智用英語高頻動詞短語第5課 - UP Part.1
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1.Be up(to)
1.Someone be up,指某人已經起床,例句: Ive been up for 40 straight hours without any sleep.
2.(Time)be up,指時間用盡,下面這句話也許很多人在考試時候都聽到過:
Time is up, please stop writing!3.當Be up後面接上to的時候,它指在做或者關注某事,例如英語裡面最常用的一句問候寒暄語就是:
What have you been up to lately?2.Add up
Add是增加,做加法的意思,add up則有好幾重含義:
例句:Can you add up these numbers? Im worried I made an error in my calculations.2.數字元合預期,引申含義為實時符合邏輯
例句:I listened to Jills explanation, but Im still skeptical—something just doesnt add up.3.數字迅速增加
例句:If you dont pay back your debt by the end of this month, the interest will soon add up."3.Back up
例句:Its a good idea to always back up the photos on your phone.
此外Back和up合體後變成了一個名詞(形容詞)-backup,同樣指備用(的)。例如你可以說,I have a backup phone in my bag in case this one is broken or stolen.
4.Break up
例句:Jane and Jack broke up after traveling together for 10 days.當把break和up用「-」連起來時候,它變成一個名詞,同樣指「分手」
5.Bring up
例句:She brought up her mother a few times during the interview.6.Bulk up
例句:Most of the wrestlers are bulking up for the weigh-in on Thursday.7.Button up
Button是紐扣的意思,繫上扣子這個動作我們可以說fasten the buttons,也可以用button up這個短語。
例句:Remember to button your jacket up before you go into the interview.8.Buckle up
系好安全帶,比起put on the seat belt, buckle up顯然是一個更為簡潔地道的說法。此外buckle up這個短語也有「做好準備迎接挑戰的」抽象含義。
例句:Buckle up!We are about to enter the area with a lot of wild animals.9.Call up
例句:Please call me up when you are home.10.Catch up
例句:I havent seen you since we graduate, we gotta catch up.11.Cheer up
例句:She looks sad, lets do something to cheer her up.
12.Clean up
例句:Please go into the bathroom and clean yourself up.13.Come up with
例句:Who came up with the idea for this marketing campaign? Its brilliant!14.Dress up
Dress作為名詞是裙子的意思,但是作為動詞它指的是穿衣服,dress up這個短語有多重含義,這裡我們著重介紹兩個:
1.隆重地/正式地著裝打扮 例句:You have to dress up for the dinner tonight, because the Mayor is going to be there.2.角色扮演,後面通常接介詞as,可聯想cosplay。
例句: This year I plan to dress up as Superman for Halloween.15.End up
例句:You could end up in prison you were caught dealing drugs in China.16.Fill up
例句:Let me know if you see a gas station, we have to fill up the car.17.Follow up
例句:I should follow up on my package, to see if it has been delivered yet. follow-up18.Fuck up
一個在英語口語中非常常用的粗口,指把事情搞砸,如果想文明一點,不用「F-word」,也可以說「screw up」或者「mess up」。
例句:I fucked up my knee in practice last night so I wont be able to play on Saturday.19.Gear up
Gear在英語中有「裝備」的意思,gear up從字面意思上理解是準備好各種裝備的意思,引申含義為做好準備,整裝待發。
例句:The town is gearing up for the carnival this weekend.20.Give up
例句:Dont give up, youve almost reached finish line.21.Grow up
Grow是生長的意思,那麼向上生長自然就意味著長大,長成。當它的主語是人的時候,指成年。Grown-up指的就是成年人的意思, 等同於單詞「Adult」。
例句:I want to become a great scientist like Albert Einstein when I grow up.為了能讓大家切實地掌握這些動詞短語,我在Memrise上編輯上線了一套伴侶課程,你可以在伴侶課程里找到上文中所有的動詞短語,以及短語的中英文注釋和例句,藉助Memrise的間隔回憶系統,你可以系統科學地把這些動詞短語放入你的長期記憶,最終達到學以致用的目的。伴侶課程會隨著系列文章的推送同步更新。
智用英語高頻動詞短語(Phrasal Verb)第1課 - Its time to check "Out" out.
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智用英語高頻動詞短語(Phrasal Verb)第3課 - Let me fill you in
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