

來自專欄留學歐洲5 人贊了文章

前段時間聽到一個podcast,一家科技公司的CEO提到: 他招聘設計師的一個重要原則就是設計師需要有出色寫作能力;當兩個設計師的設計能力不相上下的情況出現時,公司會根據設計師的寫作能力來做最後的衡量。


寫作是一門藝術,無論是一份TED的演講稿,一份申請大學的文書,還是一份求職的cover letter,我們無時無刻都在使用文字這個工具和他人進行溝通;而高質量的寫作可以更好的幫助他人了解你的想法。

Writing is an underestimated art, you are painting colorful images in peoples minds by using words of black and white.











Personal statement / motivation letter / statement of intent,我們統稱為申請信。申請信是自我審視的一個好機會,你可以藉此思考你為什麼想要學習這個專業,為什麼要去到這個學校學習這個專業?你需要清楚的闡述你的WHY,通過你強而有力的動機去說服你的讀者。



a) 「 我就是特別喜歡 / 或者擅長這個領域,所以選了這個專業 / 做了這份工作,所以出國想要學習這個專業;」 這個回答並沒有深入去挖掘背後的原因。

b) 「我也不是很清楚,當初就是家裡要我學這個專業的,所以我才做了這份工作。」這個回答,雖然是完全真實的,但是是不可以被接受的。這樣的信息並沒有幫助 admission officer對你有深入了解。

01 - Yixuan的故事(a)


「My score of the college entrance exam is just suitable for this major. Information engineering, it is an advanced major based on computer technology andcommunication technology which means when I graduate, getting a decent job will be easy. So, it is a very practical choice. And at that time, I didnt think toomuch about what is my interest and what really attracts me. In other words, I didnt know what is my interest.」

「After studying information engineering for one semester, I found out coding is not my love. The base of further coding is math. So, I decided to correct my firstchoice. Digital media technology is a new cross-discipline based on thecomputer technology to do some creative art job, such as design a game orspecial effect, etc. It is a major to teach you how to use technological tool tomake your thoughts come true. I really like this feeling to creative something.」

大家換位思考,假使你是admission officer / programme manager,看到這個回答時,你信服這個回答嗎?你能夠清楚明白為什麼數字媒體技術是Yixuan的passion所在嗎?和Yixuan溝通後,我們摒棄了原始的內容。而是根據她的成長,結合她大學所做的項目,撰寫出了屬於她自己獨一無二的故事。

文章開頭改為:我依舊無法忘記那次拜訪和家人一起參觀圓明園的旅行, 那次旅行讓我中國古老建築痴迷 …... 但是讓人傷心的事實是,圓明園歷經了戰亂劫掠,在英法聯軍之役中被焚毀,現時僅存遺址。當我站在歷史的遺迹面前想像幾個世紀之前的風景時,我內心突然有一種燃燒的慾望,想要重新建造那些被摧毀的遺迹,讓現在的人們欣賞它的輝煌…...隨著科技的發展,VR使得我的夢想成為一個可能。我們現在可以使用現代科技去重新創造過去偉大的遺迹…...


I still remember a family trip to the Old Summer Palace in Beijing when I was a teenager. During the visit I was captivated by the intricate, ornate traditional architecture…... But the sad reality is that the splendour of the original buildings, constructed as residences for royalty during the Qing Dynasty, did not survive the imperial might of invading forces.

I stood there among these historic ruins, closed my eyes and imagined the scenes of previous centuries. Within me there was aburning desire to recreate the lost scenes, in order that people today would beable to truly appreciate their grandeur…...

But through the rapid advances of modern technology, this dream has now become a possible and virtual reality presents a unique opportunity for us to envision new worlds. We can now utilize modern technology to recreate the finest accomplishments of the past.

「通過大學的學習,我被賦予了這個機會。北京是中國的文化中心,在這座充滿中國古老建築的城市學習經歷給我帶來了潛移默化的積極影響。我本科課程讓我掌握了XYZ技能,因此,當我得知有這麼一個通過VR還原古建築相關的項目,我毫不猶豫的抓住這個機會去參與並且完成了這個項目」。 隨後我們闡述她在項目中所提高的技能,闡述她是如何磨練自己的技藝,以及為什麼這個經歷和這些技能使得她更加優秀 :

Through my study of information engineering, the best major at XYZ university, I was gifted with this opportunity. Beijing is China』s cultural centre and studying there has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in my homeland』s heritage and in particular Chinese architecture. My course had given me the chance to... Therefore, when I became aware of a student innovation project, I seized the opportunity and worked with classmates to recreate the Summer Palace of the past using VR….







