水冷裝機雜談#1 Symmetrical loops

水冷裝機雜談#1 Symmetrical loops

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本文的視頻參考資料全部來自Singularity Computers,YouTube. 侵刪

本文的形式為視頻作者(Daniel Cannon,以下簡稱D)的旁白+譯文,在P2的結尾結尾我會給出我對整個裝機的點評。

Singularity computers Build #33: SMA8 Symmetrical Loops: Part 1

D: Welcome everyone to build 33, part 1. I am very excited to do another SMA8 build, this is now the third one. Something that you』ll notice when we do a number of builds into the same case is an evolution across our design.


Ek vardar EVO 140mm & 120mm

So we come up with an original concept, it might be mods, loop design. Specifically loop design is where we really like to focus. Our passion at Singularity Computers is obviously liquid cooling, the cooling system.

因此我們事先設想了一套最初的方案,它可能是改裝,水道設計。不得不說水道設計絕對是我們的關注點。我們Singularity Computers(在一台電腦里)熱衷的部分無非就是液冷,是它的冷卻系統。

Ek CE560, CE280, PE480冷排


So, something that I』ve really been wanting to do in the Caselabs sma8 is a full symmetrical parallel dual loop design with the colors completely separated and divided, but in the last couple of SMA8 builds due to the choices of the customers we were unable to complete this design the way that I wanted to, and I mean it really as you see it comes down to customer requests but we can build on and improve our ideas sometimes across our builds and this is something that』s really important to us because we always like to improve and you guys get to see something different.


銀黑色盔甲,透明頂蓋,200mm水箱,Aquacomputer aquabus d5數控版

But really when it comes down to it there is only so much you can do, you know, normal kind of box, or case, and that』s why we are taking things further in other directions which I』m really looking forward to showing you guys with Spectre, our own new case.


Protium tube reservoir 銀黑& Ethreal dual reservoir mount銀

Spectre 黑

I cannot wait to build in to that thing and I mean I haven』t even been able to get my own Spectre yet because they』ve just been on such a high demand but, anyway, in this case, due to the configuration that the customer chose which I had nothing to do with it, just by coincidence that the customer chose the inverted motherboard tray and the extended top which both go together as you will see, to create this exact loop configuration that we』ve been going for, for so long. We』ve been trying to complete, you know, the deisign that we wanted to





So you can see what we』re going for here and it』s going to require quite a lot of mods to the case.











So the case mods so far and it is probably going to be all of it, is a modified mid plate I』ve cut out the original mid plate and replaced it just to clean it up, and just for the through panel holes, the cable routing because we want parallel cables. The 24pin will come out horizontally but the eps and the pcie need to be vertical it is part of the whole loop design and the design of this build it would be very important later on as you will see.



We』ve also done a custom reservoir mounting plate which is something that we often do in caselabs cases except for this time I』ve cut out the entire section behind it and that』s just because there』s no need to have two panels in a row there, it just makes things a lot cleaner and easier



I』ve also done a lot of other through panel holes going up into the top compartment as you can now see, part of the loop is going to be up there, the GPU loop. And this is the only way that we can achieve the parallel and it may look complex, but if you actually overall measure the tube length it is about roughly what is normally is, maybe a little bit on the longest side for the GPU loop, but I think it』s worth it to achieve this configuration.



Part 1 完

Part 2 正在翻譯中



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