英國飲食的名聲一向不好,除了fish and chips(炸魚和炸薯條)之外,似乎就沒有什麼拿得上檯面的東西了。其實英國也有很多不為人知的獨特美食,今天就和小編一起來看看吧!
1. Yorkshire pudding
Yorkshire Pudding is not a dessert in spite of its name, although it is similar in some ways to a pancake made with flour, milk and eggs. It is usually eaten with roast beef and gravy as part of a traditional Sunday lunch.
2. Shepherd"s Pie
Shepherd"s Pie, also known as cottage pie, is a traditional English dish comprising minced meat covered with mashed potato. The meat is typically lamb or beef left over from a Sunday roast. The term "shepherd"s pie" tends to be used when the meat is lamb.
肉餡土豆餡餅是一道傳統英國菜肴,也叫農家餡餅,是肉丁裹上土豆泥。通常會使用周日烤肉剩下的羊牛肉。當肉是羊肉時,通常叫做「Shepherd"s pie」(註:shepherd是牧羊人的意思)。
3. Trifle
Trifle is a dish made from thick custard, fruit, sponge cake, fruit juice, and whipped cream. These ingredients are usually arranged in layers with fruit and sponge cake on the bottom, and custard and cream on top. Some trifles contain a small amount of alcohol such as sweet sherry.
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