
Four devout dogs in China say grace before every meal | Mail Online

Amen! Four devout dogs in China say grace before every meal - and then clean up after themselvesByJoel ChristiePublished: 21:42 GMT, 14 April 2014 | Updated: 22:07 GMT, 14 April 2014It"s what you might call getting down on all paws.Some very well-mannered dogs in China are set to become the new viral video of the week, if initial feedback is anything to go on.The clip shows four dogs simultaneously bowing their heads in preparation for dinner, as demanded by their handler.The woman, who can only slightly be seen on camera, ensures there is an "Amen equivalent" before setting down the bowls of food in front of the responsive canine.Scroll down for video

+5Any minute now: The video starts with the well-mannered canines patiently waiting for their food to be prepared

+5When the food is ready, they continued to wait patiently. However, they hadn"t yet said their prayers

+5"Dear God - Please let me catch the neighbors cat tomorrow"

+5A well-deserved dinner after being so well behavedThe video has amassed 50,000 views in a matter days, having been uploaded to YouTube on April 2.But not only do these pups say grace - they do dishes, too.More...Daddy"s Home! Adorable video captures the priceless excitement of babies greeting their fathersThe moment crazed passenger who tried to open plane door at 30,000 feet after soaking himself was arrested following mid-flight tussleSMILE! Diver taking pictures of life underwater gets photobombed by a grinning shark in the BahamasSort of.Once each of the dogs are finished their meal, they each pick up the empty bowl with their mouth and deliver it to the handler.It"s the cutest thing you"ll see today.

+5And once they"re done, they clear the table


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