比如說,你的爸爸特別愛讀書,你的童年都坐在爸爸的書房和他一起看各種有意思的文學作品,你總是好奇這些作者是如何寫出那些吸引你想要一直讀下去故事?想要了解the power of storytelling 使得你大學選擇傳媒專業?




02 - Yixuan的故事(b)


我們先仔細研究了這個碩士項目的課程設置,具體每節課要學習什麼內容;項目的主要研究方向,相關認可教授發表的論文等等相關信息。然後我們把項目相關的信息和 Yixuan 已有的背景緊緊關聯。(我們的撰寫思路,你可以作為參考)

申請信中寫道:「小的時候,父親出來一場嚴重的車禍。那天開車回家的路上,雨下的特別大,在雖然汽車的雨刷沒有任何問題,但是他的視線卻由於大雨而受到了阻礙,從而發生了碰撞。撞車之後,他在醫院療養了大半年。我記得我在他的病床前,難以相信這樣的意外會發生。我不明白,為什麼人類可以和世界另外一端的人溝通,但是兩個如此靠近的汽車卻無法溝通呢 ?一旁的媽媽只是笑笑,並沒有說話,但是她的眼神告訴我這只是一個異想天開的想法…」

My father suffered a serious car accident when I was in primary school. He had been driving home one afternoon, just like any other, except for the fact it was raining heavily. The windscreen wipers were working, yet his vision was restricted and he unfortunately lost control of the vehicle.

The result was a catastrophic collision and half a year in a hospitalbed. I remember being perched next to his bedside and asking in disbelief that there were no safety installed in the cars to prevent these tragic incidents.

I couldn』t fathom why we could connect to people on the other side of the world, yet the two vehicles were unable to communicate. My mother smiled, but said nothing, her eyes told me that is was wishful thinking….


不論學校是要你提交personal statement, motivation letter,letter of intent, 學校都需要了解你的why,說清楚你的why(你的動機)真的很重要。

正如著名的心理學家和猶太人大屠殺倖存者Dr. Viktor Frankl曾經寫到 " He who has a why can bear any how." 生活中,一個有著強烈動機的人,即使面臨困難,他/她也會全力以赴,因為做好這件事情是她 / 他的使命 。而申請也是如此,學校想要找到最有動力的學生,因為有動力的學生,一定會認真完成學業,一步步實現自己的夢想 。




Think bigger than yourself


你需要通過文書向校方展示出你自己,讓他們了解你的夢想或者目標。更重要的是,你應該think a little bit bigger than yourself and be the change that you want to see in the world,去思考你想通過自己的專業知識,技能,和本領,去改變什麼呢?


03 - David的故事


My strong interest in food science initiated about two years ago when I watched a presentation from XYZ in the XYZ global product developmentcompetition. They were…. I was deeply impressed by this original idea and hoped that one day I could become a food engineer and take part in the competition with healthy and nutritional food products developed by myself. From then on,this inner voice has pushed me forward and I put great efforts in studying theprofessional courses which earned me an overall GPA of 91%, ranking 1st among180 students.



...I』ll never forget the images and the horror, and I was both baffled by the events and moved to better understand the science of food. Poor standards and practices regarding nutrition are a national crisis in China, and I』m determined to become an expert in food science, so I can safeguard consumers and initiate a new standard of healthiness. The XYZ program will bean important step towards that goal, because it will enable me to gain a deepe runderstanding of nutrition and chemistry in a renowned academic setting.


