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The Romans cut the Seleucid king Antiochus III off from his reinforcements in Thrace and outflank his position at the pass of Thermopylae in the Battle of Thermopylae. With the remainder of his troops, Antiochus flees to Chalcis on Euboea and from there he retreats by sea to Ephesus.


With the increasingly real threat to his Empire from the Romans, Antiochus III is eager to negotiate on the basis of Romes previous demands, but the Romans insist that he first give up the region west of the Taurus Mountains. When Antiochus refuses, the Battle of Magnesia is fought near Magnesia ad Sipylum, on the plains of Lydia in Anatolia, between the Romans with their ally Eumenes II of Pergamum, and the army of Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid Empire. The resulting decisive Roman victory ends the conflict with the Seleucids for the control of Greece.

羅馬人對塞琉古帝國的真正威脅與日俱增,安條克三世急於按照羅馬人先前的條件求和。然而羅馬堅持要求安條克三世放棄托羅斯山脈以西的地區。安條克三世拒絕,於是雙方在安塔托利亞的呂底亞平原上的Magnesia ad Sipylum進行了Magnesia戰役,羅馬及其盟友帕加馬Eumenes二世對陣塞琉古帝國軍隊。最終,羅馬取得決定性的勝利,塞琉古控制希臘的鬥爭成果就此付諸東流。

The Romans along with a Pergamene army under Eumenes II defeat the Galatians in Anatolia and make them subjects of Pergamum.


Through the peace treaty of Apamea (in Phrygia), the Romans force the Seleucid king, Antiochus III, to surrender all his Greek and Anatolian possessions as far east as the Taurus Mountains, to pay 15,000 talents over a period of 12 years and to surrender to Rome the former Carthaginian general Hannibal, his elephants and his fleet, and furnish hostages, including the kings eldest son, Demetrius. Rome is now the master of the eastern Mediterranean while Antiochus IIIs empire is reduced to Syria, Mesopotamia, and western Iran.


As another beneficiary of the war between Rome and Seluecid, Macedonia successfully reconquests the cities in Thessaly and Thrace, which arouses the suspect of Rome for fear of its further expansion.


The Achaean League might have already managed to control Messene by -184, which will fight against the league in the next year.


Philip V of Macedonia is convinced to give up the newly reconquested land in Thrace by the Romans.


Rome founds a colony at Aquileia, on the narrow strip of land between the mountains and the lagoons, as a frontier fortress to check the advance of the Illyrians.


Pharnaces I of Pontus decides to attack both Eumenes II of Pergamum and Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia and therefore invades Galatia with a large force.


Romans commence their second stage of conquest Hispania.


Rome subjugated of almost all of Italy with the defeat of the Ligurians in a battle near modern Genoa.


Eumenes II of Pergamum defeats Pharnaces I of Pontus in a major battle. Finding himself unable to cope with the combined forces of Eumenes and Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia, Pharnaces is compelled to purchase peace by ceding all his conquests in Galatia and Paphlagonia, with the exception of Sinope.


After two military campaigns, the Romans finally subdue the Illyrian tribe of the Histri.


Luni in northern Italy is founded by the Romans with the name Luna at the mouth of the Magra River.


More Ligurian tribes including Garuli, Hercates, and Lapicini are conquered by the Romans.




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