Seleucid king Antiochus I Soter is defeated by Egypts Ptolemy II during the First Syrian War. Ptolemy II annexes Miletus, Phoenicia and western Cilicia from Antiochus. As a result, Ptolemy II extends Egyptian rule as far as Caria and into most of Cilicia.


Pyrrhus departure from southern Italy three years earlier leads to the Samnites finally being conquered by the Romans. With the surrender of Tarentum, the cities of Magna Graecia in southern Italy come under Roman influence and become Roman allies. Rome now effectively dominates all of the Italian peninsula.


Pyrrhus and his troops move onto Argos. Entering the city with his army by stealth, Pyrrhus finds himself caught in a confused battle with the Argives (who are supported by Antigonus forces) in the narrow city streets. During the confusion an old woman watching from a rooftop throws a roof tile at Pyrrhus which stuns him, allowing an Argive soldier to kill him.


With the restoration of the territories captured by Pyrrhus, and with grateful allies in Sparta and Argos, and garrisons in Corinth and other Greek key cities, Antigonus II securely controls Macedonia and Greece. Antigonus becomes the chief of the Thessalian League and is on good terms with neighbouring Illyria and Thrace.


Romes subjugation of Italy is completed by the recapture of Rhegium (southern Italy) from the Mamertines and the defeat of the Brutians, the Lucanians, the Calabrians and the Samnites.


The Syracusan military leader, Hieron, defeats the Mamertines in a pitched battle at the Longanus River near Mylae, but Carthaginian forces intervene to prevent him from capturing Messana. His grateful countrymen then choose Hieron as their king and tyrant, to be known as Hieron II.


The Romans found a colony at Ariminum.


Chremonides, an Athenian statesman and general, issues the Decree of Chremonides, creating an alliance between Sparta, Athens, and Ptolemy II of Egypt.


Macedonias King Antigonus II Gonatas has to deal with a rebellion by an Athenian-led coalition of Spartans, Athenians, Arcadians and Achaeans that tries to expel the Macedonian forces located in Greece. The rebellion has the support of Ptolemy II of Egypt.


In 267 BC, Rome conquered the Messapii and Brundisium.


Hiero II threatens to renew his attack on the Mamertines. They appeal to Carthage and receive the support of a Carthaginian garrison. The Mamertines also appeal to the Romans who are also willing to help.


The Etruscan city of Volsinii is brought under Roman control.


The Roman troops deploy outside the city of Messina to defeat the Syracusans in battle forcing Hiero to retreat back to Syracuse. The next day they defeats the Carthaginians.


The Romans secure the alliance of Hiero II of Syracuse. The treaty with Rome restricts Hieros kingdom to southeast Sicily and the eastern coast of Sicily as far as Tauromenium. From this date until his death, Hiero remains loyal to the Romans. The Romans capture Hadranum.


The Athenians and Spartans, worn down by several years of war and the devastation of their lands, make peace with Antigonus II of Macedonia who thus retains his hold on Greece.


Alexander II of Epirus attacks and conquers the greater part of Macedonia.


After Athens surrenders following a long siege by Macedonian forces, Antigonus II Gonatas re-garrisons Athens and forbids the city from making war.


After the loss of Agrigentum, the Carthaginians retire to organise their fleet. In the meantime, the Romans sack Agrigentum and enslave its Greek inhabitants. The Romans are now determined to drive the Carthaginians out of Sicily.


Antiochus I tries to break the growing power of Pergamum by force of arms. Eumenes I, the new ruler of Pergamum, liberates his city from the overlordship of the Seleucids by defeating the army of Antiochus I near Sardis, and thereby establishing an independent city-state.




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