Asciidots長得和Befunge差不多/#$<. *-[+] #1/
在Asciidots中,用.作為「入水口」,&作為「出水口」每個點一開始有一個方向,ID和值,一開始都是0,這些之後再談注釋是``後跟著的一些東西卻說我們需要一些「管道」讓「水」流,於是便有了- 左右聯通| 上下聯通
/和 一個非常像平面鏡的東西,例如
/- |
它是溝通的 同時,還有
| -/- |
+ 十字路口,不改變方向
練習1/-& `` This is where the program ends! | - /- | | | /-/ | - ---/ | | -. `` Heres where the program starts
( 只要有水朝左衝過來,就會被影響為往右沖,就像一個蹦床
) 一樣的道理* 只要有水衝進來,就會朝另三個方向衝出去就像(一個比喻) v <*> v
/- /-& `` End | | | -+-v | | /- (-<-/ | | | | -<-/ - | . `` Start
.-$"Hey!"-$_"Here we go : "-#?-$#-&
~ 只要在上(下)方等待的數字不為0,那麼水平方向上的水將會往下(上)流 在豎直方向的水中,只要在經過~時加上!,效果將恰恰相反練習5
/-$"The value is not equal to zero" | .-~-$"The value is equal to zero" | ? # | .
計算是用[]或{}包起來的比如 | [/]-a | b
+ - * / % 基本運算
^ 指數
& 和
o 或
x 異或
> 大於
G 大等於
< 小於
L 小等於
= 相等
! 不等
a-{/}- | b
`` Simple subtraction: `` (3 - 2 = 1) # $ | [-]-2#-. | 3 # | . .-#?-{+}-$# | .-#?--/
: 刪除經過它的值為0的水 ; 同理,但過濾的是非0數如果在它們前面加上@,就表示用id為過濾項當然,函數什麼的也有用%$定義函數用一個非正式字元表示函數以自己的字元開始,以自己的字元(繞了一圈)或走不下去(結束程序)結束
%$A # /-) $ | >-A -3#-. A- -/
Libraries Dots supports libraries! A library is a program that defines a character (usually a letter). Using Libraries A library can be imported by starting a line with %!, followed with the file name, followed with a single space and then the character that the library defines. By default, all copies of the character to lead to the same (singleton) library code. This can cause some unexpected behavior if the library returns an old dot, since that old dot will come out of the char that it came from. Here』s an example of importing the standard for_in_range library (located in the libs folder) as the character f: %!for_in_range.dots f The way to use a library varies. Inputs and outputs of the library are through the alias character. For the for_in_range library, the inputs are defined as follows: The dot coming from the left side sets the starting value of the counter The dot coming from the right sets the end value of the Counter And the outputs are as follows: A dot for each number within the range defined by the inputs is output from the top When the loop is complete (the end value has been reached), a dot is output from the bottom Here is an example of outputting all the numbers between 1 and 100 to the console, then stopping the program: %!for_in_range.dots f # $ | .-*-#1---f- -#100-+-/ | & Creating Libraries Each library defined a character that will act as a warp to & from the library.That can be done like so: %$X `` X could be replaced with a different character, if so desired It is recommended that you create warps for different sids of the char. Just look at the example code for the val_to_addr.dots library: %^X %$AB B-X-A A-*----@{+}-#0-B | | ------/ Location of Library Source Files The source files for libraries are searched for in the following directories (in order): The directory of the asciidots file being interpreted The implementation』s dots/libs/ directory The implementation』s libs/ directory (for backwards compatibility) Interpretation Each tick, the dots will travel along the lines until they hit a charter that acts as a function of multiple dots (i.e. an operation character or a ~ character). The dot will stop if it goes on a path that it has already traversed in the same tick Due to the fact that dots may be moving backwards down a line, if a number or system value (e.g. ?) is seen without a preceding @ or #, it will be ignored, along with any @ or # immediately thereafter
※淺思錄 | 為什麼人工智慧時代我們更需要學外語