隨後我們把David提到的那個比賽作為了文書中的一個小故事,藉此論述他對創新的渴求。我們寫到 From then on, pursuit of innovation was my guide. 接著敘述David在大學各方面的成就,一步步證明為什麼他有能力成為一個有成就的食品工程師。

如果你心中有夢想,不論看似多麼的遙遠,請大膽的說出來。引起讀者(admission officer / programme manager)的共鳴,讓他們信服你的夢想。


我想和大家分享自己2013年申請瑞典林雪平大學的申請信。這份申請信幫助我拿到了瑞典林雪平大學100%的學費減免和瑞典SISS全額獎學金 。一份高質量申請信可以幫助你提到拿到獎學金的機會,當然運氣成分也是存在的。



案例 - 2013年申請瑞典林雪平大學工商管理專業的動機信

Dear Linkopings University, (沒錯!學校的名字都給拼錯了!)

Please accept my application for the MSc Business Administration - Strategy and Management in International Organisations. I wish to apply for several reasons.

First, I want to make my career in building stronger trade connections between China, Europe, and Brazil. I recently completed a one-year internship working in Brazil. This first-hand experience in international trade has helped me realize how much I do not know, and has focused me on learning more so that I can achieve at a higher level. (開頭簡單明了,直接說明自己的目標和夢想)

I can now see clearly what I want to accomplish in the future – namely, to develop the ability to predict future trends in any kind of situation because I believe that only people who have a long term perspective can achieve success in this complex world. (這個寫的其實是空泛的,因為我也不知道要寫什麼呢)

My main goals are to continue to develop intellectually and to nurture such personnel management skills as negotiation and the art of constructive compromise. Additionally, I believe it is important to be able to evaluate information and produce reliable research. I believe that your program can help me perfect all of these skills. (我具體的提到了自己想要通過碩士學習提高哪方面的技能,並且闡述了想要學習這些技能的原因)

Second, I believe that I grow as a person from being immersed in other countries and cultures. I have already worked and studied abroad, and each time I have gained greater insight into my strengths and talents. (隨後提到自己的海外實習經歷)

Specifically, I have already worked as an intern abroad both in Finland and in Brazil. In Finland I taught about Chinese culture in high schools for four months. In Brazil my work was much more complex. I was responsible for contacting potential buyers and suppliers globally, and for finding co-operative business partners in China. (並且具體提到這些海外實習經歷到底給自己帶來了什麼改變)

I also learned to communicate within our factory regarding production schedules and to manage logistics processes to dispatch samples. These experiences in Finland and especially Brazil were invaluable. They enhanced my ability to work effectively in multicultural teams and to manage employees with different backgrounds. I also learned how to handle situations which require a change of plans to reach the end goal. (具體描述了工作中我到底學習到了什麼)

I expect that your program will offer me a more focused opportunity to develop my skills in my personal development, which I believe will continue by being immersed with different cultures. I believe that your course will best equip me to achieve these aims. (和所有申請的項目緊密關聯,闡述為什麼項目可以幫助我完善這些技能)

Third, I believe that my character and life experience will make me an asset to your institution and a fine classmate for my fellow students. I am a positive and independent person with the courage to pursue my goals. (提到了自己的職場經歷會後,我講述了自己的性格和成長經歷)

My ambition to succeed at the very highest educational levels stems from my difficult childhood, during which I was beaten by my father simply for being a girl. This abuse taught me that women need to be brave and self-reliant rather than define themselves as victims. (小時候因為是女孩而挨揍,這樣的成長經歷告訴我女生應該勇敢無所畏懼)

I believe that women must be independent problem-solvers who are able to shape their own futures, and I believe that I can demonstrate this to classmates through my actions, enriching your institution in the process. (接著又和項目緊密關聯,我相信我的這些品質會給未來的同學們帶來積極的影響)

Thank you in advance for considering my application. Please feel free to contact me at any time should you require any further information.













02 - 服務流程與費用

第一步,通過微店支付文書服務費用( 支付鏈接請點擊這裡 )

申請信(personal statement / motivation letter / letter of intent)文書服務費用均為:2150RMB/一份申請信(1500字以內)。無論你是需要我們撰寫500字,還是1500字,我們都會根據問卷內容,並且調研你所有申請的項目,結合這些信息來寫出一份獨一無二的申請信。掃描下方二維碼進行支付。

推薦信(recommendation letter)文書服務費用為: 1000RMB/一份推薦信(700字以內)。掃描下方二維碼進行支付。


點擊此處 「 申請信問卷 」 ,下載申請信的問卷。

點擊此處 「 推薦信問卷 」,下載推薦信的問卷。







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