雅思培訓丨雅思口語Part 2人物類話題答題思路

雅思培訓丨雅思口語Part 2人物類話題答題思路

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雅思口語Part 2的重要性考生們都很清楚,可以說,這一部分直接決定了考生的分數。那麼,如果備考時間比較短,而又希望能夠對多數雅思口語題目做到準備充分、輕鬆應考,就需要大家學會「移花接木」的本領,即把雅思口語話題分類匯總,把可以組合或通用的思路聯繫到一起,節省準備考試的時間,並且拿到理想的分數。


首先,我們從雅思口語的「人」這一大類入手,這類題目大致可細分為三類:famous person/ old person/ teenager。有了這三個題目,我們就可以把其他的題目輕鬆套入,做到事半功倍。我們先來看famous person這個題目。

Describe a famous person who is important to yourown country.


The famous person I want to describe is Jacky Chen. He is a famousKungfu star. When he was a young man, he studied Kungfu in Hong Kong. He wasvery painstaking and did exercise for thousands of times a day with injuries inmany parts of the body. Then he was selected to act Kungfu in films by a filmcompany. He had opportunities to show himself and prove his capability. In hismovies, he always acts policeman, soldier and hero for the nation. He hasbecome our hero to let the world know Kungfu of China. He makes contributionsto boost Chinese entertainment industry and spread Chinese Kungfu to thewestern world. He has fans all around the world and he also has apprentice. Heuses his reputation to collect money for charity and help the disabled to buildup confidence for life. I admire him very much because his story encourages meto be painstaking and selfless.


下面是old person的例子。

Describe an old person you know.

The old person I want to talk about is my biology teacher. He has greyhair; he wears a pair of glasses. He always smiles to students so we think heis a kind and friendly teacher. His classes are vivid and interesting. Healways brings real things to the class to teach us the knowledge of biology.Once he brought a glass box of butterflies. Some of them were blue, purple,white and pink. One day he brought a live frog. We were very interested in histeaching. He told me that he would never give up his teaching. He said he wouldgo to Hope Project in remote areas. He makes contribution to the society. Iadmire him very much. He has a sense of selfless and enthusiasm to his career.

這個例子的應用範圍十分廣泛,它可以被用來回答類似teacher/ a person with important job/ a personyou want to be/ a family member/ a neighbour/ a person who taught you somethingimportant等等的題目。


Describe a teenager you know.

The person I want to describe is my friend. He is a happy and strongperson. We knew each other since we were 6 years old. He was talented inbasketball because he』s tall and nimble. He was selected to be one of themembers of school basketball team. After his painstaking training, he becamethe top athlete in our city. He told me that he wants to be the basketball starlike Yaoming. No matter how difficult the training is, even in the rainy days,he sticks to it. However, in one basketball match, his left ankle was injuredseriously. He had to stop training and playing the game. He felt upset. When Iwent to visit him, he told me he wouldn』t give up basketball. Although he can』tcontinue his matches now, he has overcome the misfortune. The smile is on his facewhen he sits on the playground and sees the players. Now he is writing someessays to illustrate the skills of basketball performance. He told me he didn』tstop the dream of basketball. I respect him and I will learn from his strongmind and optimistic attitude.





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